Our Bonds

Chapter 4 - 3

A few days have passed since I requested the the cancellation of the Ri Lanka mission and reported about the mysterious enemy we encountered. HQ approved of the cancellation request and sent us a different task, an interception mission in the Cam Ranh Peninsula. A pretty simple task so I sortied the weaker, less experienced destroyers along with Kaga and Akagi. Hopefully, this can give the young ones some battle experience and slowly build them up for tougher missions in the near future. As for the mysterious enemy roaming near Jam Island, HQ just said they will investigate. For the past few days, the shipgirl's have been doing what they are scheduled to do. When they are free, they frolick around the base, hanging out with one another or going for sweets at Mamiya's Store.

"What a good time to be young."

"Stop acting like a old man and get back to work!"

Ah I made Zuihou angry.

"Geez, can't you just concentrate on your work? It's because you kept on dilly-dallying, that's why your work always piles up." (Zuihou)

"Hai~ To think that this was the same girl who cried her eyes out and kept apologizing after being forced to retreat a few days ago."

I took a look at how would she react. As expected, her face turned beet-red with embarrassment and she just stood there wincing.

"For goodness sake, forget about that already!" (Zuihou)

She screamed, smacking me with the clipboard she's holding, which I blocked.

"Ahahahah! Sorry! I'm sorry! I couldn't help it. Your reactions are too cute!"

Ah. I just said someone's line, didn't I?

Zuihou's face turned even redder than before. She stopped for moment before proceeding to continue flailing at me.

"Again with the teasing!" (Zuihou)


"Admiral, any news about our latest mission?" (Zuihou)

"Nope, after that interception mission, HQ didn't give any other orders. Which means everything is peaceful for now."

"Hehhhh~ Peace is a good thing but it's definitely boring without anything to do." (Zuihou)

"That's right poi!"

The room became silent for a brief moment.

"Where the heck did you come from?!"

"Yuudachi-chan?!" (Zuihou)

"Surprised? Then it was a success!" (Yuudachi)

Standing right behind me, or rather in front of me since I'm facing her now, is a dirty Yuudachi, the fourth ship of the Shiratsuyu-class destroyers and the other one that acts like a little dog. Compared to Shigure, she is more on the hyperactive, playful and clueless side. Though, when it comes to battles, she is not call the Nightmare of Solomon for nothing.

"So, what did you come here for? And when did you come in?"

"I walked in when Zuihou was hitting you. Both of you looked like you were having fun so I just hid in the corner." (Yuudachi)

Yuudachi gestured to the gap between my wardrobe and the wall. She hid in there? No wonder she got dirty. And apparently she chose that moment to sneak up behind me. I grabbed some tissues and begin to clean her up.

"Ahh.You got dirty. Stay still do I can clean you up."

"Poi~~" (Yuudachi)

"Yuudachi-chan, what did you come for?" (Zuihou)

"Oh, right! Ooyodo-san wanted me to pass this to you." (Yuudachi)

She took out a brown folder from behind her and presented it. Did she hide it under her shirt? I took the file from her hands and stroked her head.

"Thank you. Next time just pass it directly to me, okay?"

"Ehehehe. Okay~" (Yuudachi)

(I want that too)

"Hmm? Zuihou did you say something?"

"Ah! No. Nothing!" (Zuihou)

"I see."

Once Yuudachi left the office, I took a look at the contents of the folder. It was just a summary report about recent incidents around the western area. Apparently, other fleets have encountered similar situations just like us, an ambush by a unknown fleet. However, they vary from different fleets. The most notable difference were the language they heard. There were claims of the attackers speaking English, German and even Japanese. The report ends off with the phase 'High command will continue to investigate.'

"Seems like this blew up pretty fast." (Zuihou)

"No kidding! Multiple varying reports in the same area, that can't be anything good. Hopefully it's not a new type of multilingual abyssal."

"The heck is that?" (Zuihou)


That next day, HQ sent out an order to deploy an aircraft carrier mobile task force to Alfonsino. Thus, I sortied Zuihou along with Hiryuu, Souryuu, Nagato, Kitakami and Ooi. Though, she didn't look too happy. So today, Shigure is my secretary ship.

"Admiral, have some tea." (Shigure)

"Thank you."

Shigure placed a cup of green tea on my desk as I look through the expedition reports from yesterday.

"Is there a problem?" (Shigure)

"Uhm, not really. Just thinking of ways to increase our bauxite yield."

Its not like we are still low on resources or anything, but compared to the other 3, our bauxite amount is pretty low.

"True. We don't have much bauxite. We normally rely on aircrafts to deal devastating damage to the enemy. It would be a problem if we run out." (Shigure)

"Well, for now there is nothing we can do. Most of the resource nodes provide fuel and ammo. We are already lucky to be able to find one that provide reasonable amounts of bauxite."

"You just don't want to think about it, don't you?" (Shigure)

"It's the truth."

My packed the report into my drawer and did a stretch.

"Eh? Done already?" (Shigure)

"Yep. These few days there isn't much to do. Once Zuihou and the others are back then I will do the battle report."

"Then can I...." (Shigure)

"Hmm? Oh the usual huh?"

Shigure nodded her head shyly. I make way to the sofa I gently pat my lap

"Come here, Shigure."

Her eyes gleamed with joy as she jumped on to the sofa and laid her head on my lap.

I gently stroked her hair.

"Ahh~ This is good." (Shigure)

"Shigure sure likes being pampered."

"Once in a while is fine. You even gave Yuudachi-chan a headpat yesterday."

She told Shigure about it huh. I guess she felt a little jealous about it.

We remained like this for quite a while, enjoying each other's company.

"I knew it. This position makes me feel the safest. It as if all my fears are being washed away." (Shigure)

"Another nightmare last night?"

"Mm. The same one. Fusou-san, Yamashiro-san, Mogami-san, Michishio-chan, Asagumo-chan and Yamagumo-chan. All of them sunk during that battle. I was the only one that survived. Every time I think about how they would one day disappear again, I feel so scared. I don't want to be left alon- ah???" (Shigure)

I place my free hand over her eyes before she could finish her sentence. She was already becoming emotional as she spoke so I stopped her before the waterworks begin. Everything becoming dark must have confused her a little.

"I told you, didn't I? You are no longer alone. No one is going to go away. I promise, I will make sure of that."

"Thank you, Admiral." (Shigure)

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