Our Bonds

Chapter 5 - 4

Night has fallen on the naval base. All expedition and patrol fleets have returned. Traps and sensors are in place. All the shipgirl's are in their rooms sound asleep and all is quiet. That was supposed to be case. However, why is there someone lying next to me in my bed?! I felt them crawling in before remaining still. A burglar? No, it can't be. A burglar will just go around bagging stuff to steal, not crawl and fall asleep in someone's bed. This person must be one of the shipgirls, but who? Should I just turn on my lamp to see who is this? Yeah I think that's the best.

I reached out, felt around my night stand for the switch and flipped off the covers. The light given out by the lamp is dim, but just enough for me to make out my surroundings. Lying on my bed, sound asleep, is a busty girl with mint-like coloured hair. She is wearing nothing but a purple loose tank top and white panties. The intruder is none other than Suzuya, the 3rd ship of the Mogami class heavy cruisers.

Why on earth did she crawl into my bed? Was she sleepwalking? Even so, the heavy cruisers dorm is in the left wing building. She would have walk through the light cruisers dorm to get here.


Look at her, sound asleep. I really don't like walking up girls who are sleeping so peacefully, but having a defenseless girl beside me is not good for the both of us.

"Oi Suzuya! Suzuya, wake up!"

"mmmh? hmm? Oh Admiral, good morning." (Suzuya)

"Don't 'good morning's me. What are you doing on my bed?"

"Huh?" (Suzuya)

Suzuya gave me a confused look. I guess she is still half-asleep. It took her a while to realize what was going on.

"Oh crap! I ended up falling asleep." (Suzuya)

"What were you thinking?"

"Ehehe. Suzuya got bored so I wanted to see if Admiral can sense my presence. As expected of admiral." (Suzuya)

"So you climbed into my bed hoping to surprise me but fell asleep instead?"

"Well that's the gist of it." (Suzuya)

Sigh. I pushed Suzuya back down onto the bed.

"Wait Admiral! What are you-?" (Suzuya)

I place a finger on her lips.

"Shhhh. Sleep."

"Eh?" (Suzuya)

"You can't sleep on your own bed but you slept in mine right? So, just for tonight."

I whispered that into her ear. Suzuya's face turned red. Of course, she would. Any girl would become embarrassed once someone does something like that. Since Suzuya seems like she is always so open to these kind of scenarios, it's quite cute to see her act like this. To think that a typical manga trope would have a similar reaction in real life. Besides, I don't really like to force a girl to do something she hate, be it if she is a human or a shipgirl. Well, using some force might be fun but what do I know, I have never tried anything like that in my life.

"Then, does Admiral want to sleep with me?" (Suzuya)

"Don't be stupid. I'm a guy, you are a girl. You should know what happens when they get into the same bed.

"If it's Admiral, I don't mind." (Suzuya)

She hid half of her face and looked away as she said that. I will be lying if I said that it wasn't an enticing offer, but I feel the need to control myself and not do it in the spur of the moment.

"Don't be silly. Come on, go to sleep. We need to work tomorrow. I will here till you fall asleep, if that makes you feel better."

In a few moments, Suzuya drifted off into dreamland. I can tell because she didn't respond when I poked her. I guess it's my turn now. I set up the sofa as my bed for rest of the night.


When I woke up in the morning, I found a note on the table, obviously by Suzuya, saying,

"Thank you. Let's do this again sometime."

Better hide it before the someone else sees this and misunderstands. It seems that she also made the effort to tidy up my room. I should thank her later. I change into my uniform, getting ready for another day at work.

For today, I decide to observe the activities of the girls. I know most of them will be on high alert and do things out of the ordinary once they notice my presence, so this will be a self-imposed stealth mission. I want to observe them in their natural state as much as possible. Even though I say stealth, that only applies to when I observe their training and stuff. I probably will still walk around openly when moving from area to area. I better leave a note when my secretary comes in. It's not like I'm slacking off or anything. This is an inspection. Yes, an inspection on my troops. With note saying 'I'm off to do an inspection.' I set off for my first destination, the Naval Training Academy.

-----------Author's Note--------------

Sorry for the short chapter. The next one will be longer.

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