Our Bonds

Chapter 6 - 5

The Naval Training Academy, the place where newly enlisted shipgirls go to learn and train the basics of naval warfare. In a span of 1 year, they will learn about equipment types, formations, battle techniques and the different types of Abyssals. Classes are segregated into Destroyers, Light Cruisers, Heavy Cruisers, Aircraft Carriers and Battlesh.i.p.s. Each class is led by a group of more experienced shipgirls, like the Myoukou Sisters and Akagi. These shipgirls can sortie as long as they pass a test to see whether or not they are fit for battle. Even after passing the test, they still need to attend lessons at the academy for a year.

By crawling through the vents, I can see each and every room in the academy. The first class that I'm spying on right now is Destroyer Class 2. This class is mostly occupied by the Kagerou Class and the some members of the Ayanami Class and is taught by Heavy Cruiser Maya. I wonder what are they learning today? Oh! Anti-air warfare! That's great, this will be beneficial to them. All of them look so diligent. I have high hopes for them.

The next class I come across is Light Cruiser Class 1, which consists of the Nagara Class and is taught by Yuubari. The Nagara class mainly specialise in anti-air and anti-sub warfare. For reasons unknown, they perform extremely well in these two areas. Abukuma and Kitakami have a somewhat estranged relationship, with the former fearing the latter. Possibly due to their historical moments with one another. Yuubari is somewhat like a mechanic. She invents new things for the fleet and assists Akashi in repair and maintainance. Although sometimes, her invention have rather questionable purposes. Like her recent 'Punishment Device" invention, I won't go into detail but one look and I know that this device is dangerous. So I had it sealed up. I didn't dismantle it because I felt its a waste and maybe it will be useful in the future.

It seems that only 2 classes are in session today. That means the rest are in practice right now. Next stop, the training range.

The training range is where each shipgirl hones their skills. Be it cannons or aircraft, all of them are practiced in this area. If I'm not wrong, today is reserved for aviation practice.

As I can climb to the top of a tree to avoid detection from any of the girls, I can hear the roar of a plane taking off. Oh, so it's the aviation cruisers and bathrooms today. Aside from the carriers, the other shipgirls with aviation capabilities are Mogami, Mikuma, Suzuya, Kumano, Fusou and Yamashiro. All of them have been remodeled to aviation cruisers and aviation battlesh.i.p.s respectively. Mogami looks and speaks like a boy. The first time I met her, I got confused as to how a boy became part of the fleet. She is frank with her words, upbeat, energetic and tomboyish. She is also quite clumsy, though not as clumsy as Samidare. Oh, Samidare is a destroyer from the Shiratsuyu class. That girl is also way too clumsy for her own good. Next is Mikuma. She is the one with twintails.Compared to Mogami, Mikuma is the exact opposite. She is speaks formally, behaves more maturely and is a lot more girlie than the former. Though, she tends to say 'Kumarinko' or 'Mi-Kuma' sometimes. It's somewhat cute. Suzuya is the girl that was sleeping in my bed last night. She is a friendly, cheerful, childish and somewhat s.e.xy girl. The way she talks and acts can be considered flirtatious, but that's just part of her personality. As long as it doesn't get her in trouble with other males, there is no problem. Next to Suzuya is Kumano. Kumano is the one with the brown ponytail and brown uniform. Like Mikuma, Kumano is the opposite of Suzuya, formal and 'ojou-sama-ish'. She has a habit of screaming like a dolphin when she attacks though. No doubt, the four of them work hard to do their part of the base.

Fusou and Yamashiro are the only two Aviation Battlesh.i.p.s in the naval district. Fusou is the one with long hair while Yamashiro has short hair. Both of them have a pagoda-like hair ornaments, lament about their bad luck and are members of 'The Unlucky Tea Ceremonies', a group for shipgirl's with bad luck I guess. Without the need to say, both of them care for one another. Yamashiro is the more paranoid one and is pretty pessimistic about thing, so she tend to stick to her sister more. I really hope that one day these two sisters can get along well with the rest. it seems that all six of them are practicing with Seaplane Bombers. I can't really hear what they are saying but the seem to be having fun and getting along with one another. Maybe that wish is not so farfetched after all.

"Eh? Commander what are you doing up there?"

Oops, I've been spotted. I look down from the tree and see Fubuki there, looking up with confusion. She is alone so that's good. It would be a problem if she was with someone else, or if someone other than her found me. Fubuki is a special type destroyer. She is serious and diligent in her work. Other than that, she is a rather plain girl. Although she is a special-type destroyer, I have yet to unlock her true potential.

"eheheh. Hi Fubuki."

"Hello Admiral. What you doing up there?" (Fubuki)

"Er.... "

I need to think of something quick.

"Just taking a look at the scenery from here. this is a pretty good spot."

"But isn't the view from your office better?" (Fubuki)

Tch. This is not enough to trick her.

"Well, the environment matters as well. If you see something while being surrounded by natural elements rather than through a window, it looks much nicer."

I have no idea what I'm saying.

"Really? I never thought of that!" (Fubuki)

Yes! She bought it!

"It's true! You should try it sometime."

"I never thought of that." (Fubuki)

Sorry Fubuki. I can't let anyone find out that I'm going around observing you girls. I climbed down the tree and walked towards the docks.

"Well then, I'm going back to my office now."

Sorry that's also a lie.

"Yes! Please take care!" (Fubuki)

Fubuki gave a salute as she finished her sentence. Naturally I returned the salute. Seriously girl, learn to relax around me a little. No need to be so serious.

The docks, the place where shipgirls come to rest their tired bodies and occasionally bond together through skinship. Well, the second is false, I think. I don't know, I have never bathed with the them before. The docks is basically a bathhouse in the naval district. Night time is the only time where the docks is reserved for my usage. It's a bit lonely to have such a big bath all to myself but it can't be helped. I'm the only guy in a workplace dominated by females. This is to respect both parties privacy. Although I'm really tempted to take peek most of the time. Right now, there aren't any sorties so the baths should be empty. No, maybe someone has decided to take a bath at this timing. Best not to enter right now. Next stop, the factory.

The factory is the place where equipment gets constructed and upgraded and shipgirls get mordenized. Akashi usually runs this place while Yuubari assists sometimes.

"Yo Admiral! Here to do some equipment upgrades?" (Akashi)

"Hi Akashi. Nope, just taking a walk around."

Akashi is a repair ship. Maintainance, repairs and improvement of equipment are in her field. She is extremely protective of the equipment though.

"Really? You're just slacking off again, ain't you? Your secretary is going to get angry again." (Akashi)

She got me. Now that she mentioned it, who did I register as my secretary today? Shigure? Zuihou? Yahagi?

"I found you at last!"

I've been caught! I turned around to the source of the voice. A bespectacled, black hair girl in a white sailor uniform stood at the factory entrance.

Oh. Today's secretary is Ooyodo.

"How did you find me?"

"I had Yuudachi-chan track down your scent. She said you would be here." (Ooyodo)

What is she? A dog? I mean she does acts like one.

Ooyodo grabbed me by wrist and pulled. No matter how hard I try to pull away, it's no use. As expected of a girl with the proportionate strength of a warship.

"Geez. Making me run all over the place to find you. Hurry up and let's go back. There are tons of paperwork and reports to do." (Ooyodo)

"EHHHH!? Give me a break!"

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