Our Bonds

Chapter 7 - 6

It took a while, but I managed to finish all the paperwork I had for the day. Most of them were just acknowledging to reports and future plans. There is even an investigation report on the the Western Area. According to the report, HQ has deemed the Western Area as dangerous and off-limits to all fleets from every naval district. Apparently there is an ongoing war between multiple groups in that area. Alternative routes have been established for any expeditions taking place in that area but who knows when it will be discovered by the unknown groups. For the time being, a team consisting of naval personnel and diplomats have been dispatched to the islands near the Western Area to verify the current situation.

"Just when I thought the war with the Abyssals was hard enough. Now we may have to fight an unknown group of enemies who can deal heavy damage to our fleet instantly."

"But they only managed to do that by catching us off-guard. It might be different if we were more prepared." (Ooyodo)

"But still, to be able to do that is already frightening. Furthermore, it's not just one fleet that can do that. There are multiple groups of them. If only they can help us get rid of the Abyssals while wiping each other out then that would be great."

"Ahaha. That's a bit of a long stretch." (Ooyodo)

"I know, right?"

"All done?" (Ooyodo)

"Yep. Just fax this resource report over to HQ and you can be dismissed."

I pass the report over to Ooyodo.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll take my leave now." (Ooyodo)

"Good work and good night."

With Ooyodo leaving, the office became quiet. Apart from the lights emiting from the hallways and the port, darkness enveloped the entire Naval District. Night is when most shipgirl's feel uneasy. Not sure how they feel that way, could be due to the fact that sh.i.p.s are most vulnerable when they have no idea where the enemy is. That's the only explanation I can think of. So as usual, I might need to prepare for a visitor in the middle of the night. I should go to bed soon, today was a tiring day.

I awoke probably sometime around 6am.The sun has risen a little so my room is a bit lit up. I can feel something wrapped around my right arm and on my leg, something a little hard but soft. A soft breathing sound can be heard. I turn to my right and a sleeping face greeted me. With little light entering my room, I can barely make out the face of the sleeping shipgirl. Long, brown, unkempt hair, and, based on what I'm feeling on my arm, a flat chest and small statue. Don't misunderstand, I can help it but feel them when their bodies are so close. One of the destroyers, probably Arashio? No judging by the style of her fringe, this girl is not Arashio. This girl's fringe forms something like a small roof before flowing down to the side of her face. There is only two girls whose hair are like this. It could be Kagerou but Kagerou is tall, this girl feels short. Which means there's only one left.

With my free hand, I turned over the covers to confirm my suspicions. Clinging onto my right arm with one leg on mine was a small girl clad in a white, loose Yukata.No matter how you look at it, Zuihou is the one sleeping in my bed. Her collar lay half open, exposing her white skin and other forbidden places. Can't be helped, that happens when one sleeps in a Yukata. It's just an inevitable accident, or so I tell myself. I could fix her Yukata, but if she wakes up while I'm doing that, there will be hell to pay. Besides, it's s.e.xy in its own way. Wait, what am I think?!

My arm is starting to feel a little numb. I want to move it, but with Zuihou on it, it's a little hard to do so. A part of her thigh is on my fingers, and knowing Zuihou, she is very sensitive to touch.

"Let me just move a little."

I wiggled my fingers a little, unintentionally touching a thighs

"mmmmnn~" (Zuihou)

A soft m.o.a.n escaped her lips. Like I said, Zuihou is sensitive to touch.

I could stay like this forever, but anymore stimulation by this cute girl may awaken something in me. Should I wake her up? I don't want to disturb a cute sleeping face. But then again, it's best for the both of us.

"eheheh. Ad~mi~ral~" (Zuihou)

What is this adorable creature?! I'm sorry but I need you to wake up. I placed my free hand on her shoulder and gave a little shake.

"Zuihou, wake up. Its morning already."

"mmgh!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou gripped my arm tighter. I tried to pull away but just couldn't. She has literally put my arm in a vice grip.

"Come on wake up already!"

"Huh?" (Zuihou)

Zuihou's finally opened her eyes. She still has a sleepy look on her face as she tries to process her surroundings.

"Can you let go of my arm?"

"Hoe? Ah!" (Zuihou)

Realizing what was going on, she released her grip and went into a kneeling position.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to oversleep on your bed. I thought I could wake up before you!" (Zuihou)

Wow. She spoke so fast it's a wonder I can catch all that. Her face is red and she avoiding eye contact. Not sure if she is embarrassed or feeling guilty about oversleeping. Either way, I don't think she notices the state her clothes are in. I can almost see those little hills.

"Calm down. Fix your clothes first. I can almost see them."

"Huh? Kyaaa!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou quickly covered up her front. Of course she would be embarrassed. Any girl would feel the same way.

"I know how you feel but shouldn't you get ready first? We can talk later."

"Yes..." (Zuihou)

She wore a downcast expression on her face as soon as I said. Did she think that she would punished? That thought didn't cross my mind at all. Maybe a little.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to scold or punish you. Anyway you are my secretary today, remember?"

"Oh right! I forgot!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou's expression brightened as she quickly jumped out of my bed and went to the door.

"I'll be back soon." (Zuihou)

What a way to start the morning. I changed into my uniform I heard for breakfast. Hmm, maybe I should do something to Zuihou as payback. How should I do it?

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