Our Bonds

Chapter 8 - 7

Today there is a sortie to the Northern Seas. A search-and-destroy mission. The operation will take up to 2 days, including travelling time. The sh.i.p.s on this mission will be flagship Yahagi, Destroyers Murasame and Yamakaze, Carriers Hiryuu, Souryuu and Shouhou. The secretary's job is to read of the mission brief so long as she is not part of the operation.

"All sh.i.p.s are to remain in contact with command and with each other at all times. Retreat as soon as one of you is heavily damaged. If retreat is impossible, take cover and wait for the escort fleet. That's all. Any questions?" (Zuihou)


"Yes, Hiryuu-senpai." (Zuihou)

"What's with that get-up? Kinda fits you."

"I'm not wearing this because I want to." (Zuihou)

Reading the mission brief was Zuihou in a blue sailor dress. Similar to the one worn by Amatsukaze and Yukikaze. Yep, I was the one that made her wear it. As a form of payback.

"It looks cute, Zuihou." (Shouhou)

"Shouhou!" (Zuihou)

"Come on, let's go. We will be back, Admiral." (Yahagi)

"Good luck."

The fleet left the office for the port, where they would be equipped with their rigging. I can feel a certain someone giving me a death stare.

"Geez, how long are you going to glare at me like that?"

"This costume is just too weird! It looks a little childish, the skirt is too short and it's breezy down there. Can I change back now?" (Zuihou)

If Amatsukaze or Yukikaze were here, they would freak out over that statement. True, the skirt is indeed too short. it just barely covers the wearer's bottom area. I guess that's the charm of that outfit.

"Really, you look cute in that. Besides, what are you going to wear? I already sent your clothes back to your room. You're gonna have to walk all the way back like that?"

That's a lie. I didn't send her clothes back. I hid them in one of my drawers.

"Ugh..." (Zuihou)

"Give it up. You are going to wear that throughout the day. That's payback for this morning."

She doesn't look too happy with that condition. She is starting to sulk. Maybe I can put in something to encourage her.

"Tell you what, if you wear that for the whole day, I will give you anything you want. How does that sound?"

"Anything?" (Zuihou)

"Yes, anything."

"Got it. I will do my best!" (Zuihou)

Looks like she is all perky again. She will probably ask for Mamiya's sweets or another Type 99 Dive Bomber model.

"All right. Let's get back to work."

"Yes!" (Zuihou)

While Zuihou sorts out the doc.u.ments according to their category, I focus on skimming through the important data and creating new proposals for future operations. There was a request to formulate a battle plan against the enemies occupying the Western area, which seems to have expanded their battlefield into the Central Area. If they expand any further, they might bring there fight into our territory. What worries me the most is the emergence of a new enemy. This enemy resembles the abyssals, but with a more ship-like appearance. Hopefully Yahagi's fleet doesn't encounter that. Probably not, since the area the operation is taking place is nowhere near the Central Area. With insufficient information, there is no way we can come up with a proper battle plan, let alone secure a victory. Unless we take the usual method of striking everything with heavy firepower. I mean, that method usually works most of the time. Most Admirals, including myself, use this.

"Admiral, there's something weird with this doc.u.ment. It's saying that we received some new equipment, but there weren't any deliveries other than our daily supply of repair buckets and resources." (Zuihou)

"What equipment did they mentioned?"

"Some interrogation device and new fighter planes." (Zuihou)

"Oh those. We already have them since 2 months ago."

"Eh?" (Zuihou)

"Remember that time when you went on a 80 hour expedition? That's when the equipment came in. Akashi made adjustments to the interrogation device but I had it sealed because it looks shady. The planes were just Prototype Reppus and Type 52s."

"Heeh...." (Zuihou)


Thus, the day went on as usual, with me going through doc.u.ments and creating reports and my secretary assisting me. Some of the shipgirls, like Shigure and Yuudachi, came to hang out. Though their definition of hanging out was them falling asleep near the fireplace. Suzuya came to chat and eat some cake with us. Kongou was up to her usual tea time shenanigans. The expedition team came back with great results. Some destroyers were frolicking in the garden which can be seen from my office window. Despite the Abyssal threat, things were relatively peaceful here. Well, save for the chaos that the shipgirls can cause on a daily basis.

"Finally done."

"Thank you for your hard work, Admiral." (Zuihou)

"You too, Zuihou. And both of you, how long are you two going to laze there? Its already night."

Yuudachi and Shigure were still here since just now. They played among themselves quietly, so I was able to concentrate on work. But I feel as if they won't be going back to their dorms anytime soon.

"I want to sleep with Admiral, poi!" (Yuudachi)

Yuudachi suddenly lunged at me, making me lose my balance.

"OOF! Geez, Yuudachi!"

"Can we, Admiral?" (Shigure)

Shigure had a yearning look on her face. I guess she wants it too.

"I don't see why not."


That came from Zuihou, who looked shocked for some reason.

"What's wrong, Zuihou?"

"Erm. No-nothing. Ahahahah." (Zuihou)

"Are you sure?"

"Really. Nothing." (Zuihou)

She had a dissapointed look on her face. Is she feeling jealous? Or did she want to sleep with me as her reward? I suppose I can offer this time for free.

"Zuihou-chan, you want to join us? The more the merrier! You're fine with it right, Shigure?" (Yuudachi)

"mmmhmm." (Shigure)

Ah, Yuudachi beat me to it. Zuihou look at me, as if asking for confirmation.

"Why not? My bed is big enough for four people."

"YAY!" (All)

Yuudachi jumped for joy, Zuihou's eyes gleamed and Shigure just smiled. That's just her way of being excited.

"Come on. Go take your bath and change into your pajamas."

The three of them exited the office cheerfully. I still cannot believe that such simple things can satisfy them this much. Maybe it's the fact that they couldn't enjoy these simple things in the past.

A little while has passed before the three of them returned, each in their nightwear and carrying their pillow. Zuihou on her white Yukata, Shigure in blue pajamas and Yuudachi in red. I went ahead to take my bath while the three of them decide their sleeping spot on the bed.

"Have you decided which spot to take?"

"Yes!" (All)

Starting from the left side of the bed, Yuudachi, followed by Shigure, then me and ending with Zuihou. That was the position they agreed on. No disagreements on my end.

"I'm turning the lights off."

"Yes. Good night." (All)

It's not as cramp as I thought it would be. I know the bed is big enough for four people but I have never tried squeezing with three others before. There is still same space to move around. I felt something tug at my shirt.

"Admiral, are you awake?" (Zuihou)

"What is it?"

"About my reward...." (Zuihou)

"Oh, that. You can claim it another time. Today's for free."

"Seriously?" (Zuihou)


"Ehehe. Thank you~" (Zuihou)

Zuihou snuggled closer. This reminds me of the previous night. I'm mentally prepared this time.

"Let's do our best tomorrow as well."

"Yes." (Zuihou)

I stroked Zuihou's head.

"Admiral, me too." (Shigure)

This time, Shigure tugged at my sleeve.

"Here you go."

Working with these shipgirls everyday is fun in a way, especially when they are all docile like this. Since they are the ones doing all the fighting, a little reward and some skinship, if they request for it, is the least I can do for them. Being a Admiral is a tiring job, but if it's for a chance to let these girls live a normal life without fighting in the future, I will do anything to achieve it.

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