Our Bonds

Chapter 30 - 29

"Before I start anything, congratulations on your second remodel, Suzuya. The new outfit looks good on you."

Standing in front of me is the newly Aviation Cruiser Suzuya. She wears a tan blouse and a brown jacket with an Imperial Chrysanthemum Logo. She has darker brown stockings and shoes with red rudders in the shape of heels. Her weapons include a new hand-held main gun with a searchlight attached and improved turrets attached to the side of her stockings. Her flight deck is attached to a bandolier worn around her body.

"Ehehe. Thank you." (Suzuya)

"How's the equipment? Do you need any adjustments?"

"Nope. It fits perfectly! I need to thank Akashi later." (Suzuya)

She still looks and acts like a school girl. That's her charm point though.

"It's a little early but I want you to run some tests. Just to observe your current capabilities. After that, we can move on to get you to meet the requirements for your third remodel."

"A third remodel?!" (Suzuya)

Suzuya rushed up close to my face with a surprise look. In fact, she is too close.

"Y-yep. You can become a Light Aircraft Carrier. Or rather, a Fast Light Attack Carrier. According to blueprints, you will have medium attack range and the highest firepower amongst the other light carriers."

I can see the glimmer in her eyes. Of course she would want that remodel. It was sort of her dream to be on par with either the Aviation Battlesh.i.p.s or the Carriers. Hmm, or was that just my own interpretation? Either way, she looks more motivated to get stronger now.

"I know you want to get that third remodel as fast as possible but don't overdo it."

"Ugh... I got it. I won't push myself too hard." (Suzuya)

"Good. Now then, I look forward to see your performance."

"Yes!" (Suzuya)

Suzuya left for the port. Waiting for her there would be five of the Shiratsuyu sisters, Shigure, Yuudachi, Murasame, Umikaze and Kawakaze. Since it's a test for Suzuya to try out her equipment on the battlefield, the mission isn't that difficult. It will also be good experience for Kawakaze and Umikaze, since there is a second remodel waiting for them.

Now then, time for the next problem.

Curled up in the corner of my office, was a small green Light Aircraft Carrier. Her back facing towards me.

"What's wrong? You have been like that since morning."


No answer, huh. Well, even if she didn't reply I already know the answer. Obviously, she is jealous of all the recent remodels. Mutsuki, Murasame, Suzuya are the one of the few who just achieved their second remodel. Even Hiryuu and Souryuu got their long overdue second remodels.

She is definitely sulking.

Though I know the reason, I think it's better if she says it herself. Only problem is, how do I get her to talk to me? Maybe...

"If you don't talk, I'm gonna tease you~"


Still no answer. Well, don't say I didn't warn you.

Usually the girls would do this to me as a prank. To think I would be using their tactics for this.

I brought my face closer and blew at her right ear.


She clearly flinched a little, but is still ignoring me. You won't be ignoring me after I do this!

I began poking her sides. She jumped in response to hisany pokes I made. Still not giving in eh. Let's try this!

"Take this!"

"Wa-!! Admiral?! W-wait!!! Hahahahahaha!!!" (Zuihou)

I gave her the typical tickle attack. With such a sensitive body like hers, she couldn't resist.

"Wa-wait! St-stop!! I'm... at my limit..." (Zuihou)

I quickly stopped my attack. That was close. The face she made just now nearly flipped the switch in me. Her breathing was short and heavy as she tries to catch her breathe.

"Geez! Admiral is so mean!" (Zuihou)

"I told you, didn't I?"

Zuihou puffed up her cheeks. God, stop with this cute behavior. I'm already trying to control myself.

"So, what has gotten you so down?"

"You already know yourself, do you?" (Zuihou)

"Hmm... nope."

*sigh* "A remodel. Why didn't I get a remodel? I know there are certain conditions to meet. What are they?" (Zuihou)

"Battle experience."


"One needs to hit a certain amount of experience on the battlefield before being eligible for a remodel. Moreover, we need to have the necessary materials too."

"Then send me out on a sortie! I want to reach that amount!"

I knew she would say that. As much as I understand her feelings, I don't want her to overdo it. These girls have the tendency to do just that once they got the eye on something.

"Nope. I won't."


"Remember the last operation? You froze in the middle of battle. You were lucky that the enemy was stunned by its own attack. This kind of thing may not happen again."


I placed one finger on her lips.

"No means no. At least not now. Right now you need to relax a little. Don't worry about your remodel,"

I brought her head, along with the body, down to my lap.

"You will definitely get it sooner or later."

"Then, can I ask for something?" (Zuihou)

"What is it? If it's something within my power, I can do it."

"Hug me." (Zuihou)

He he. That's a cute request.

I pulled her closer to my abdomen, before placing my arms across her chest area.

"Just let me stay like this for a while." (Zuihou)

"Sure thing."

"Afterwards we are going back to work." (Zuihou)

"Ugh. I was hoping you would forget about that."

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