Our Bonds

Chapter 32 - 31

These few days have been extremely hot. I know it's summer but come on, can't the sun tone it down a bit. As usual, some of the girls have changed into their summer outfits, which means its swimsuits season here at Maizuru Naval District. Normally I would be excited at the feast before my eyes but today, I'm not in the mood to do so. Why? Well, right now there is a Naval Excercise between Maizuru fleet one and Azur Lane's Eagle Union fleet.

"No enemies detected in the east. Bringing back my seaplanes." (Agano)

"None in the west too. That means they would be coming from the front or back." (Suzuya)

"Flagship, what shall we do?" (Agano)

"mmmh... Let's advance for now." (Zuihou)

Like normal excercises, the goal is to take out the flagship of either fleets. The excercise area is held in the open waters off the Nansei Islands. Zuihou, Suzuya, Agano, Shigure, Yuudachi, and Yamashiro against six Eagle Union girls. A typical 6v6 fight. Even though they are using practice shells, it still hurts and their outfit and rigging will react the same way as a actual battle. The only difference this time is that instead of Agano, Zuihou is the flagship. All six of them agreed on this. The main purpose of this match is to test the decision making of both groups in the event that communications with base are cut off. In the command room, the Commander and I are watching everything from a birds eye view.

As Maizuru advanced forward, the other fleet is changing their course toward their west.

"This is a bad match-up."

"I agree. Most IJN sh.i.p.s have a bad history with USS sh.i.p.s. Besides, it's too late to change now." (Commander)

"Try not to scare my girls too much. They are all scared of the Eagle Union. Though it would be great if they can use this excercise to overcome their fear."

"Well, we can only watch them for now. Make sure to console them when they lose." (Commander)

"Who says my fleet will lose? They will make sure to turn the tables on you."

"It's a bet then." (Commander)

Even though I said that, I have a feeling that they might actually lose. One reason is the trauma from their past. The other may be due to Zuihou's instructions. Despite being the flagship, She is the least experienced in giving out orders compared to the rest. Furthermore, the Eagle Union side has two Aircraft Carriers, Yorktown and Enterprise, from what I heard. Both are sister sh.i.p.s and are pretty strong carriers. Aside from these two, they have Battleship Colorado, Cruiser San Diego, and Destroyers Eldridge and Laffey. I'm not sure about the other four, but they ought to be very strong as well.

"It has been too quiet for a while. Should I scout ahead a bit?" (Shigure)

"Got it. I'll leave it to you. Suzuya-san, can you launch a scout plane over there?" (Zuihou)

Zuihou pointed to the east.

"Something tells me the enemy may be over there."

"Is it that feeling again?" (Yamashiro)

"Y-yeah." (Zuihou)

Suzuya launched a recon seaplane towards the east. Like Zuihou anticipated, Yorktown, I think, launched a group TBM-3D torpedo bombers from their location.

"That small Carrier girl is rather clairvoyant." (Commander)

No, I think she just felt bloodl.u.s.t coming from that direction. And what did Yamashiro mean about 'that feeling again'?

"Enemy air fleet discovered! A wave of torpedo bombers!" (Suzuya)

Finally Suzuya can tell the difference between plane types.

"Shigure, regroup with us! All units, execute diamond formation. Prepare for anti-air combat!" (Zuihou)

"Roger!" (All)

Meanwhile, the Eagle Union girls started to home in on Maizuru's location. Did they guess? Or is their technology so advanced that they are able to find us from such a distance?

<Found a small seaplane. Probably a scout. Looks like they discovered our air fleet.> (Yorktown)

<That's fine. We already detected them ages ago. Launching a second wave of bombers. Yorktown, launch some fighters as well. Just like we discussed earlier, Yorktown and I will stay behind and provide air support. Colorado will handle the shelling and anti-air defenses. San Diego, mess around with them. Eldridge and Laffey will support you.> (Enterprise)

<Alright! Full speed ahead> (San Diego)

The red haired girl, I think that's San Diego, went up ahead towards Maizuru fleet. The other two smaller girls followed after her. The two carriers and the battleship continued at the same cruising speed. Even though I couldn't understand a thing they said, I understood their strategy.

"Making use of small and fast sh.i.p.s to confuse them while carrying out aerial bombardment and shelling. That's their plan, right?"

"Yep. A standard tactic they use back at our base. They taught the rest of my girls this tactic. Reckless, but simple and effective. All the fast ones need to do is just dodge the allied shelling." (Commander)

True. The enemy can use the confusion set by one of their units to break our formation and deal significant damage. My girls are not capable of such tactics yet. They stick to the formations and tactics that were taught to them. If I were to copy this tactic, the only ones that can pull off this kind of evasive maneuvers are the Destroyer classes. I will teach this to them soon.

"Oh. It's starting."

On the screen, a dogfight has started. Anti-air guns from Maizuru fired towards their airborne assailants. Those with air capabilities launched their aircraft to repel the enemy air force. With Eagle Union launching more planes and closing in on their position, I have to admit, regrettably, that this match will be won by Azur Lane.

<Looks like they are struggling against your planes.> (Colorado)

<Of course they would. Our technology and war tactics are superior to them. Nothing can stop us!> (Enterprise)

<San Diego has reached her target. Looks like our victory is ensured.> (Yorktown)

<Good. Let's keep up the attack!> (Enterprise)

With the three small shipgirl's from Eagle Union weaving between and being more than a mere nuisance, Maizuru's formation quickly broke up. Yuudachi and Yamashiro already got heavily damaged, their swimsuits torn to shreds. Agano and Suzuya suffered from light damages. Shigure is barely holding her ground, but her breathing is becoming ragged. Is her PTSD returning? If so, I'm will have to stop the excercise.

"Admiral I'm sorry. Please stop the excercise!"

The call came from Yamashiro. She sounded distressed.

"Yamashiro, what's wrong?"

"It's Shigure. I think something is wrong with her." (Yamashiro)

Suddenly, Shigure figure went limp and collapsed on the water, her heavy and ragged breathing can be heard from the speakers. This is bad!




That scream was not from any of the girls. It was from the flagship, Zuihou. She was cowering with her hands on her head, trembling madly. What's happening?!

"No! Don't come closer! Don't!!" (Zuihou)

The Eagle Union girls also noticed this and stopped their attacks.

<What's going on?> (Eldridge)

<Enterprise, Yorktown. Bring your planes back. Something happened.> (San Diego)

"Commander, I'm stopping the excercise right now! Bring your girls back. I'll bring mine in as well. I hope you understand."

"Go ahead. This is serious." (Commander)

"Thank you."

I went to the intercom and gave my orders through the microphone.

"Tama, your fleet is up. Escort and bring fleet one back. Akashi will follow you. Prioritise Zuihou and Shigure. Bring them to the infirmary immediately. The others will go for resupply. I'll meet you in the infirmary."

I placed the microphone down.

"Ooyodo, Sorry but I'll leave it to you to tidy up this place."

"Go on, Admiral. They need you." (Ooyodo)

Such a kind and understanding woman. I will treat her to something later.

"I appreciate it. Thank you."

I made my way to the infirmary. Shigure's condition was sort of expected since there are past instances of her being unable to fight all of a sudden. Zuihou's was abnormal. This is the first time it happened. Was she still affected by her kidnapping incident? Whatever the case is, I need to find out and solve it.

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