Our Bonds

Chapter 33 - 32

At the infirmary, Shigure and Zuihou laid on the beds while Akashi checks their condition. Shigure's breathing has stabilized while Zuihou is asleep.

"We had to sedate her since she was thrashing around. She won't be awake for at least three hours." (Akashi)

Since their biological makeup is similar to humans', human medicine should have the same effect on them.

"I understand. At least she can rest for now. How is Shigure?"

"It looks like the usual. Seeing everyone else, especially Yamashiro-san, getting hurt except for her is one of the causes. The chaos and violence she saw was more than what she was used to as well. That must have amplified her fear of sinking. Combine these factors and this is what happens." (Akashi)

Shipgirls possess the memories and characteristics of the namesake warship. They remember almost every single event, from the day they were created to their last moments. With such memories they developed a fear for sinking and are very much traumatised by those events and the way they sunk. In Shigure's case, it was seeing Yamashiro getting hurt and the presence of US sh.i.p.s.

"For Zuihiu-chan's case, it might have been the same. Although I'm not sure what actually triggers it. Was she simply overwhelmed by the fear of sinking or something more?" (Akashi)

I think I know what caused such trauma to awaken within her.

"Uuuhh... This is?"

"Shigure, how are you feeling?"

"Uugh... a little tired. What about the excercise?" (Shigure)

"It's cancelled. You fainted midway so we had to bring you back."

"I see. It happened again, huh. I'm sorry for the tro-ehh?!"

I hugged Shigure while she laid there. I know I surprised her but I feel I should do it.

"I'm so sorry I put you through all that!"

"Admiral? Umm..."

"I will leave you guys for a while. Call me when Zuihou-chan wake up." (Akashi)

I can hear the door open and close shut. Akashi must left.

"Admiral, I'm fine now. I just couldn't handle all the things going through my mind at that time that's all." (Shigure)

Shigure gently pushed me away and sat up.

"If anything is troubling you, you need to tell me, understand? I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose any of you."

"I got it. Like I said, I just got a bit overwhelmed, that's all. By the way, why is Zuihou-san here as well?" (Shigure)

"Right after you passed out, Zuihou had a nervous breakdown."


"When Fleet 2 went to retrieve the both of you, she started thrashing around. Yamashiro and Suzuya had to hold her down while Akashi sedated her."

"How did that happen? She wasn't like this before." (Shigure)

"I think Yamashiro knows something. When you left to scout ahead, Zuihou said she felt something coming from the east and ordered Suzuya to launch a seaplane towards that direction. That's when Yamashiro asked her if it was that feeling again. Zuihou must have told Yamashiro something she isn't telling me."

"That reminds me, one the day we signed the alliance with Azur Lane, Yamashiro and Fusou said that they were worried about Zuihou. Something about her running away after staring towards the ocean for a while."

"On that day, she did show up a little late after she went to communicate with the defence planes she launched earlier. She had a fearful expression on her but I didn't think much about it back then. Could it be...?"

"Maybe asking Yamashiro would be best."


I tucked Shigure back to bed.

"Get some sleep. Don't push yourself for now.

"Got it. Sorry for worrying you." (Shigure)

"As long as you are alright. I will be back soon."

I left the infirmary and head to the battlesh.i.p.s dorm. Yamashiro definitely knows something. I need to find out what.


"What happened on that day? Oh, you heard about it." (Yamashiro)

I found Yamashiro on my way to the dorm. She was going to visit Shigure in the infirmary.

"Shigure told me about it. She should be sleeping right now."

"I see. Wait, you don't know about the changes in Zuihou-chan's behavior?" (Yamashiro)

"No, I don't. Even when she was on secretary duty, she was as let normal."

"Recently, she started being paranoid and having feelings of dread. Especially when Abyssal Carriers or Eagle Union Carriers are involved. One day, when patrolling, She suddenly froze in place when her scout plane discovered an abyssal air fleet. After that she launched all her planes at once just to intercept the air fleet and search for the carrier. She didn't bring her planes back after that, saying there could be more in the area." (Yamashiro)

That's the first time I heard about this.

"She told me not to tell anyone else, saying it would be embarrassing for her. And on the day when Azur Lane came, she stood at the port for a while. After that, she ran off, as if she sensed danger. Nee-sama saw it as well. Her eyes were filled with fear." (Yamashiro)

I knew it. That day she saw the Azur Lane fleet through her planes. Enterprise was there, so she became frightened and returned to my side, scared. She was psychologically unwell this whole time. She managed to hide from me so well that I didn't even noticed the slight changes in her behavior. This is somewhat frustrating.

"Thank you for sharing this with me, Yamashiro."

"Your face is a little scary. You are not angry, aren't you?" (Yamashiro)

"Oh I am angry, all right. Angry at myself."

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