Our Bonds

Chapter 34 - 33

Since I found out about Zuihou's new condition, it's best to come up with ways to get her to recover. Medicine could help, but I don't want her to rely on it too much. First, I need to 'isolate' the main factor.

"Sorry Commander, but I going have to request that you don't bring any of the Eagle Union girls here anymore. The rest are fine."

"So the problem was caused by Enterprise and Yorktown after all!"

"I won't say it's just them. They did contribute to her fears but they are not the only ones. Rather, it turns out she is traumatised by all US aircraft, including Carriers. I'm sure you know about the kidnapping incident before Azur Lane was formed. That was when it started."

"I understand. It's a little sad that this happened shortly after our alliance was formed. On behave of Eagle Union, I apologize for putting your girls through this." (Commander)

The commander bowed deeply.

"Pease lift your head. You don't have to do that. I'm at fault as well. I didn't consider the possibility that it would escalate to this stage. Once she has recovered, I'm sure the girls from Eagle Union can come again."

"I will brief this to the rest. I will return back to my base since we already overstayed our welcome. The other girls are starting act hostile towards them." (Commander)

Because two of them were affected during this excercise, it's no surprise that the other thought the US shipgirls are the main cause.

"I'm sorry for that. I will make sure they don't do anything stupid."


Although tensions were high, Azur Lane managed to leave safely. The others were visibly pissed off, but I think they understood what happens if they make the first move.

Since Shigure woke up and is feeling all right now, I let her return to her room. Just for the time being, she will only take part in patrols until I'm sure she has recovered fully. For the other one, there is another hour before the anesthesia wears off. Who knows what will happen when she wakes up. As such, I asked Akashi to prepare another bed in my room and moved her there. I decide I will personally take care of her until she is ready to return to the frontlines.

I have briefed everyone about the situation. Technically, nothing much has changed. She will still be treated normally, but with extra care. Avoid topics which may be sensitive to her, in case she starts to break down again. Most importantly, lend a listening ear and never talk over with their personal feelings or experience. In fact, this applies to everyone else. I made sure to get this point across to them. Akashi gave me some muscle relaxants in case she starts going crazy. Hopefully I don't have to use them too often. Since it's already late, Shouhou helped to change Zuihou into her night Yukata.

"She looks so peaceful now." (Shouhou)

"Yeah. Don't be too hard on her when she wakes up."

"Admiral, shouldn't that apply to you instead?" (Shouhou)

"It's already late. You can return to you room first."

"Eh? But..."

"Don't worry. I won't do anything drastic. You can trust me."

"I understand. Then I leave her in your hands."

Now it's only me and Zuihou left in the room. The anesthesia should wear off any moment now. I brushed away the stray hair on her face. Something really troublesome for her turned up this time. How do I help her recover?

"Uuu... Admiral....Help me..."

What was that? Is she having a nightmare? Tears began to form from her shut eyelids. I held her right hand and gently stroked her head. I can only hope this can calm her down in her sleep.

"Shh... Everything is all right. I'm right here."

Zuihou turned towards my direction and rest her other hand on mine. It was as if she knew where I was. She seems to have calmed down a bit as well. Her hands squeeze mine, seeking assurance of my presence. It pains me that I couldn't do more.

"When you wake up, I will be here, right by your side.

I whispered into her ear, before falling asleep myself.


"Admiral, it's morning already. Come on, wake up."

I heard a voice with that familiar sweet ring say.

"Uuhmm... Good morning, Zuihou."

My eyes took it's time to adjust to the morning light.

"Good morning, Admiral." (Zuihou)

"How are you feeling? You have been sleeping since noon yesterday."

"Erm... A little hungry." (Zuihou)

"Oh right. You slept through dinner after all. Shall I make breakfast?"

"No. I'll make it. The usual is fine right? I'll be right back." (Zuihou)

Zuihou was about to run out before I stopped her. She was still in her night yukata.

"Wait. You are not planning on going out like that right?"

Zuihou looked down before realising the problem. She was clearly embarrassed.

"Here, Shouhou brought your uniform. I will wait outside."

"Thank you, Admiral." (Zuihou)

I closed the door behind me.

For now, I can tell her actions and speech patterns are a bit forceful. She is still unstable, but is trying her best not to be burden to others. I won't force her to talk to me about herself. When she is ready to talk, she will talk. For now, I will just observe and do whatever I can to make her feel comfortable.

"Hey, Zuihou?"

"Yeah?" (Zuihou)

"Nothing. I just felt like calling you."

"Geez. You're so weird, Admiral. Well, I don't really dislike that part of you. Hehehe." (Zuihou)

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