Our Bonds

Chapter 42 - Cheaper 39.5

"-miral! Wake up! Come on!" (???)

I could barely open my eyes with the sun shining straight at me. The one trying to wake me up looks like Agano. No wait, it was Murasame. She resembles Agano a little, having similar physical traits. Murasame is somewhat more fluffier than Agano. It's morning already? Oww... my chin hurts. What happened last night? Oh right...

"Finally you are awake! It's already 7.30am. Did you stay up late again?" (Murasame)

"I guess."

I sat up, rubbing my chin. It still stings from Zuihou's uppercut last night. I can't believe she hit me so hard that I passed out. Well, I did went a bit too far back there. Anyway, what is this soft and squishy sensation around my left hand?



"Oh my... So that's why you were up late." (Murasame)

I looked down and noticed something rather dangerous. When I sat up, the blanket got flipped over, revealing a potentially scandalous scene. Zuihou was clinging onto my lower left arm. Her Yukata was undone and once again exposed her modest chest, which my hand is currently in contact with.

"Oi Zuihou! Wake up!"

Not working. Rather, she is hugging my arm tighter than before. I getting some serious Deja Vu from this.

Murasame just stood there with a smirk. I clearly know what is she thinking.

"Hey Zuihou! Wake up!"

"Hn... Hn..." (Zuihou)

What kind of seductive noise was that? It's like the sound she makes whenever I try to mess with her hangers. I mean, I am touching them now but I don't have a choice.

I grabbed Zuihou's shoulder with my free hand and gave a little shake.

"Wake up! It's late already!"

"I will be waiting outside. Don't let me stop your fun~"

"Wait! It's not like tha-"

Murasame closed the door before I can complete my sentence. I will have to clear this with her later but right now...

I tried to pull my arm away, but that only made her grip even tighter. Why does she always do that? Hmm... It's very weird but maybe I can try that.

I went closer to Zuihou's ear...

"Zuihou, if you don't wake up soon, I'm going to start teasing you~"

Wargh!!! That was too cringy! I know the female characters in manga do it but this is way too embarrassing in real life!

Even Zuihou's face is red with embarrassment. Eh?

"Oi Zuihou."

I can feel her flinching with my restrained hand.

"You are actually awake already, aren't you?"


"For the love of... Wake up already!"

I flipped Zuihou over.

"Kyaah! Geez! It's only morning and Admiral is already so rough."

"Don't make it sound so weird. And when did you wake up?!"

"He he. When I heard the door close."

She is trying to maintain her composure but I can tell she is still embarrassed from me touching her chest. Her face is still as red as a beetroot.

"Seriously, don't you know how much trouble you put me through just now?"

"It can't be helped! Don't you know how embarrassing it is to wake up to you groping me? That was just payback for last night!"

"First of all, I didn't grope you. Not on my own will. You were the one that brought my hand to your chest. Secondly, that won't be the only embarrassing thing today. Murasame thought we were having a night battle till morning. If we don't clear it up, she might still have the wrong idea."

"A night battle? What do you mean?"

It took a while before she realized what I meant. Once she did, she threw a punch at me again.

"Why are you attacking me for?!"

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