Our Bonds

Chapter 47.5

-Yokosuka Multi-base Excercise Day 5-

"And that concludes my report." (Kaga)

"Thank you Kaga. Get some rest." (Yokosuka)

"Yes." (Kaga)

Yokosuka's Admiral flipped through a stack of papers.

"This matches with the reports you sent in. We may have to come up with a new strategy against them." (Yokosuka)

"This war is getting worse. Our resources are taking a beating." (Sasebo)

"I have seen a few Siren warsh.i.p.s around my area once. They just... float in a distance? Is that the right word? Whatever. They were just there, not moving at all." (Kure)

"How close were they?" (Yokosuka)

"I mentioned it in one of my reports. I think they were just outside our trap zone." (Kure)

"That's very close! You didn't repel them or anything?!" (Sasebo)

"At that time, we still didn't know about the Sirens. I thought they were normal sh.i.p.s." (Kure)

"For the sirens, I think we should just leave it to Azur Lane. Their technology is way more advanced than ours. I have seen it."

"Right. You are friends with their commander." (Sasebo)

"We are getting off-track here. We need to think of ways to defeat the abyssals." (Yokosuka)

"How about a nuke?" (Brunei Anchorage)

"Don't be an idiot!" (All)


In the end, no one managed to come up with a good feasible idea. We were all over the place.

"Seriously, a nuke? Can't believe he would come up with such an idea." (Sasebo)

"Yours wasn't good either. Where are you going to get that much manpower to operate the warship of yours?"

We both silently drank our soda. After sitting and discussing for so long, everything tastes refreshing.

"So, not going to check back on your girls?" (Sasebo)

"With that line and the amount of break time we have?"

I gestured towards the long line at the only phone booth in this base. We only have a few minutes to rest before the meeting continues. Obviously there won't be enough time for me to call back. Even though I want to. I miss Zuihou already.

"Let's go back. The board of directors are joining us now."

"Great. This is going to get even messier." (Sasebo)


-Maizuru Naval Base. 0100 hours-

Finally I'm back. This whole excercise thing was an absolute waste of time. In the end, the board decided to carry on what we have been doing all this time. No new plans, no new weapons, nothing! They said it was too expensive and risky to initiate anything new. In the end, they were only concerned of their paycheck. To think they were the ones that said 'We need to get rid of this threat to humanity, no matter the cost.' This is outrageous.

Ah whatever. At least this whole thing ended a day earlier. It's late already. I should go to bed.

The base is so quiet at this timing. Well, of course it is. It's 1am in the morning. Everyone else has to be asleep by now.

I half-expected my office to be as messy as I left it before I left, but someone must have tidied the place up. The doc.u.ments are neatly stacked in one corner of the desk, in order as well. It's organized properly so I could get back in the swing of things once I return. I wonder who did it?

Mmm... Yeah I'm too tired to think probably. Let's just go to bed. I went to my room...

Huh? Why are the lights in my room switched on?


Okay I should have known Zuihou would sneak into my bed again. but why is she wearing my coat. Furthermore, she didn't button it up so I can almost see everything! This is a little too much for my v.i.r.g.i.n eyes.


Since she is sleeping so soundly, I should just let her be.

I tried pulled the blanket over her half-n.a.k.e.d body. I'm not sure if she is a light-sleeper or something, but as soon as my hand touched the bed.

"Nhhmm..." (Zuihou)

Zuihou's eyes opened halfway.

"Ah sorry. Did I wake-???"

Zuihou wrapped her arms around me and pulled me towards her.

"...Admiral..." (Zuihou)

Is she half-asleep?

I tried to struggle my way out, but she just squeezed harder. It doesn't hurt. It feels warm and... comfortable....

"Mmh? Huh? Admiral? Eh? You're real?" (Zuihou)

Looks like she finally woke up. I just laid there while she is still confused. I'm already at my limit.

"Yes, I'm real."

"Didn't you say you're coming back tomorrow?" (Zuihou)

"The meeting ended early. Sorry Zuihou. I'm really tired..."

"Ah. I see." (Zuihou)

I felt her fingers brush through my hair.

"Welcome back, Admiral. Thank you for your hard work." (Zuihou)

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