Our Bonds

Chapter 48

"Thank you, Admiral. For doing something like this." (Shigure)

"No big deal. We haven't done this in a while anyway."

Shigure sat on my lap as I pet her head. Our work is more or less done, so Shigure requested for some 'skinship'. It really has been a while since I did this. She looks so comfortable.

Zuihou is on duty today. So she won't be back till evening.

By the way, this isn't cheating. I'm just giving shipgirl what she wanted. This is definitely not cheating.

"Are sure this is enough?"

I stroked her chin.

"This is good~" (Shigure)

"If you're happy then."

She nuzzled against me as I continued. I had this thought for a while, Shigure really does act like her sister, Yuudachi. Both have dog-like characteristics. Yuudachi is the more hyperactive and wild one while Shigure is much more quiet and relaxed.

"I like it when Admiral does this."

I wonder how it feels to be on the receiving side. Is it really that comfortable?

"Is that so? Have some more then."

I stroked her chin and pet her head at the same time.

"Hyauu~~" (Shigure)

Wow. It really looks like it feels good. Thats the face of pure bliss right there.

The evening bell rang, signalling the end of the day.

""Oh. I promised Yuudachi I will meet her for dinner." (Shigure)

Shigure jumped off my lap.

"Good work, Admiral. Thank you for today." (Shigure)

"Good work today. You are dismissed."

Shigure left with a spring in her steps.

Speaking of which, Zuihou should be done by now. Why isn't she back yet?

"Admiral... I'm back..." (Zuihou)

Speak of the devil. Wait. Why does she look pissed?

"Welcome back, Zuihou. Umm... How did it go?"

"Nothing much. Just some Abyssal destroyers here and there." (Zuihou)

Yeah. Somehow she is angry at something. Normally she doesn't do her report in this manner.

"Er... Is there something bothering you?"

Zuihou didn't answer. She just walked behind my desk and sat on my lap.

"Um... Zuihou?"

Suddenly, she violently rubbed her head against my body.

"Oi. What's wrong with you all of a sud..."

Don't tell me...

"Muuu.... -ot fair."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"It's not fair that Shigure is the only that gets that kind of treatment!"

Ahh. I knew it.

"Where were you watching from?"

"From behind the door..."

So she came back earlier but stood outside the whole time. This shipgirl...

"Fine. You want something like this, right?"

I did the same as what I did to Shigure, petting her head.

"...more..." (Zuihou)

"Alright alright."

I felt a switch flipped inside me.

Time to give her a 'full-body massge'.

First, I stroked her chin for a few minutes.


Seriously, does it feel that good?

"You want more, right?"

Maybe it was because I whispered into her ear, Zuihou realized what I was about to do next.

"Er... Wait a mi- fua!" (Zuihou)

Like a harem protagonist from a typical ecchi light novel or manga, I proceed to rub her legs.

Despite being out at sea for the entire day, her skin doesn't have that kind for salty texture as a regular human would. There is this faint smell of salt and something sweet.

"Why are you smelling me? Let me go!" (Zuihou)

With one hand on her shoulder, I held her down while she struggled. Of course she would. I'm messing with her after all.

With my free hand, I slowly moved from her legs towards her stomach. There's a small gap in her kimono top. Perfect.

As you expected, I stuck my hand in between her kimono top and went for her bare stomach.

"Hahaha! That tickles. Agh geez! That enough!" (Zuihou)

"You wanted more, didn't you? This is my special treatment."

While playing with her stomach, I detached her muneate. I think I should stop while I'm ahead. Though her reactions are really amusing, any more and I might not be able to control myself.

"You know what I'm gonna do next, do you?"

"Fweh?! A-admiral, let's take a break. Okay? I-I have enough already." (Zuihou)

Oh come on! If you show me that kind of 'maiden' look, I really can't control myself!

Those quivering lips and tearful eyes...

I will just mess around her hanger for a bit. Then I will stop.

"Wait! A-admiral stop! Nhaa!!!" (Zuihou)

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