Our Bonds

Chapter 55

With the temporary addition of Azur Lane's younglings, the whole district has been pretty lively. They have already warmed up to the others. The Commander sent a telegram, saying thank you and sorry for the trouble caused this time.

Anyway, there is one destroyer which is rather separated from the rest. Destroyer Eldridge, or Sparky like the other Maizuru girls call her. Apparently she earned that nickname after Shiratsuyu and Samidare got a mild shock when they tried to enter a bath she was in. According to Javelin, Eldridge is the latest addition to the fleet. For a destroyer, she is quite slow and her body constantly leaks electricity for some reason. The other young destroyers also tend to stay away from her in fear of getting shock. During bath time, she gets a pool all to herself due to the electrical discharge. It's a little lonely if you think about it.

That being said, it seems that the Shiratsuyu class has taken interests in her. On my sofa, Eldridge is moving her hands around Murasame's shoulders, resulting in something horrifyingly hilarious.

"Hahahaha! Murasame's hair is flying all over the place! Ahahaha!" (Shiratsuyu)

"This feels good~ I can feel my shoulders relaxing already." (Murasame)

"That looks interesting poi!" (Yuudachi)

Aside from yesterday, why aren't they shocked by her electrical discharge? Rather, they seem to be enjoying it.

"Murasame, how does it feel?"

"Comfortable~" (Murasame)

"That's not what I meant."

"Oh. It's a little tingly but it feels better than a normal massage. Ahh~ That's the spot." (Murasame)

That is still not the answer I'm looking for...

"Admiral, I know what you are thinking but please get back to work." (Zuihou)

"But aren't you curious?"

"Even so-" (Zuihou)

"Admiral?" (Eldridge)

Woah! When did she get here?

Without me noticing, Eldridge was standing beside me, arms stretched out. Her body emiting sparks at the same time

"Admiral, hug..." (Eldridge)


"Hug, hug." (Eldridge)

She is just like a child. Oh yeah, she is a child.

"Oh-ho. Looks like Eldridge-chan has taken a liking to you." (Murasame)

"Does your commander do this all the time?"

Eldridge nodded, her facial expression remains unchanged.

"Got it."

I picked her up and hugged her the way I know. I'm concerned about the sparks she is emiting but it's best to give her what she wants.

"Ah..." (Zuihou)

"Like this?"

"Commander... hugs... from the front." (Eldridge)

From the front? Hmm...

"Like this?"

I placed on hand on her back and the other under her bottom.

"Yeah." (Eldridge)

This is just like carrying a baby... There is a milky smell coming out from her. Now that I look carefully, she isn't wearing much. Her back is fully exposed.

Murasame and Shiratsuyu snickered at the side.


"Nothing~" (Murasame)

"Heehee. Let's go, Yuudachi." (Shiratsuyu)

"Eh? Where?" (Yuudachi)

"Just follow me." (Shiratsuyu)

The three sisters left the office. Yuudachi aside, those two are definitely making fun of me.

"..." (Zuihou)

"Zuihou, what's wrong?"

"Eh? Ah. No. It's nothing." (Zuihou)

She shuffled her legs and hands a bit. So easy to read.

"I know. You want to hold Eldridge as well, right?"

"Eh?! Um..." (Zuihou)

"It's alright. She isn't emiting sparks anymore. Try holding her."

Eldridge looks at Zuihou. I could have sworn her cowlick is making a weird shape.

"Go on."

"Then..." (Zuihou)

Zuihou carefully took Eldridge from me and did the same way as I did.

"How is it?"

"She smells nice." (Zuihou)

"I know right."

"..." (Zuihou)

Zuihou stared at me with disdain. Why?

I heard a knock on my door.

"This is Javelin. I have something to ask you, Admiral-san." (Javelin)

"Come in."

"Excuse me. Have you seen Eldridge- Ahh! Eldridge-chan! There you are!" (Javelin)

"Javelin-chan..." (Eldridge)

"What? Why is Zuihou-san carrying her like its alright? She isn't emiting sparks?" (Javelin)

"She hasn't been emiting sparks since just now."

I stroked Eldridge's head.

"Maybe her sparks are related to her emotions? She is calm now."

That's what I think. Her leaking out electricity is related to how she feels. When she wants something, she emits her sparks to get attention. Maybe she was in a new, unfamiliar environment that's why she unconsciously electrified the bath water. At least, that's how human kids react. As far as I'm concerned, Eldridge is just like a child.

"Speaking of which, Commander would always carry her like this. He was alright as well." (Javelin)

"That means the others have nothing to be afraid of. So long as you train her to control her electricity, maybe she can play with the-."

"Fuahh~" (Eldridge)

Eldridge snuggled in Zuihou's arms. Did she fall asleep?

"Uwaah~ So cute!" (Zuihou)

"Geez. Come on. Let's get you to bed. Don't shock me." (Javelin)

Javelin carefully took Eldridge from Zuihou's hands.

"Wow. You are right. She is not emiting sparks. Well then, excuse me." (Javelin)

Javelin left with Eldridge in tow.

That was interesting.

I turned and saw a pouting Zuihou. Her mood just did a 180 degree turn!

"Erm... Zuihou? Are you angry?"

"Hmph!" (Zuihou)

"Eh? What?"

"Its not fair..." (Zuihou)

"What isn't fair?"

"Eldrigde-chan..." (Zuihou)

What does Eldrigde got to do with this? What does she want?


Oh. So that's what she wants. She could have just said it. This girl...

I pulled Zuihou in and cradled her in my arms.

"Seriously, you are like a child sometimes."

"Ehehe~" (Zuihou)

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