Our Bonds

Chapter 66 - 60

"CarDiv3, ah no. Heavy Strike Force Fleet 1, flagship Zuihou, setting sail!" (Zuihou)

"You want to borrow Tama's hand? It can't be helped nya. Torpedo Squadron 2, sortieing." (Tama)

The two fleets left the port separately. This was an emergency sortie. A Carrier fleet from Yokosuka was intercepted by an heavy Abyssal Fleet. Yokosuka is preparing an rescue fleet but the carrier fleet was closer to us so we were sent out first.

"Remember. This is a two-part mission. Eliminate the Abyssals first. After that, escort the carrier fleet to the rendezvous point. If the first part fails, stall for time until Yokosuka arrives."

"Roger!" (All)

"One more thing. My usual order still stands. Don't sink! Good luck everyone. I'm counting on you!"

The location where the SOS beacon activated was in the Salmon Sea Area. Initial reports indicate a combined Abyssal Fleet led by three Abyssal Boss types, two Battleship Princess Kai and one Aircraft Demon. Unlike those random encounters, this Abyssals fleet went out and ambushed them without any provocation. Currently, the Carrier Fleet has ran out of ammo and planes and is doing all it takes to avoid the enemy shelling. Hopefully we can reach them in time.

Oh, the 'Heavy Strike Force Fleet' thing was something Zuihou came up with. Since I equipped them with heavy firepower equipment, she thought it would be more appropriate to call themselves that...

"Flagship Zuihou, checking in. We have the enemy in sight." (Zuihou)

"Check if the Carrier Fleet is all right."

"Roger! Launching Type 2 Reconnaissance Aircraft!" (Zuihou)

A few moments later, the plane returned to Zuihou.

"Only the Demon and Princesses left. Everyone is heavily damaged already! We need to be quick!" (Zuihou)

"Torpedo Squadron 2, launch your torpedos! Heavy Strike Force Fleet 1, give them everything you got!"

Tama and the Destroyers launched a salvo of torpedoes at the boss types. It barely made a scratch but at least it caught their attention.

"Uwaah. They are aiming at us!" (Kawakaze)

"No worries. Just keep evading nya." (Tama)

As Tama's fleet draws the enemie's attention, Zuihou's fleet prepared their own attack.

"653rd, please begin takeoff!" (Zuihou)

"Assault squad, lau~nch! Hehe... But it's good... So good!" (Suzuya)

The bombers launched by both light carriers managed to land a few hits on the Aircraft Demon. In retaliation, it launched it's own air fleet.

"Ugh! Gross!" (Suzuya)

"Evasive maneuvers!" (Agano)

"Carrier Fleet 1, this is flagship Zuihou from Maizuru Naval District. Can you move?" (Zuihou)

"This is Flagship Unryuu. Everyone is heavily damaged but we can still move." (Unryuu)

"Unryuu-san, when the time comes, please move out of the way as quickly as possible. Leave this to us!" (Zuihou)

"Thanks! That really helps." (Unryuu)

While fleet 1 prepares for their next volley, Tama's fleet strikes the Abyssals from the other side. Just like that, both fleets took turns to attack the enemy while drawing their attention away from Unryuu's Fleet.

"Goooghh!!!" (Battleship princess kai 1)

What a horrible scream. That means we managed to break through its armour!

"Don't let up! Keep attacking!"

"Hyaa!" (Agano)

"Poi!" (Yuudachi)

A bomber from the Aircraft Demon managed to land a hit on Agano and Yuudachi.

"Oh you idiot! I can fight like this poi!" (Yuudachi)

"Geez, no way! I'm all tattered, aren't I?" (Agano)

"Agano, Yuudachi, fall back and focus on evading. Shigure, sorry but I'm leaving the anti-air to you."

"Roger." (Shigure)

"Sorry Shigure." (Yuudachi)

Right now, the Abyssal's attention is on Tama and the others. Yamashiro took aim with her 35.6cm twin gun mounts.

"Main gun, take aim... Fire!" (Yamashiro)

The AP round struck the other Battleship princess, causing it to cry out in pain as a result.

"Yes! A direct hit!" (Yamashiro)

"Nice shot, Yamashiro! I can't lose out either!" (Suzuya)

Suzuya launched several of her torpedo bombers and rained hell on the Battleship princesses. At this rate, we might be able to eliminate these three Abyssal bosses.

"This is Battleship Haruna. We are here to help! What the current situation?" (Haruna)

That was fast. I thought they would take even longer to show up.

"This is flagship Zuihou. Unryuu-san and the others are heavily damaged. They are out of danger for now. The Battleship Princesses are moderately damaged and the Aircraft Demon is lightly damaged." (Zuihou)

"Roger. We will take it from here." (Haruna)

The rescue fleet Yokosuka sent consisted of the 4 Kongou class Battleship sisters and the 2 aviation cruisers, Tone and Chikuma. This isn't a rescue fleet! This is more like a fleet to annihilate the Abyssals!

Tama and Zuihou fell back to let Yokosuka do their thing. In a few moments, one of the Battleship Princesses sunk. It's terrifying how much firepower and mobility this fleet has.

"Erm... Now what?" (Agano)

"We can just leave?" (Umikaze)

"I think so... Ah whatever. I'll deal with it when it comes. Fleet 1 and Torpedo Squadron 2, return immediately!"

"It's Heavy Strike Force Fleet 1!" (Zuihou)

"Too long!"

They didn't say we couldn't retreat once the Rescue fleet arrives. Besides, they already sunk all three of them.

"Girls from Maizuru." (Unyruu)

"Hmm?" (All)

"Thank you, for saving us. (Unryuu)

Unryuu and her fleet bowed in gratitude.

"Bye bye! Let's meet again sometime!" (Suzuya)

Both fleets waved goodbye before making it back home.

All right. Now it's my turn. How am I going to start the action report?

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