Our Bonds

Chapter 67 - 61

The scream of a Supply Depot Princess echoed through the air as she sinks back into the darkness she came from. It was the start of another large-scale operation and this was just part one of the first mission.

"Target eliminated. Finally!" (Amatsukaze)

"Geez! My hair is in a mess!" (Kisaragi)

"Hehe! That was easy!" (Suzukaze)

"Don't let your get down! There may still be some more Abyssals in the area." (Asashio)

"Come on! Don't be so stiff! Relax a little." (Suzukaze)

"Asashio is right. The mission isn't over until you girls get home safe and sound. Besides, with the weird Abyssal activity nowadays, it's almost impossible to predict when they might appear."

"Fine..." (Suzukaze)

"That being said, come home and take a short break. I will be relying on you 4 for the next part."

"Roger!" (All)

With the 4 of them en route to base, I can only hope they don't meet with any danger on the way back. Once they are ready, I have to send them out for the second part. This large-scale operation is way too large. Most of the operation maps have multiple parts to it. Thankfully, those parts can be accomplished with the same fleet from before. I have already planned out the composition to tackle each area. And that's why, now I have a sulky girl curled up in the corner here.

"...Why does Ryuujou-chan get to go on a sortie? It's not fair..." (Zuihou)

Zuihou has been like this ever since I announced the fleet compositions for each mission. Apart from the weaker, less experienced destroyers which would not be joining, for obvious reasons, Zuihou will not be taking part in the operation. Or at least until more details are released. That's why, she is acting all spoilt now.

The reason why I didn't include Zuihou in any fleet composition is simple. She is a little too strong now. With her firepower, or aircraft power in this case, she can no doubt easily steamroll her way through the enemy lines. However, I want to give the other girls a chance to get stronger through this operation. Of course, I didn't tell her this. If I told her, she might try to hold back and get herself or others hurt in the process. So for now, I'll just play the bad guy.

"I told you, this time the missions don't require much. Just use this chance to take a break."

"I wanted to go on a sortie!" (Zuihou)

"Stop acting like a child,"

Even though you look like one.

"Come here. Come on."

I pat my lap, gesturing her to come sit on it.

As unsatisfied as she may be, Zuihou doesn't seem to be able resist when I do this. It's one of the things she likes.

Zuihou, still pouting, went over to me and sat on my lap. I pulled her in closer. It's like trying to appease an angry little kid. This is sort of entertaining.

"I'll put you in the the next operation. This time, I want you stay with me."

"But..." (Zuihou)

"I'm going to be very busy from now on. That's why, I want you to be by my side. Is that okay?"

"Do you promise to put me in the next operation?" (Zuihou)

That's your main concern? How much do you want to go on a sortie?

"Yes. I promise."

"Fine. It's a promise." (Zuihou)

Alright. I think I got her mood to improve a bit.

"Good girl. Now, let's do some work. The four of them will be back soon."

Things will definitely get busy from now on.

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