Our Bonds

Chapter 74 - 66

The rescue mission was a success. The video feed and communication channels got cut off when they entered the island so I got worried as to what was going on in there. Good thing my worries were for naught. Zuihou, although lightly damaged, was retrieved safely from the island. Azur Lane finally caught their rogue Aircraft Carriers and put a stop to their plans. I don't know how will they punish those two, but that's not my concern anymore. Zuihou provided valuable intel on the whole situation, about how the Siren leader was directly involved and the plan to use shipgirls as a 'Mold'. I'm going to have to scold Zuihou later for breaking the conditions I gave her and putting herself at risk again. Right now, she is being lectured by Akashi for haphazardly throwing her equipment into the shallow waters, causing her planes to be waterlogged. Akashi really cares for the equipment we use. She is our repair ship after all.

As for the operation, it's going pretty well. The fight with the Battleship Water Demon is currently underway and the combined fleet managed to deal significant damage to it. Since it's night time already, the attack will continue tomorrow once everyone finishes their repairs and are fully rested. At this rate, we should be able to sink it tomorrow and advance to the next mission.

There's one small problem. We are a little low on ammunition right now. Tokitsukaze is on an expedition with the little Coastal Defense Shipgirls to get us a steady supply of ammunition. Currently, they are the only ones I can spare for an expedition right now. I need to give them a reward once all these are over. I also need to file a report on the incident with Azur Lane. More work to do. Terrific.

Speaking of which, how come Yokosuka isn't participating in this operation?" (Shouhou)

"They will be. They are involved in the next 3 missions. Then, we can finally call it a day."

"What are you going to do to Zuihou?" (Shouhou)

"I'll definitely scold her for being reckless. Maybe punish her a little."

"I know that you're angry with Zuihou, but don't be too hard on her. You two are a couple after all." (Shouhou)

She is right. I shouldn't be fault her too much. She did stop Zuikaku and Shoukaku after all. Huh? Wait, how does Shouhou know that?

"I'm a little jealous. To think that Admiral would choose my sister." (Shouhou)

"How do you know that? Did Zuihou tell you?"

"Sort of. A few times, she talked in her sleep. She would laugh and then went "I'm Admiral's girlfriend". And the number of times I heard lewd noises coming from her while saying your name doesn't really hide anything." (Shouhou)

Damn it! Zuihou, you horny shipgirl! Your own sister found out!

"I don't mind if you are going to make me a aunt, but try to do it private. Oh, and don't worry. I haven't told anyone. So far, I think I'm the only one that knows." (Shouhou)

This is shocking. If it's Shouhou, I'm sure she would keep her word and not tell anyone. But still... How much trouble do you want to cause, Zuihou?

"Please, do keep it a secret. If word goes out, I'm afraid everyone's morale might do down."

"I wouldn't mind keeping it a secret, but I don't think our morale would go down that easily." (Shouhou)

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Zuihou, reporting." (Zuihou)

Speak of the devil. I did tell her to come see me after her repairs and Akashi lectures.

"Come in."

Zuihou slowly opened the door. She is being wary.

"I'll leave you two to it. Admiral, don't go too hard on her, alright?" (Shouhou)

Shouhou walked towards the exit, but not before greeting her sister.

"Good luck." (Shouhou)


The room was silent. Zuihou stood meekly in front of me. She is nervous, probably wondering what I'm about say.

"First of all, how are your injuries?"

"Akashi-san patched me up. I'm all right now." (Zuihou)

If it's just light damages, Akashi can repair them in no time. She probably did it first before starting her lecture.

"Before I let you go on the mission, you promised to inform me as soon as you discover their base and not get kidnapped. Am I right?"

"Yes..." (Zuihou)

Not only did you delay informing me about their base, you followed the enemy and almost got yourself captured for some crazy experiment. Do you realize how worried I was and how much trouble you caused?"

At this point, I was raising my voice a little. Yes, I am angry at Zuihou, but a part of me just wants to forgive her and wrap myself around her. Even though we are lovers, I'm the Admiral. I have to be strict when it comes to something like this.

Zuihou looks as though she is on the verge of tears.

"Sure, I'll give you credit for stopping their plans but what would have happened if you had failed? You may not come back. Worst, If they went ahead and made you a vessel for whatever they are planning, we may be forced to fight you!"

*sniff* *sniff*

Zuihou started sobbing . Did I go too far? I don't think I did. I just listed the worst case scenarios I could think of.

"I-I thought th-that if I could stop them, it would put an end to this four-way war. I-I just wanted to help. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please... Don't hate me..." (Zuihou)

Haah... This girl...

I walk up to her and hugged her tightly. Zuihou clasp onto my uniform, sobbing. I stroked her head, trying to calm her down a little. For battle-hardened fighters, these shipgirls are way too sensitive, a little trigger can cause them to topple into a mess.

"You really are dumb. As if I would hate you for something like this. Yeah, I am mad at you for doing something reckless. Even so, I'm glad you came back safe and sound."

"Admiral... I'm sorry!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou's floodgates were open. Her howls echoed throughout the entire room. I just stood there holding her in my arms and stroking her head. This is the only way I know to calm her down. We stayed like this for quite a while. Zuihou kept apologizing in between recovering breathes. By the time get tears started to dry, my uniform is soaking wet.

"Sorry. I caused you more trouble." (Admiral)

"Damn right you did."

I said while taking of my tear soaked uniform. Wouldn't went to catch a cold in this freezing weather.

"First you became a child and continuously demanded for my attention for 2 days. Then you went ahead and did something crazy. And because of your nightly activities, Shouhou knows about us now."

"Ugh... Huh? Shouhou found out?!" (Zuihou)

"In a embarrassing way too. You must have really want it. You horny shipgirl."

"Wahh! Stop it!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou tried to hide her face behind her hands. Her ears are red with embarrassment. So cute.

Ahh... Yep. I can hold it no longer. I have been pent up for so long.

"Alright. I have figured a way to punish you."

"Eh?" (Zuihou)

"For being reckless, you are grounded. So sorties for you until the operation ends."

"No way!" (Zuihou)

"The next one is more of a reward than a punishment."

"Why is there another one?" (Zuihou)

I lifted Zuihou's chin up and kissed her lips.

"Mnh..." (Zuihou)

"For letting out our secret, come to my room after you take bath. And prepare yourself. Because I'm not going to let you sleep tonight."

"Eh? A-are you serious?" (Zuihou)

She understood what I meant. She really is a lewd girl.

"Or maybe I can take you now. Whichever you prefer."

"Wait... Let me take a shower first..." (Zuihou)

I believe I don't need to describe what we did that night.

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