Our Bonds

Chapter 73 - 65

The combined fleet is making good progress. By noon, they were able to sink the Ne-class Heavy Cruiser Kai. This is the first time I've seen an Abyssal boss go down so fast. We can move on to the second phase, which is sinking the Battleship Water Demon. I can expect that it will take more time but the results are pretty good.

Shigure finally woke up and her reaction was similar to Zuihou's. After some explaination, she said she was going to look for Yuubari. I'm still worried about Zuihou. That girl just returned back to normal and she wants to take off immediately. She is not part of the operation but she wants to sortie. I did put some conditions for her to follow. This is just a simple scouting mission, find the hideout and get out immediately. There were 3 possible locations where the rogue Shoukaku and Zuikaku might be. Azur Lane took 2 while I picked the 1 nearer to our base. It's still a bit of a distance to cover but compared to the ones Azur Lane is scouting, it's nearer. I don't know what is Azur Lane's plan once we confirm the location. Most likely they will send a fleet to capture those 2 and put an end to whatever they are planning.

"Admiral! We got trouble!" (Ooyodo)

Ooyodo came in with panic shown on her face.

"What is it?"

Somehow, I got a feeling of what is happening.

"Zuihou-san just activated her SOS beacon. Currently, she is on an unknown island. She is in trouble!"

What is Zuihou doing on an island? That girl! She must have tried to do something and got herself kidnapped again!

"Form a rescue fleet with those not involved in the current mission immediately! We might be up against those 2 aircraft carriers so equip everyone with anti-air weaponry. I'll take direct command of this rescue mission."

"Roger! I shall sortie Yahagi-san, Souryuu-san, Hiryuu-san, Murasame-chan, Fubuki-chan and Fusou-san." (Ooyodo)

I picked up the phone and called Azur Lane's commander.


"We got trouble. I think Zuihou found their hideout."

"That's great. We can launch a fleet to secure them immediately. So what's the trouble?" (Commander)

"My light aircraft carrier just sent an SOS signal. She seems to be on an island."

"Oh... Looks like we need to go immediately. I'll put together an subjugation fleet. Send me the coordinates. We will meet you there."

This is why I didn't want to send Zuihou out.


"Seriously, what did she try to do this time?" (Yahagi)

"I guess she thought she could infiltrate the hideout and ended up getting caught. Anyway, we just have to ask her."

"Commander, are you angry?" (Fubuki)

"Of course I'm angry! I specifically told her to inform me as soon as she found their hideout and not get kidnapped. She disobeyed these 2 orders."

"Calm down. Let's get Zuihou-san out first, then you can scold her all you want." (Fusou)

"Oh, I will scold her."

"Ahaha. Admiral really cares for Zuihou-san. That makes me a little jealous." (Murasame)

"Alright that's enough. We got company." (Yahagi)

In front of the fleet, there is a dispatchment of Siren sh.i.p.s. They are pretty big.

"Admiral, what should we do?" (Yahagi)

"Ooyodo, what is the type of those Siren sh.i.p.s?"

"Um... Give me a moment." (Ooyodo)

Ooyodo scrambled through a bunch of doc.u.ments.

"Ah found it. From the looks of it, those are Destroyer types. The intel states that Sirens under Orochi's command will not attack Sakura Empire shipgirls."

"We can't afford to make a detour around them. At the same time, we need to conserve ammunition. Souryuu."

"Yes?" (Souryuu)

"Launch a fighter at them but don't engage. I want to try something."

"Alright. Launching a Reppu." (Souryuu)

We watched as the Reppu flew over the Siren dispatch. As I thought, they don't have any reaction to it.

"Alright. Bring it back. You can simply go through them."

"Eh?! Just like that?" (Murasame)

"It seems that those Sirens will only react to non-Japanese shipgirl's and equipment. You can just move through them."

"Roger. Let's go." (Yahagi)

"Umm... If you say so." (Souryuu)

I was right. As soon as the rescue fleet came closer, the Siren destroyers moved aside.

"Wow. It's like we are celebrities!" (Fubuki)

"How did you know they won't attack us?" (Souryuu)

"They don't react to Sakura Empire shipgirls. Since you girls are the same type as those form the Sakura Empire, I had a hunch that the Sirens would have a similar reaction towards you."

"I see. So it was a gamble." (Hiryuu)

"A-anyway, keep going. Azur Lane is waiting for us."

"Don't change the subject!" (Hiryuu)

After that encounter, the rescue fleet continue heading towards the coordinates stated given by Azur Lane. After 2 hours, we finally met the fleet from Azur Lane, who just arrived as well.

"There really is nothing here. Except for that ridiculously large Sakura tree on an isalnd in the middle of nowhere." (Murasame)

"It's beautiful." (Fubuki)

"Wait until you see the one at our base. It way bigger and way more beautiful than this one." (Akagi)

"Are you Akagi-san? Hello. My name is Yahagi. We'll be under your care." (Yahagi)

"I'm Akagi. The pleasure is ours." (Akagi)

A full Sakura Empire fleet. I expected the Royal Navy or Eagle Union to show up. Then again, if the girls are from Sakura Empire, they can avoid conflict with any Sirens on the way here.

On the island, blue and red silhouettes of planes can be seen flying around and shooting at something. Explosions can be heard and debris flying all over the place.

"Starting now, we will be starting the mission! Find Zuihou and subjugate the rogue Zuikaku and Shoukaku. This will most likely take place on land, so expect to be slowed down a bit."

"Akagi, do you know the way around this island?" (Commander)

"Ufufufu. Of course, Commander. This was once a part of our old base after all." (Akagi)

"Let's go, nee-sama." (Kaga)

"Yes. Time to teach our juniors a little lesson." (Akagi)


Hah hah hah.

I'm tired. How long have I been running? I can't keep this up. Those planes have been launching bombs all over the place. I got hit by one of them and it really hurts.

I need to get out of here. If I can return to my equipment, I would have a fighting chance. But how do I get back to the beach? I kept running deeper into the island and hid in the bushes. I didn't expect to be attacked on land. I should have change into my camouflage outfit.

I heard the sound of a plane overheard. They shouldn't be able to see me here, right? The overgrowth makes it hard to detect anything from air. Suddenly, I heard another explosion. What is it this time?!

I ran deeper into the island. My radar is picking up multiple planes at once. There weren't this many before! Did they get Orochi to create aircraft carriers? I want to go home! Admiral...

"Found you." (Shoukaku)


"That was mean. Running off with our possessions like that. Don't worry. I'll forgive you if you return it to us and join us for our plan." (Shoukaku)

"No! I'm not giving this to you! And I'm not joining you!"

"Aww... That's too bad. Maybe a little punishment for this unruly fox might make her change her mind." (Shoukaku)

Shoukaku-san threw 4 shikigami paper at me. My back is up against a tree and I have nowhere to run. Looks like this is it. Sorry, Admiral. I can't come home after all. I closed my eyes and braced for the impact.

*Clink* *Clink*

Huh? Nothing happened. What was that sound? I opened my eyes to see large, red tails in front of me.

"Ara ara. Violence against such a small girl is not a good thing." (???)

That voice. And all those tails.


"Ara. We meet again. It makes me happy that you remembered my name. For now, be a good girl and stay behind me." (Akagi)

"Shoukaku-nee!" (Zuikaku)

Zuikaku-san came from the bushes and launched her own shikigami paper towards our direction. Akagi-san simply blocked all of them.

"If it isn't our senpai from the First Carrier Division. Have you come to join us?" (Shoukaku)

"Nope. I'm here to bring you girls back. And maybe punish you along the way!"

Akagi-san launched her own attack. I heard another plane flying overhead. I looked up to see a tall girl with short, white hair and 9 white tails jumped down.

"Nee-sama!" (???)

"Ara, Kaga. How nice of you to join us." (Akagi)

This girl is Kaga-san. Her eyes look just as scary as Akagi-san's.

"The others are making their way on foot." (Kaga)

"Ufufufu. I think this whole fight might end before they arrive."

"Don't underestimate us!" (Zuikaku)

Akagi blocked more of Zuikaku-san's attack.

"This girl..." (Kaga)

"This girl is Zuihou-chan." (Akagi)

"So she is one of the targets for this mission?"

Targets? So they are here to capture me as well?

"Ah no. It's not you are thinking." (Kaga)

"Geez. Kaga. You got to explain properly. If not, others are going to have the wrong idea." (Akagi)

"Kaga-senpai is here too. Isn't this great, Zuihou-san? You won't be alone after all."

"What is she talking about?"

"I'll explaining later. Take this."

I handed the Blackbox to Kaga-san. She was obviously shocked.

"So it's true. Why do you have Blackbox with you?! Don't tell me you contacted the Sirens!"

"The Sirens technology is the only way to win the war! We have always believed that. Why abandon that believe now?" (Shoukaku)

"That was all in the past!" (Akagi)

Kaga-san joined in the firefight. While Akagi-san and Kaga-san simply blocked all of their attacks, Shoukaku-san and Zuikaku-san were dodging instead. It's weird to see Aircraft carriers fight like this. This is the difference between us and Azur Lane.

"Finally we found you." (???)

There was rustling coming from the bushes beside me. Yahagi-san came out along with Murasame-chan and Fubuki-chan. They came for me!

"Yahagi-san! Everyone!"

"Oh my. You are a mess." (Murasame)

"You really caused a lot of trouble this time."


"It's great to see that you're fine, Zuihou-senpai." (Fubuki)

More explosions can heard overhead. The blue and red plane silhouettes started blowing up. Reppus flew past.

"Right now, Hiyuu-san, Souryuu-san and Fusou-san are clearing up the enemy aircraft."

"Fusou's guns are too big fit in her anyway." (Murasame)

"Akagi-san, we'll back you up." (Yahagi)

"I appreciate the offer, but it's already over."


"Thats enough!" (???)

A girl in white naval uniform and long black hair drew her katana and placed it on Shoukaku-san's neck. Where did she come from?


Zuikaku-san wanted to rush to her sister's side but was stopped by another similar looking girl who did the same as the other one. Isn't that Atago-san?

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Zuihou-chan, long time no see." (Atago)

Other girls came out from the greenery, aiming their guns at Zuikaku-san and Shoukaku-san. Shigure-chan and Yuudachi-chan is here as well. I don't recognize the other white hair girl though. That chest... She is bigger than me?

"Zuikaku-san, please stop this." (???)

"Yukikaze-chan..." (Zuikaku)

There were only Reppus and Shidens were flying around.

"It's over. Takao-chan, Atago-chan, please restrain them properly. " (Akagi)

"Not yet!" (Zuikaku)

Zuikaku tried to continue her attack, only be hit by Atago-san's hilt. Atago-san quickly caught her as she fell.

"Oops. I think I overdid it." (Atago)

"Zuikaku!" (Shoukaku)

"Don't move!" (Takao)

Shoukaku-san had no choice to listen. It's finally over. But the worst has yet to come.

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