Our Bonds

Chapter 72 - 64

Jeez! Yuubari-san, how could your bust-up drug fail? And why did you put it in the cafeteria refrigerator? It's hard to believe what Admiral said. Instead of my chest growing, I shrunk and became a child? How did that happen? Worst of all, I caused trouble for Admiral again! How many times does this make?!

I better get good results for this mission. I was the one that convinced him to send me out for this. Luckily the only conditions he set were to wear this fox ear hairband, get a checkup from Akashi, immediately to inform him if I found their base and not get kidnapped. I don't know why he put in the last condition but anyway, this hairband is cute. It's matches my hair and fits me perfectly. Since most girls in the Sakura Empire have animal traits, this might help me avoid detection.

A recon mission. Azur Lane has designated 3 areas where Shoukaku-san and Zuikaku-san, not the ones we know from Kure, are hiding. According to the Commander, there will be a lot of mass-produced Siren sh.i.p.s floating about. So I need to find a way to infiltrate the base. The big question is, how does it look like? He said I will know when I see it, but how can I tell if I don't even know what I'm supposed to look out for?

Speak of the devil, Siren sh.i.p.s ahead of me...

I stopped for a bit. They shouldn't be able to see me from this distance. If I remember correctly, those are just Destroyer types. It's my first time seeing one up close. They are pretty big, like the size of a normal warship. Is that how our original form would look like?

Anyway, I need to find a way around them. It seems like it's a small dispatch of Siren Destroyers. I should be able to sneak around them. I could launch a Recon plane to scout for a safe route, but that might put me at a risk of getting discovered.

From the briefing, the Commander said that these mass-produced Sirens are under direct control of Orochi. I don't even know what that is. These mass-produced Sirens don't seem to have any reaction towards Shipgirls from the Sakura Empire but are hostile towards everyone else from the other factions. He believes that the reason for this behavior is that Shoukaku-san and Zuikaku-san hope that others from the Sakura Empire would join them. If that's true, they shouldn't have any reaction towards my planes as well, since we use the same models as the Sakura Empire.

I launched a Reppu Kai towards the fleet. Please let me be right. If they don't attempt to shoot it down, maybe I can just go through them.

I watched as my Reppu flew a few rounds above the dispatchment before calling it back. I was right. They don't react to Japanese planes as well. Maybe I can just move through them. It's much faster that way. Even if things go loud, I should be able to outrun them.

I slowly moved forward. As I got closer to the dispatchment, the red stripes on the destroyers lit up. Uh oh. What does that mean? Should I just keep moving forward?

The destroyers moved out of the way as I moved forward in a straight line. Huh. So I guess this is their way of greeting me. Maybe it's the fox ears that made me look like I belong to the Sakura Empire. These things really are passive after all.

Since the sirens were 'kind' enough to move out of the way, I got through them without any incident.

"Thank you!"

I don't think they understood me but nonetheless, I still thanked them.

So far, apart from that dispatchment, the seas are quiet. I don't see any other Siren fleets, let alone Abyssal fleets. Is this area undiscovered by both sides? Then, this makes me the first person to discover this place! Yeah, right! It's just a coincidence that there are no enemies. The ocean is vast after all.

I have been travelling for almost 2 hours now. There is nothing in sight. This is the place where those two might be, right? Were the coordinates wrong? There's nothing here except for an island with huge Sakura tree.

Huh? What's an island with a huge Sakura tree doing in the middle of nowhere?! Is this one of their potential bases? Now I understand where the commander said I will know their base when I see it. There is no effort to hide it at all!

I still don't see any Siren sh.i.p.s around. Maybe this isn't the place after all.

Suddenly, I felt a chill. Actually, two, in fact. One down my spine, and another on my neck. A katana?!

"Who are you? I never seen a girl like you before!" (???)

A voice I have never heard before asked. I can't turn around to see who is it. Rather, I'm too scared to turn around!

"Those ears... Are you from the Sakura Empire?" (???)

Ears? Oh right!

"Y-yes. I'm from the Sakura Empire."

"Hmm..." (???)

I can feel katana move away from my neck. Phew... That was scary. I turned around to see who my assailant was.

A tall, pretty girl with long brown hair, a red top with matching skirt and and a white coat stood in front of me. Her coat resembles the wings of a crane. She returned her katana back into it's sheathe.

"I have never seen you before. You're so tiny." (Katana girl)

Don't call me tiny! Ugh... How am I going to get away from this? For now, its best to answer her questions. I better be careful and make sure not to blurt out anything that might tell them I'm actually the enemy.

"I-I'm actually a new girl. I just joined recently."

"Those clothes and quiver... Are you perhaps an aircraft carrier? I thought you were a destroyer." (Katana girl)

Okay, this person is starting to piss me off. I need to lie my way out of this.

"Yes. I'm a light aircraft carrier. My name is Zuihou."

Stupid! Why did I give my real name?!

"Zuihou? Ooh! You have 'Zui' in your name too! My name is Zuikaku. Please to meet you!"

So this girl is Zuikaku-san. She doesn't seem to remember me at all. Weren't we together as the First Carrier Division back then?

Zuikaku-san stretched out her hand towards me.

"Please to meet you too!"

I shook her hand.

"I know it's a little late, but what brings you here?" (Zuikaku)


"Oh I know! You want to join us, right?" (Zuikaku)

Hmm? Wait a minute. If I play along with them, maybe I can stop whatever they are planning. I feel bad for tricking them, but this can stop the war between the Abyssals and Sirens and also get the Abyssals to stop deploying Princess and Demons along with their smaller fleets. Better still, Admiral will praise me if I can take them down myself. Yes! This is a good chance for me! Besides, she doesn't seem to be a bad person.

"I want to join you guys. Akagi-san and Kaga-san scares me. Adm- I mean, Commander-san doesn't pay attention to me, and I don't get along well with the other girls. I'm a fan of Zuikaku-san and Shoukaku-san, so I came here to see if I could help with anything."

Sorry. They are all lies. I don't even know why are you doing this. I did look up to Zuikaku-senpai and Shoukaku-senpai, but you're not the Zuikaku-senpai and Shoukaku-senpai I know.

"I see. Ehehe. I didn't I had a fan. That makes me happy. Let's not talk here. Come on in." (Zuikaku)

Zuikaku-san led me to the island. There was a port. This place is a mess. Buildings were in ruins. There is debris everywhere. What happened here? I watched as Zuikaku-san's equipment disappeared into blue cubes and a huge ship appeared at the port. Oh yeah. They can do that. For us, we have to store our equipment in the arsenal. This is bad. I can't do that.

I quickly toss my equipment into the shallow waters before Zuikaku-san turned around. I'm sorry! I'll come back for you later.

"Come on. I know a place we can talk." (Zuikaku)

I followed Zuikaku-san up a flight of stairs. Torri gates with burn marks lined the path. I still cannot believe that this is their hideout. At the top of the stairs, the big Sakura tree stood surrounded by water. 4 bridges lead to the base of the Sakura tree, where a partially damaged shrine is in place. This would have been a nice base if it weren't for all the debris and damaged structures.

"Have a seat. I'll go make some tea." (Zuikaku)

The shrine was mostly empty, save for a small table in the middle of the room. Zuikaku-san came back with a tea tray. I watched as she gracefully brewed the tea.

It was bitter! Way too bitter!

"Sorry for the taste. It's the best we have right now. Things have been a little hard since we left Azur Lane. Shoukaku-nee is currently out looking for a place to get us some resources. But, we don't have to worry about all that once we stop the Sirens!" (Zuikaku)

"How are you going to do that?"

"Well, we have a plan. Do you know Project Orochi?" (Zuikaku)

I have a brief idea about it. The giant battle cruiser that can create Siren sh.i.p.s.

"You mean the battle cruiser? I know that it can mass produce Siren sh.i.p.s. I heard that Akagi-san destroyed the black mental cube used to control it."

"Yeah. She did. When Azur Lane reunited, Akagi-san destroyed the Blackbox in front of everyone's eyes. The thing is, Orochi itself wasn't destroyed. Since Orochi was still in working condition, Shoukaku-nee and I thought that if we could get our hands on another Blackbox, we would be able to control Orochi again. The Sirens must have noticed this, because one day, she showed up. The one known as 'Observer'." (Zuikaku)

Observer? Is that the name of the Siren leader? Zuikaku-san took out black glowing cube from her sleeve and placed it on the table. So this is the so-called Blackbox.

"The Observer gave us a Blackbox and said we need to collect 2 things, data from battles and a 'Mold'. We managed to complete the data collection part. Battles, excercises, commissions, we collected data using every chance we get. Right now, the sirens that Orochi produced are under our control. Shoukaku-nee ordered the Sirens to let anyone from the Sakura Empire through. I'm sure you met some of them on the way here." (Zuikaku)

The Intel was right. They really are trying to revive Project Orochi. Worst, the first part of their plani s already finished.

"For the second part, we needed the help of others, but after that incident with the Maizuru and Azur Lane joint operation, I don't think anyone would want to join us. That's why, I really happy when you said you want to help us!" (Zuikaku)

Zuikaku-san clasp my hand. For some reason, I got a bad feeling of this. They need the help of other shipgirls for a mold. Don't tell me...

"Please! Be our mold! You can be the first one to start the ball rolling. Once the others realize that this plan is flawless, more will join us. And soon, this long and painful war will come to an end!" (Zuikaku)

I quickly pulled my hand away and backed off. Isn't this bad? What they want are actually sacrifices, right? They are completely brainwashed by the Sirens! I shouldn't have come here. I should have just informed Admiral when I discovered this place.

"Don't worry. I was told that it is harmless to us. You may be unable to move but this is small price to pay for ending this war once and for all."

Zuikaku-san inched closer. Her eyes are terrifying! I need to get our of here!

"Zuikaku, what's with all that noise? Oh, we have a guest?" (???)

A girl with a long white hair walked into the room. She resembles the Shoukaku-senpai I know. Like Zuikaku-san, she wore a white coat which resembles the wings of a crane.

"Shoukaku-nee, welcome back!" (Zuikaku)

Zuikaku-san ran to her sister's side, leaving the Blackbox on the table.

"This girl is Zuihou-san. She says that she wants to help us! We can finally start the second phase of our plan!" (Zuikaku)

"Is that so? Then, let's not waste anymore time. Please follow us. We will guide you to Orochi." (Shoukaku)

This is my chance. I need to secure the Blackbox and escape.

"Erm... I need some time to think about this."

"Why? Didn't you say you want to help us? We can start now!" (Zuikaku)

"Um... I'm sorry! I can't do it!"

I grabbed the Blackbox and ran towards the exit on the right.

"Ah! Wait! Come back here!" (Zuikaku)

"Aww... She ran away. No problem. We can just capture her by force." (Shoukaku)

I ran down the stairs. I have to make it to the port. This place may be big but if I keep running, I should be able to find a way out of way.

"Zuihou-san! Come back!" (Zuikaku)

I looked back to see Zuikaku-san chasing after me. She isn't running though. She is leaping towards me!

I reached the staircase landing. Now where do I go? Left or right? I think it's left. The sound of a flute being played filled the air. It's a rather ominous sound.

"You are not getting away." (Shoukaku)

I looked towards where the voice came from. What the? Shoukaku-san is floating?! Blue silhouettes shaped like planes flew down towards me. What am I doing? Run!

I ran in the opposite direction. Gunfire rained down, missing me by a few centimeters. They really plan to take me by force! Those houses should be able to provide some cover.

The first house I hid in was no use. Shoukaku-san's planes came crashing through the roof, collapsing the entire house and nearly crashing me. I barely managed to escape! I continued to use the houses as cover.

"Come on. Join us. It's for the greater good." (Zuikaku)

"I'm not becoming a mold!"

I'm getting further an further away from where my equipment is. I originally planned to escape immediately but I didn't expect Zuikaku-san and Shoukaku-san to catch up to me that fast. And what's up with those planes?! They are basically made out of fire. I got no choice. I really didn't want to this.

"Fairy-san, if you would."

The fairy hiding in my hair popped her head out.

"You should have said that earlier. Activating SOS beacon. Please find a safe place to hide and wait." (Fairy)

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