Our demon king is coming.

* Makiko, a completely indispensable triangle.

This is Masako Oda.

Unfortunately, I'm going to attend a cultural festival.

I didn't want any trouble, but I was really caught in the sweets.

The demon king of the past life can hear and behave.

This year's Cultural Festival featured a major project of the Union of Culture Ministries, "Where are we?" Planning. "

They will do all kinds of exhibitions and mock shops, inspired by Kappa.

We were pulled out to prepare for various plans for this project and have been busy lately.

Hot hot, summery enough to temporarily and seriously forget about Mayday.

The summer vacation was really hot in many ways.

Based on a script that the director of the film department wrote with the intention of dying, I went to a location with a suspicious swamp, and it's a week of locking.

To say I wrote with the intention of dying, it's just an unintelligible script about chasing even river children in the woods and eventually tap-dancing with them, but I thought that this project itself was originally unintelligible, so I wondered if that was still a good idea. Rather, it means that it looks good just to say that the Ministry of Culture boys practiced tap dancing hard and danced in the woods. Even though I'm not scared at all, I would say to create a surreal worldview by making the performance horror chic enough to say whether it is still this way.

The truth is that they wanted the film to have a permeation, but the girl rebelled violently because the role was a river boy.

"Saiga, your river boy is a sin," he said, and because he also refused categorically, the role of river boy was played by Senior Kuroki. Well, I think he was a good actor. One of the things I found out a lot this summer. Senior Kuroki looks great, but he's the one who works powder himself.

So even if you plan such a damn project, people will follow you.

Video Technologies is the Director of the Film Department who aims to direct films for boulders.

I guess it turned out to be a completely different, technological piece than a totally amateur movie piece that I would do with some other class project or something.

Actually, I'm a little excited.

We also do a pretty good menu idea for the Japanese costume teahouse in the Department of Family Medicine.

This is going to be an authentic teahouse, where you can also get fresh tea from the tea ceremony department.

We have Yuri, so the Penance Sorority was primarily assigned here.

"Dafu is red. Delicious, though."

"Then let's make Kiwi Dafu. It's green and it's surprisingly delicious."

"What's that bizarre?"

Senior Yano, director of a serene looking family department in a plump system. Everyone calls me Mother.

Is it because I always wear a triangle scarf?

When I say I live alone at home, this guy always lets me hold onto the tupper beautifully the excess of the dishes I cook in the department.

I'm really someone like your mother, and I love it.

"Do you also unify the menus all in green?

When I asked Senior Yano, it was a different voice that answered me.


Senior Kuroki, who emerged from nowhere, wears a connection with paint. The paint is also brightly green.

"You can bring another color to the accent but the basics are green!!


This guy's really, really thick in the face, but he's also thick in existence.

I feel like I'm going to find you anywhere. I was born on this planet and I've never found anyone who couldn't help but care less.

"Hey, Makiko ~. Take a look, Mr. Hykara."

"... wow... cute"

Miyanaga, of the clothing department that makes costumes for Japanese costumes coffee. Same freshman.

She came with the costume of the bamboo that she was able to do today.

"I think Makiko looks great on you ~"

Fluffy Miyayoshi. This is another thorough green twist, but it has a purple arrow blade print on the top kimono area, which is cute.

I've never worn much Japanese clothing before, so I was reincarnated into Japan on Earth, so I'm certainly interested.

I've only worn yukata before.

"... hey, you're doing great"

"As someone who wears Japanese clothes well,"

Yuri has peeked in. He makes a circle with his fingers, as he calls it a good job.

"The men will unite in the kimono they have in the tea ceremony department. Yuri, you brought me some."

"... we have a lot of them."

When Yuri laughed nicely, Miyayoshi blushed shyly. Oh, sweetie.

I see, is she a liberal......

Well, it's cultural festival day. That's early.

I was dressed in a Japanese teahouse, getting ready.


"... Maruyama."

Maruyama, the red-haired eyeglass, is the one who just strokes, touches and grips me from earlier, even though I think she looks good with black hair tits.

It's a mysterious behavior.

"And the boys, by the way?

"I don't care about boys!! Beautiful girls matter more!!

"... Oh, that's what you say?

I don't know Mr. Maruyama's bumps well.

But, but I had a bad feeling about it because the tea ceremony girls who were helping the boys dress came back fluttering.

"Shit, Saiga, you suck..."

It's a sin.

Somehow I could have predicted the expansion.

Among the men who returned in the yukata prepared by the Tea Ceremony Department, there was one man who looked like an international sinner.

Dark hair is so advantageous when this is the case.


"... Oh, you look great. I don't think she's cute."

"Shut up. Whatever you say, I'm not happy anymore."

I've never seen a yukata look, but I don't know how the girls got all clammy.

Even when the boys rumored ahead of me, it no longer seemed like it mattered. I don't know if it was easy until just now.

But Russ Boss was the last one to show up, caught up in a women's costume plan that was secretly planned by the women and Kuroki seniors, dressed up in women's clothes and showing up... I'm clear... that's... Yuri Jing was there.

"... what are you doing?"


"... Jing?

I was even put on a wig that fits my light pigmented hair, blah blah blah. I'm a complete woman. She's a little tall, but well.

Both boys and girls pay attention to Jing, and I and Permea share a subtle gaze. Oh, boy.

However, however, the true Lass Boss appears at the end of the Ultimate (omitted below).

"Yuri first year students are asked to attend the first round of the second day of planning competition“ Women's Clothing Games ”. They will always win in the name of the Kappa Alliance..."

"... why are you dressed as a woman?

"I'm insurance!!

"You never need that insurance!!

Uh, it's a mosaic treatment because it's so ugly.

This guy's got a really tight body.

"Hey, Oda freshman and Saiga freshman. I'm going to get you guys into a planning match."

"What are you fighting for, Planning Representative?

"It's a battle to get an appeal time to promote exhibits and mock shops planned at this cultural festival. The first round is the women's clothing competition. The second one is a two-person tripod obstacle relay. I want you two out of here."


What is a two-person tripod obstacle relay? This is another danger.

"By the way, our rival vice chairman is also going to be in this two-legged obstacle relay to promote Maid Deacon Coffee, a plan for his class. Losing won't be conspicuous. Make sure it makes more impact than that one."

"Can't you just win!?

"Can't you two?

"You can't just win or second place. The winning star of the Planning Rep Battle is a point. Let's dye the cultural festival a full color!!

"Is it green?

"Say yes"


Me and Osprey just dropped the shoulders to make it.

I can't say no to this guy for some reason. That is a very strange force.

"Don't you know who we are?" The project, the topic called for the topic, and its quality was combined to kill quite a few guests even in the morning of the first day. Well, the penetration in yukata calls for people in the hallway (mainly women), and Yuri, who looks like I have no love for customer service, makes tea entirely in the women's air.

Exactly an utterly indispensable, unstoppable triangle!!

From there, the haunted mansion style exhibition room in the next room and the same name as the project: "Don't you know our company?" Encourage you to go to the movies and press a black stamp on your card. When you're done pressing all the stamps, you can come back to this coffee shop and get some good stuff.

"... Welcome"

"I don't have any love for Oda anymore. Because of you, Oda, the men you're looking for are here, but you're not."

Sure, I can feel my gaze in the store from earlier.

Though I think it's natural, I hold my fist in front of the customer's matcha parfait.

"... because I regret the job of just carrying something that looks delicious..."

"You just want to eat!!

The businessmanship around lunch was outrageous, but we were encouraged how much by reports of spies saying there were more than made-to-be-made butler coffee in the enemy line, in terms of how the guests were getting in and the length of the line.

"Naturally, the food is delicious, the decor in the store is more atmospheric than that, and more importantly, there's an attractive triangle."

"Movies are popular, too. The tap dance place is rolling."

"Boys from the Ministry of Culture. Seriously, good luck."

"I hear you got so stung by a mosquito in the woods."

"It seems like a lot of people are interested in seeing your exhibit from there."

"Mr. Kuroki is still great."

I can understand how this exhibit is popular while listening to what the girls in between conversations are about.

Its quality was more popular with teachers and parents than with the students, and it quickly became a topic of discussion among young people using social networking technologies with crushing features, and many other school students visited. You think some of them were in this industry?

When you have all the stamps for the project, you get a big green sticker, but a lot of people put that on their name tags, arms, wallets and desks. During the good hours of the afternoon, the school was dyeing a full color.

"Good work, Trinity of the Penance Fellowship. You can take a break."

Someone from the seniors told me that, and it wasn't even lunch yet. The three of us were going to take a break in the back.

They were buying food for every mock store at the Cultural Festival, and hungry go hand in hand, and those are what seemed like the best treat of the century to me.

"Wow - Takoyaki, okonomiyaki and... Wow - it's water dumplings"

"At least blink"

The same persistence of permeation on me that I can't get out of my sight.

Jing took the rash and sat next to me in one whack.

"I can't steam a snail."

"You know, when it steams, it's bad for your scalp."

"... eh"

Ignoring the strangely realistic conversations the boys had, I split the chopsticks with a Mach and jumped to the sauce thigh baked noodles.

No, I'm too hungry to pretend anymore. I can't do a Makoko-style gourmet report anymore either.

I'm heartless. I'm heartless and upset.

A waitress was a torturous job that I couldn't stand, carrying food on an empty stomach.

No matter how high the hourly rate, I'm sure I'm not the right person for a catering job.

"Oh, maybe I've never eaten a Xiaolong Bao before. Juice. Awesome."

"Of the tea-drinking mock shop we're doing outside? Oh, it's true. It might taste pretty good."


"Give that to me!!


"............ Ah, yes"

Take away the vessel containing the Xiaolong bag that had the permeability and Yuri, and eat it like you drink.

Wow, gravy. Awesome horse.

That's how the cultural festival began.

Enjoy a three-day cultural festival for many of you.

The fitting phrase is, "Don't you know us?". Nice.

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