Our demon king is coming.

* Makiko, silent Galapagos.

It's Makiko.

The first edition of the Cultural Festival's Planning Representation began at 11 a.m. on the second day.

Yuri and Kuroki seniors put up their bodies to dress as women, all for this reason. It is a "women's clothing competition” in which representatives from every project compete for women's clothing and beauty.

That said, since it is a student competition, the original visibility and popularity can also be a major factor in winning and losing.

Because that's all it takes to filter.

"It started again this year!! Blue Tall Famous Womenswear Games!! Men shave their shanks this year and are ready!!

The gymnasium is in full swing with the unspeakable reality of the broadcasting department.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Painful cheering in my ear.

"... wow"

"Something tells me there will be a popular sophomore boy student who won this project last year. Oh, here's an example of Senior Sakuma's class planning... even Senior Tanaka from the football club."

"... Yuri, are you okay?

Rushing to Yuri's support, me and Toru will understand how this event is a popular event, even while being pushed slightly by the different air in the venue.

The setting and all that is very elaborate.

"Voting is on the official website of the Cultural Festival, one vote at a time"

"... oh so we all have the phone in one hand..."

I also take the red phone out of my pocket and access the site.

Suisse your own smartphone. They made part time money in the summer and bought it. This guy likes new digital devices for the price.

"You're still a piece of crap."

"Shut up, I'm going to live in Galapagos!!

This state-of-the-art boy!! Damn it!!

By the way, I'm not a big fan of digital. Computer classes are painful.

"Ah, here we go!!

The monsters who can't stand to see the spotlight on the venue and who have entered with light music.

It seems that there are some people who have come after us completely, and it's amazing what a mock shop representative in the rugby department looks like.

"I knew I wasn't going to dress like a woman."

When the color of the permeated dead eyes.

At that time, if you think an awesome scream wrapped the venue, the example popular seniors have entered the venue in maid clothes.

"Cute" or "Hey beautiful!!," or the high school girls cheer awesome.

Sure, he looks like a handsome senior there, but this one only looks like a handsome guy cosplaying, and I doubt he's cute as a woman's costume. Either way, we hardly know that senior.

Well, it's much better than the rest of the Ments though.

"... normally good-looking cosplay"

"You look great."

Aces in the boulder football club. But this cheer is a threat. I found the Doya face of Vice Chairman Sakuma wearing an armband of operations by the side of the venue.

But after this, I can see that the mood in the venue changed once and for all.

Stop yellow cheering without the product just now and tell me they all took their breath.

Yuri showed up.

Fluffy, as if even the out-of-season cherry blossoms could be seen.

"Or a complete woman..."

"But a man."

The high degree of completion of Yuri's appearance in the teahouse.

What's so awesome? Not only does it look cute or something, it's a trick. She is a completely clear Japanese-style woman.

The caution of walking, the beauty of posture, and the presence of a smile.

I thought you looked like someone. Oh, you look like your aunt. Yuri said she looked like her mother.

"You're more of a girl than you are."

"... where the hell did he do that art"

"You're watching a lot of plays and stuff. With a female shape? And he looks like my aunt..."

The permeation seemed to notice there too.

The venue is zawazawa at once after an exclamation sigh. It's like saying who that kid is.

"Yuriku!!" I can also hear you cheering. Because you're a celebrity in your freshman year. Exams always come first.

I just said I don't know what this is going to be.

I looked at the look on the face of the vice chairman beside me and he looks so cute.

But Senior Kuroki showed up last to break this beautiful Japanese air.

Even though they are wearing the same badges, the two of them with the signs of the Kappa Alliance are just heaven and hell.

"... well, I hope Yuri works hard, huh?

"Why did Senior Kuroki come out..."

If I sweat cold, it is.

May we not offset each other......

Appeal time was an unspeakable chaotic time.

There were about thirty participants, but let me introduce you to some of them who were impressive.

First, senior Matsuo in third grade, from "Takoyaki Hatch" on shore. He's the one who went all the way to Interhigh with a round of gunfire.

I was in a bad mood for a while, and I looked like a pure white wedding. The venue is a booming storm.

I was amused to throw a bouquet at the venue in the style of cannonball throwing as it was.

You were disapproved of something.

Next, from three years and eight sets of plays, Redneck Swordsman, Yamagata senior played starring Redneck.

He is a kid like Kendo, but he wears a headscarf so it's ok!! targeted. Maybe that figure is the appeal of the play as it is.

But, well, it's not cute, Redneck. One way or the other, you look like a vault wearing a headscarf.

He showed me the shape of a male kendo with a bamboo knife, but what's the point of women's clothing? and the questioning system. But I guess they don't have to win.

It's delicious because it's an appeal to the play just to join. But I'm a little interested in "Redneck Swordsman".

Next, the brass department representative, sophomore waterfall seniors.

It felt good about something. He's a Ministry of Culture man, and for a small amount. I didn't have a bit of affection, but it's pretty cute. Three knitting on our school sailor clothes to the standard. That's usually a good appeal to blow a trumpet. Oh, there's a girl like that, you know?

Well, it was cool and twisted to the end, so maybe people want to be stepped on.

Yeah, it was cute for you.

"Come on, finally, big fate!! Last year's winner Takashi Tanaka entered the fight from a pair of" Made Deacon Coffee “Blue Bucks" for two years!! They're pretentious maid of honor clothes this year. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!

At last, Senior Tanaka is here.

He waves with a refreshing smile.

"Tanaka-kun, you're in the mood this year. Are you going to win?

"... hey, you're not Tanaka, are you? Tanaka-san, or Temi, so. The store is Kazumi."

My real name is Takashi Tanaka.

He's a popular person who seems to subtly take the laughter of the venue. But my voice is like a man, so I laugh a little at the gap with my outfit.

He did a common autumn leaf maid trick on the spot, flirting to see how the vice chairman was doing as he stood still in the corner.

"Something's happening..."

"Ooh, the point goes right in"

A monitor of the point is putting out his dantoz popularity numbers.

Still, I haven't got Yuri yet, but I already voted and stuff is terrible!!

Oh, Yuri.

"... and then Mr. Kuroki."

The warriors chosen from our project, they both came out.

Yuri is as beautiful as ever. Senior Kuroki is a brain mosaic.

"Come on, it's a pair rumored to be the dark hose of this year's women's clothing competition!! The Ministry of Culture's interlocking project: 'Don't you know our' More than one set of Yuri Jing a year and three sets of Kuroki majesty in Don's three years in the Ministry of Culture. Participate in a grand battle in the dreaded quality of the Planning Teahouse uniform!! Yuri, they say you're a winning candidate, but what do you say?

"No, no!! My Jing won't talk!! I won't break it. Dream on everyone!!

Yuri just snorts at Nico, and the next senior Kuroki is on his way to Mike. - Shut up. I see. Are seniors like pull job managers?

But this is a good method of warfare. I do look like a woman, but Yuri is a boy, so it's a shame to talk. Was this where I said I was thoroughly creating an ideal image?

If you're Senior Kuroki for that, then he's really a connoisseur.

Yuri also promotes tea houses and behaves gracefully.

Thorough womenswear creation is, in a way, the ideal female portrait of a man and a hobby of Kuroki seniors, and it feels like whoever is in charge of doing it.

He is a highly popular senior Tanaka woman, but he was troubled by male votes about what had happened in the past, and as a result the male votes crept into Yuri, plus a first-year vote, a consolidated organizational vote for the Ministry of Culture, and eventually the Yuri & Kuroki Combination votes of our Kuroki alliance drastically separated Senior Tanaka.

I also pounded the Galapagos phone silently with one hand. I voted.

"Ooh. You won. This is"

"Well, naturally."

Yuri only talked thoroughly and without gestures to the end, instead Kuroki seniors were making noise around him, it was funny as if he was a mix of non-talking local characters and the publicity manager, and no matter what, the quality of women's costumes and costumes was high.

"Don't you know who we are?" The project won successfully, gained publicity time, and earned a lot of points for the project award.

"Er, our Ministry of Culture coalition, the Totekai Alliance, is carrying out an interlocking project in the old building that says, 'Don't you know us?' There is a Japanese teahouse, a haunted mansion style exhibition room, and a mystery (?) There is a movie, it is very confusing. You can enjoy the green threesome space that is cuckoo!! Japanese-style teahouses can taste authentic flavors and hospitality from the Family Medicine and Tea Ceremony Departments, and the exhibition rooms can learn about the history of tea. The movie was captured by the Ministry of Culture sweating and clandestine. Tap dancing all over you danced with Yab mosquitoes is a must.... Oh, and at 1: 00 this afternoon, there's going to be a scabbard escape somewhere in the school, so please catch me and bring me to our exhibition room if you like. You can shoot a memorial with Kappa.......... and there is always Jing in the Japanese Tea Shop so come and see me!!

Senior Kuroki has our plan placard, Doya Face.

Doya face towards Vice Chairman Sasaki, who, by the way, is causing his expression to be drawn in the corner of the venue. Hepero towards Jing.

Jing himself was listening with a nod next door, "eh" in the last part. I turned my frightened blue expression to Senior Kuroki.

Woe to you. You have confirmed that you will be dressed until the end of the cultural festival.

The venue is thrilled with the way it is, Jing Chan Cole.

When she saw Vice Chairman Sasaki properly, she was turning her face into a cold look that was supposed to be adorable, as she curled her hair back.

No, I saw something horrible.

"Ha... steamed"

"Good day Jing"

"You were very popular, Jing."

Yuri, who is quiet behind the scenes, turns an indescribable look toward me and permeation.

It's not like him. It's like a whole back. Cutlets in the hands.

"Very well done, Yuri freshman!!

When I turned to the wild, hot, bitter voice of the familiar Kuroki senior, there was a lid in a green dress.


"Which one is it?

"Cut it!!

"What have you already changed your color?

Seniors were already getting ready for their next action wearing creepy cute type of cuckold rather than saying cute.

"I'll be released from now on. Escape the school. Exactly. 'Don't you know our company!!

"............ ha"

Oh, you said something earlier.

You think Kai will escape when it's 1: 00 pm?

"It's an open-ended capture game."

"Senior, it's really amazing."

Transparency praised honestly.

No, but I'm impressed with Senior Kuroki's strength, ideas and abandonment actions.

"You guys have your next planning match, too. Come on!!

"... Yes"

The seniors are up to this, so all I can say is yes anymore. I can't say......

Our own appearance, which starts this afternoon, was also something we didn't think we could make appropriate.

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