Our demon king is coming.

27: Tor, there is no handkerchief.

I was looking at the ceiling again. Familiar chandelier decorations.

I don't know what to say, I feel like I'm just sleeping at some point these days.

The big window in the room peeks into the sunset cedar. The light and shadows in the shape of the windows were heavily reflected on the floor.

There is no other light source attached, dim and atmospheric.

"............ maki...... lier......"

"... oh, woke up?

Next to the bet, she, who should have known better, was sitting in a chair messing with wooden parts and doing something.

Notice my voice. She looked at me and laughed like she was in trouble.

"Nah, I did. Are you asleep?

"... Oh, ha... Machia? That's right..."

"How are you feeling? You know your situation? It was the risk of the Magic Fortress, and it was heavy. Lily healed me by magic, so quickly. Even so, I slept for three days."

"... are you serious... Seriously."

Finally, I understood why I was asleep. Cover your face with your hands and exhale loudly.

Is my head blurry because I caught a glimpse of some of my long memories, because my body is still not feeling well, or simply because I slept too much?

The warmth of the room is far from the cold snow country in my dreams and I can't tell you anything.

"Machia... I had a dream, 2,000 years ago..."

"... I was wondering what that might be. 'Cause you, you know, you've been saying all sorts of other names like Sieve and Scroot."

Various other parts were somewhat more powerful.

I look awkward.

And try to get up without eating anything.

"Thor, stay asleep. I'm sick..."

"... you can't say that. I can't believe I slept for three days..."

"Want some water?


Machia followed the glass of water and handed it to me.

She takes me seriously.

"... what. It's hard to drink when you're staring."

"Because... Tor's finally up"

Machia laughed happily, and suddenly, she burst into tears in her eyes. I'm goofy.

What, did I look that bad?

"Hey, don't cry. You... you barely cried when you were a Red Witch, but you've been crying lately."

"When I get old, I can't even cry!! You're getting old and round too!!

"You're supposed to be physically young. Oh, that's crazy ~..."

"So, because Tor... it was terrible. Over and over again the risk payment came and every time Lily seemed serious... He said if he died like this..."

"Don't be ominous, dude."

Am I my grandfather?

Machia grips the dress on her lap all the time, crying in tears.

"Hey... it's okay now..."

Wipe your tears, and usually offer a handkerchief in your chest pocket, but now you can't say anything about sleeping rolls.

I was wondering what to do, and Machia took the liberty of wiping her tears with a white towel that was on the desk next door.

"Ha...... Well, good, good."

Oh, my God, it's normal mode. What was the tear until just now?

"That's right. What happened to your forefoot injury? It was a terrible injury."

"Not as good as you. Fully healed in one day. Don't lose it."

"Ah, yes. Excuse me... I'm really done..."

Machia poured water into her glass and drank it all at once. Plenty of manly drinking.

At that time, the door to the room just opens.

"Dear Machia... Your Highness Ulysses is here for you.......... is that, Dear Thor, you woke up?

Noah came in with a surprised look.

"... yes. Then I need Noah here. I'll be there in a minute. Then I'll bring Ulysses."

"... Got it"

Machia walked out of the room squeaky as it was.

Instead, Noah sits in Machia's chair until just now. Noah was looking at me with a flicker.

"... Um, are you... are you okay?

"Oh. I'm sorry... it's just a joke"

"Yes, no... good"

Noah started messing with the wooden parts that were placed at the desk next door.

If you look closely, it looked like a model in the shape of a ship.

"Is that a model? Looks like a battleship..."

"Yep.... this is a model of a Valkyrian ship, given to me by Princess Chatma before. I... like ships..."

"Heh - that's cool. Let me have a look."

It was a model that was well made to detail. It is built into the invisible interior.

"You're going to use it for a magic fortress?

"Ah, yes.... because my Fortress of Magic is inspired by the ship. … I'm modeling right now."

"You're young, but you're great. When I was twelve, my old man took me out for rabbit meat in the field."


"Yes, no, well, this story is good"

Noah made me look strange.


"Ship ah...... I've never built a ship's magic fortress, so to speak... What's the percentage you're making?

"It's basically five to five: 50% phantom, 50% physical"

"You're... that's a lot of risk..."

"No. Since I first paid for my arms and legs... it's not that risky anymore. I'm the only one in the family who seems to be at very little risk... Sounds like a risk of upfront payments."


By people, I have never known that risks are large and small and have characteristics.

Sometimes you say that. After all, this magical characteristic can be verified because it is a large family.

"Hey...... what else is this magical trait that the Twilight clan has been validating?

"... uh... right..."

Noah was thinking of something, not stopping him from making a model with his hands.

"And then... it's Twilight Zone"

"Twilight Zone?"

"Yes. Scroot Eyesmore, the ancestor of Twilight, left behind the theory that at dusk is the time when the magic flow in his body becomes most intense. And for some reason, this moment alone will dramatically reduce the risk of space magic that we use."

"... what?

"So we often prepare fortresses with a high percentage of physics that are not normally available. Many operations also used dusk... But the Twilight zone is really short.... Look, it's sunset now, it's night"

Until just now it was orange but the sky but now it is blue and the stars start to appear.

"Our Lord has created a magical fortress that forces space to be created at that time in a small range. Twilight Zone.


I felt like I heard something pretty amazing and thought about a lot of things for a second.

With that said, I once felt like the Red Witch was saying those words when she named them Scroot.

Did the Twilight clan take the manpower and time to find this delicate part of magic that I didn't realize?

"... Noah, just because you're a Black Demon King, don't say that about your clan so easily."

Lepis, who stood next to me at some point. Really this woman shows up secluded.

"RE, Lepis!! Why do you always show up so suddenly?"

"I'm sorry, I don't have a presence."

She answered pale, lighting the chandelier. Noah says "I'm sorry sister" at first sight.

The room brightens up at once.

"Wouldn't that be nice? I'm your ancestor."

"That's not the problem with saying that.... but well... nothing I've learned is good enough..."

With that said, she looked at the door.

Something noisy can be heard in the hallway.


And a loud noise opened the door of the room, and Machia came into the room like a roll.

Looked like he was kicked in the back.

"That hurts!! I wonder if you, as a man, can kick a lady!!

"Oh? You the lady? Don't make me laugh, you monstrous witch. Don't even look at the lacrima I gave you!!

I heard it a long time ago, it was a rough voice.

Esca is a rare bishop's garment, looking down at Machia greatly at the door, something gagging and calling.

Ulysses was behind it.

"Well, Macki and your brother-in-law, calm down. For once, this is a sick patient's room."

"That's why you call me brother-in-law. You're stuck!! You octopus!! Fall to the sea and die!!

This exchange between Ulysses and Esca is no longer the usual either.

"... what is it?"

"Hey Black Demon King. She was hurt badly and slept for three days. I'm gonna laugh, it's not sloppy at all!! After all, magic is limited to low-risk white magic!! Black magic is outdated!!

"Shut up already, Eska, loud earache..."

"Amen, Red Witch!! You can't even grab me. You can't use me!!

"Oh, you said you could always do it!!

"I'm in trouble!!

Machia and Eska are gagging and having a grasping fight.

"... what the hell..."

"Apparently, Maki used to get Esca a valuable video lacrima of the battle between the kingdom of Frezier and the Federation of Hermédes. But look, Maki and Thor were fighting, and Thor fell asleep, and it didn't seem like the right time..."

"I see."

Ulysses evacuated to the side of the cot and explained it to me.

He said, "Are you okay now?" He asks.

"Oh... my head is blurry though"

"I don't have a choice. I've been asleep. And I'm glad you woke up."

"Was I that bad?

"From what I've seen, that was the most serious risk payment I've ever seen. I asked Maki a few questions, but she's lost her way into a great space. I say what the boundaries of the world are... I can't believe there was such a trick in the Residual Demon Guided Space..."


Speaking of which, I remember.

This is what happened because I built that mysterious, silly, big capacity space.

You say you're the ancestor of space magic, but you're flirting with space, and you're haunted by it.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's with the Demon King class? Why didn't you call me?

"You come out here all the time, you stalker!! Fall to the sea and die!!

Sir Medite, with a frigid grin, peered his face through the door. Eska summons further.

How noisy the room got.

I'm getting more and more blurred.

"Thor, hold on!!

Ulysses is like your mother.

"Look, you guys!! I'm going to show you some thankful footage!!

"Why does this guy look so great..."

Eska picked up the scene and ended up in my sick room with a video viewing party.

On this occasion, I have all the mentions: Me, Machia, Ulysses, Noah, Lepis, and Esca, Lord Medite.

"It was filmed by my fellow investigators. And burn it in your eyes."

Esca pushes so cautiously and touches the surface of the video lacrima.

When we created the monitor in the air, we started playing that valuable footage.

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