Our demon king is coming.

28: Sir Medite, charisma of the magical princess who fights.

"The tumultuous Chamberlain Maritime Battle!! ~ The Holy Queen to Fight ~ '


"... with sound"

The title logo of the video that started came out with an exaggerated sound effect.

Good evening, I'm Urbanus Medité.

The Sea of Chamberlain, by the way, is the nomenclature on the central sea side of the Chamberlain Empire, the second largest power on the eastern continent, across the great desert from Frezier.

The footage switched to the up of a giant soldier on all fours.

The facial range is bigger than what I saw in Ruscia before, and Lacrima is two in a row overhead.

Looks like another giant soldier of a different type. It floats above the sea about three bodies.

"Wow... still disgusting shapes"

"Does this mean that there can be differences in ability between modeling?

"Does the large number of lacrimas mean that's the type of energy consumption that's intense?

"It's a mess - you can knock it down, knock it down ah!!

Miss Machia, Thor, Her Royal Highness Ulysses, and Esca from above, but each demon king sounded like a first voice.

Differentiation between the type of thinking and the type of not thinking. You mean Miss Machia and Eska are similar to each other in a way......

The footage seemed to be taken from above some lighthouse.

"Senior Eska, are you watching -!! This is Vabel from the First Investigation Team. I, Meldaria Medité, will be in charge of the situation!!

I, Urbanus Medité, knew the curly haired daughter with the eyelids who lived on the other side of the video.

"Ah, you're Melda. Because this is my cousin. My father's brother's daughter."


Strange feeling of the air on the spot.

"Sure, those eyelids don't remind me of my grandmother at Medite's"

"Hahaha, all the women in the Medithet family have eye bands. I can do it."

The Medithes are obliged to provide personnel to the Vabel Investigation Mission. The old lady used to be a part of the investigation team. As a result, my father's brother and family have been investigating overseas, and I only see him once in a while.

"Melda is a magician in charge of explosives. She's not the same type as the frigid poison magician there, but she's a pretty crazy woman who sounds like a Medithet. Well, it's a gift of my education."

"Oh, well, Melda was one of Esca's men."

Weird place to talk in person. Miss Machia and Thor had a face to say what was going on, so that's it for her story.

"Uh, unknown today, three guerrilla giants have appeared on the shores of the Chamberlain Sea. The Royal Palace of Frezier announces this as Nos. 25, 26 and 27. High probability of a test raid by the Hermédes Federation. The Chamberlain empire requests the Allied kingdom of Frezil to launch the Valkyrian fleet. Oh, ahhh, there you go. Look at that!! Beautiful form on that pawn!! This is Valkyria, Frezier's proud newest battleship!! That's the seventh Canon fleet, isn't it? Of that handsome general!!

The footage reflected the sky. There's the state-of-the-art crystal of Frezier's technology, the figure of the Valkyrian ship, which has also appeared once in Ruscia.

The reality of the Melda Reporter is also tense.

'This lighthouse also has so many courageous press!! Frezier State Broadcasting, to the chase with a hazy note that says "Princess Shatoma's life” with the National Liberation and... journalists. What is everyone!! Battlefield Photographer!!

The investigation team's footage also showed other people turning cameras, and this included Miss Machia, Thor, and His Highness Ulysses, both looking open and poking at each other.

"Eh......, eh, is this what it's like overseas? You got so many cameras in the battlefield?

"... here's what Frezier looks like. The photographer's on the line. It constantly holds and broadcasts the bravery of the Frezilian army on camera.... you can see how late Ruskia is a country?

Eska is putting her arms together, and she looks great. He's not great, though.

"Oh oh, a giant soldier, a giant soldier started storing energy in the beam cannon!! Oh, no, no, no, no. '

Melda's reality remains the same. A beam cannon.

But it's true, one of the giant soldiers is pointing the overhead lacrima this way and getting ready to fire.

The press were deliberate and nervous. I'm nervous this way. Once that one passes, a strip of coast becomes a burning field.

"Ah, it's Princess Shatoma!! Princess Chatma has appeared on the bridge of an aerial stopped Valkyrian ship!!

Video, all at once.

Princess Chatma is out on the bridge of the Valkyrian ship.

General Cannon was there to keep back.

Princess Shatoma put her right hand forward and shook it off as it was.

At that moment, countless magic formations appear in the air, and a sword of great light shaken down smashes through the lacrima of the giant soldier who was about to shell out exactly now.

One of the giant soldiers fell ill.

But this alone cannot defeat a giant soldier. Giant soldiers play again and again.

Princess Shatoma seems to know that too, and gives the next instruction immediately.

"Twilight Zone!! Expand!!!

Even Princess Shatoma's decree has just been recorded.

With those words, the space changed color at once, as if it had gone inside an orange dusk box.

"Ahhh, this is Frezier's advisor magician, Solomon Twilight's Magic Fortress,“ Twilight Zone ". Must Win Pattern Come!!

It was you, Thor, and Miss Lepis and Noah from the same Twilight who reacted to the reality. Speaking of Solomon Twilight, he is certainly the head of the Twilight clan and the brother of Miss Lepis.

I glance right at you.

One of the giant soldiers jumped up and went for the continent at a tremendous speed.

I hear the press scream.

But the whereabouts of the giant soldiers were hindered by large walls that were invisible.

"... the Fortress of Magic"

"Yes. This is a 100% demon-guided fortress of defensive physics, the" Transparent Cage (Diamond Basket) "of the Twilight family. Can only be used when expanding the Twilight Zone. On the eastern continent there is no“ green curtain ”like on the western continent. Only the Magic Fortress for Defense and Princess Shatoma's Spirit Treasure Wall are the only ways to defend the continent.... but the defense is far inferior to the Green Curtain."

"... how many Twilight clans are there in Frezier"

"Five, right? Who can use the Fortress of Magic?"

Talk between you and Miss Lepis, Thor.

Everyone is sensitive to each conversation as they nail it to video.

'Ooh, higher walls are being built more and more. There's a clear hard wall from the coast……. Oh, one of the giant soldiers is climbing the wall!!

The giant soldiers gave birth to countless legs and stuck to the wall.

And climb up and go at a fierce speed.

The giant soldier slaps his face against the wall and mouths it. Artillery fire in a straight line from there. An elongated energy wave burned the wall and smashed through a large mountain that was on the other side. The condition is very creepy and horrible.

The press, and the public on the other side of that camera, would surely have screamed.

But Princess Shatoma on the other side of the video laughed furiously and struck her hand with a fan in her hand.

"O my people of Frezier, and friends of Chamberlain. I'm not looking at giant soldiers. Behold the concubine!!

Princess Shatoma's voice echoes.

She unfolds a myriad of magic formations characteristic of white magicians. Create so much at once that His Highness Ulysses can't beat you.

It seemed like it was time for her to come out on the battlefield.

A fine grain of light envelops her as if it were scaly powder.

The vine-colored light forms a band and spins glue yarn.

"... bugs"

His Highness Ulysses muttered.

Yes, countless bugs were surrounding her and enclosing her.

Light acquires the power of the magic formations and, as a summons of the Ninth Commandment, forms.

"Princess Shatoma said the Tenth Commandment cannot be summoned. Therefore, the Ninth Commandment was extremed..."

His Highness Ulysses seemed about to be convinced of her magical form.

The Ninth Commandment is a summons of spiritual treasures.

Everyone watching the footage took a breath. Its divine appearance is certainly a manifestation of what a thousand years ago was said to be a fighting princess, the Holy Girl.

She was wearing spiritual treasures. Slowly dancing silk clothes, from which metallic armor and heavy firearms, flying weapons and other absurd numbers of treasure pieces merge to cover her. I have a large king tin in my hand that is twice as good as hers.

"The Ninth Commandment Summons…… Spirit Treasure“ Spirit Armed "………. People, who is the concubine?

A moment of silence after Princess Shatoma's throw. The press screams with their cameras in their arms so as to break that silence.

"Princess Awwwww!!!

"Princess Shatoma!! Princess Shatoma!!

"Next Queen!!

"Holy Queen!!

This is the photographer. Does the people on the other side of the camera feel the same way?

The scream of fear turns to cheer at once.

"Princess Fujishi, yeah, yeah!!



"... uh, what is it now, who?

Even on this side over the monitor, Eska spreads her hands wide and stands up with just one person impressed.

Miss Machia and the others are looking at Esca in a donned manner.

"What are you, a fan of Princess Vine?

"...... I have been a follower of Princess Vine for a thousand years!!


"Well, why does the Archbishop, who founded the Vabel Nation, believe in something else? I don't know why..."

Thor your most scratchy. Eska said, "Ugh, this is nothing!!".

Well, leave Eska alone.


I'm Princess Vine's again...... worship Princess Shatoma.

This is also why I was told to be the Holy Girl. Magic has become one symbol, involving the person.

Princess Shatoma......... No, 1,000 years ago “Princess Vine” was a princess who used much of what she called her existence in politics.

This also uses some kind of performance to show the public that I'm here. You can't just be a strong magician, saying that being the apex of a nation looks so divine. That's where it makes sense.

The figure wrapped around the Spirit Armor was vine-colored, like a big butterfly, or like a fairy.

"... Awesome"

Miss Machia, too, opens her eyes and squeals in her appearance and cheer.

Princess Chatma's support in the Kingdom of Frezil is very high. Her charisma, and special powers, plus that figure. The people think of her as the savior of their time. The strength of the kingdom of Frezil is here. The overwhelming support of the top. The Hermédes Federation also knows that Frezier will not go with a single string.

"Come on, you monster. Let the concubine immediately inflict heavenly punishment. We don't need a Valkyrian ship this time."

Princess Shatoma turned that gaze towards a Federation battleship that was more upward and simulated into the sky just watching.

"As much as I play with the gods I have no time to spare, my concubine will never forgive a Federation that tries giant soldiers and threatens other nations!! That's how I look at heights now, but good. Soon my concubine will pull you off!!

I wonder who the hell her words were directed at.

Even on this side of the video, there is an esca with wrinkles between the eyebrows as if there was a distant cause.

"... ugh"

I was small and exhaled.

I'm sorry, but I'm more concerned about the look on the faces of those in this footage right now and those in the Demon King class on this side watching it than about the threat and horror of the giant soldiers.

Very, very interesting.

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