Our demon king is coming.

20: Machia (Machirier), Memory 1.

About 2200 years ago.

Forest back of the western continent, the kingdom of Grizine.

McIlier: Twelve.

My previous life's name was McIlier Lucia.

If I were to speak of the childhood of a mediocre red witch, I was born as the grandson of a named witch, living behind a forest in the Kingdom of Grizine on the western continent.

My grandmother, Matilda Lucia, was the most skilled name witch in the Kingdom of Grizine, and she worked to give her name to the baby of this country. The cabin in the back of the woods holds a book with many names engraved on it, the number of which is so immense.

My mother was also a name witch, but she wasn't as powerful as my grandmother, she did mainly like an assistant. But my mother was a good cook, and I loved my mother's handmade treats and preserved food. The magical treats, pickles and jams are excellent, they sell as soon as you go to town, and the queen of the royal palace is sure to say that your mother's jams are exceptional.

My father was a hunter in the woods, a silent but calm and gentle man. In the woods, he had hunted deer and rabbits to feed, plowed fields and looked after cattle and birds. He was also good at carpentry work and someone who could put up cabins, build brick walls and anything anyway. I sometimes asked my father to take me to town.

Speaking of Lucian witches, a clan that has long been a name witch in this country, it also has connections to Gridgen Royal Palace, and everyone visited this forest to get their name.

A witch with red hair and bright blue eyes.

It was a hallmark of the clan, as was my grandmother and mother, and the vibrant colours seemed special in this country as well.

Yes, as a child of mine, I lived in peace and serenity, not so different from other families.

My grandmother also knew my unusual magic numbers, but I don't think she thought at this time that she would be called the Red Witch in the future and be named as the Demon King. As much as that, I was a normal magician's child.

"Mother, what's for snacks today?

"Well, McIlier, are you hungry already? You're a real eater. I wonder who he looks like."

"Because your mother is good at cooking, God made me eat a lot of it."

"... I guess I thought I'd get a lot of snacks by saying what I'm good at"


My mother was working on flour, adding eggs, sugar and a little magic spice, and baking me a cake in a cauldron.

Plus, it's delicious when you put the honey pickles on my mother's made fruit.

Now I think about the pasty, rustic, and not so elaborate treats of this era, but the flavor of my mother's made treats is somehow something I remember.

My mother was a solid woman, a very skinny and very beautiful woman. I relied very much on my mother because she was the toughest person in the family to me, but she also had love in her strictness and I could feel it in the meals she always prepared.

"Me, I'll get your father!!

I went to get my father, who was out hunting and doing field work.

The field wasn't that big, but it was enough for four families to eat. Because my father always went to town to buy what was missing.

"Father, it's tea time."

"... early, even though I think I had lunch earlier"

"Father, you work so hard, you're not hungry? I'm already hungry."


My father was staring down at me, just like I said.

I know what you're trying to say. I must have thought the same thing about who this meal looked like, my mother.

"Dad, you're going to town next time, right? Hey, take me with you."

"What, you want something"

"'Cause the harvest festival is just about to start. There's gonna be candy. For the festival. Your father bought it for you last year, didn't he? I can't forget that flavor."


Hey, hey, isn't that good? And, many times I pulled my father's clothing sleeve so I could be taken to this year's harvest festival.

My father looked very difficult at first, but he always nods.

My father definitely asked me if I would treat you like this, even though it would be a lot of trouble to take me with him.

My mother told my father time and again not to spoil me, but my father always snuck up on me and gave me some rare treat I had bought from town.

My father always seemed mucky, but he was really very sweet, and I felt sweet to my sweet father because I was more angry with my mother.

"Grandma, will Grandma give the baby the name of destiny? Is a name that important?

"Well, I guess so. The more the name fits, the stronger the child is bound to this world. It's like a pile."

"... Hang?

One day I went to my grandmother's room and heard what I had always cared about.

What power does the name have and what does it make sense?

My grandmother brought a wooden carved doll that was placed on her desk in front of her, with an elongated cane in one hand, and told me something very important.

"Look, McIlier. This desk is the earth. This is the land of Mayday. And this doll is a person. Flesh and soul. But flesh and soul are inherently separate, and that's not something that's strongly connected. It's very easy to get away from."

"... like bread pinched with meat and vegetables? That, because it's very collapsible. But it's delicious."

"Hahaha, you don't. That's what it is."

My grandmother slapped me on the knee and laughed a lot because I tried to analogize it with food.

I liked my grandmother's lavish laughter, and I tried to make her laugh on purpose.

My grandmother follows me straight from the head of a wooden carved doll to stab her wand.

"So, it's the name that connects its detachable, collapsible flesh and soul to Zdon and the" world ”directly from the top. It's like a pile. Stronger, deeper, piles strike the world if the name fits. If it was a name that didn't fit the other way around, the stab on the pile would be weak and rattled, and I wouldn't be able to benefit from the world. In this case, you are very unlucky or unhappy, you get sick or you die prematurely. If the pile comes off, the body and soul will be separated."

"... heh yeah. So you're all coming to Grandma to get the right name."

"That's right. Nevertheless, no matter how suitable the name is, it can make you sick or die prematurely because that's not the only thing that dictates your destiny. Well, I've never given it a good name."

My grandmother took the cane out and blew it on her desk.

"McIlier, what do you see from your name?

"... I can see the magic numbers. If I were a newborn, unnamed baby, I'd come up with a name somehow. But that's not my grandmother's name, so I'm not trained enough yet."

"Haha, I don't know. You might as well name it. [M] Well, there's an enormous pattern even when it comes to names, so which is better and which choices to make, it's just a guess anymore. McIlier, Marcier gave you your name."

"... your mother?

I look a little subtle. Because your mother, as a name witch, must say, is slightly subtle.

"Hahaha, don't look like that. The name I was going to name was so wonderful that I retracted it. I thought Marcier spent all his power as a name witch on naming you, so much so that I thought it was the perfect name."

"... heh"

I wonder how it would have been if my grandmother had given me a name, but I liked this name given to my mother.

"I, too, wish I could someday marry and have a child and give my child the most wonderful name"

"Then I need to train more as a name witch and find someone better than anything else"

My grandmother laughs niggly. My grandmother seemed to want me to take over this job sooner or later. I was quite expected.

Somehow I asked about my grandmother's encounter with my grandfather.

"How did Grandma meet Grandpa?

"We met at the royal palace. When I went to give my name to the prince who was born in the royal palace, he was just the official who gave me guidance. But hey, he was a good guy, but he didn't have a bad name. After we got married and Marcier was born, he died of an epidemic disease."


Because my grandfather was short-lived, I had never met my grandfather, but as far as I could tell, he was very handsome.

"In that regard, Marcier's husband, Huld, is good."


"Oh. He's healthy and manly because I was the child he named. You're a working man. Most importantly, it's a mame. McIlier, if you're getting married, I'd like a good man."

"... Mame dude"

Indeed, my father, besides doing everything and hunter's work, sets up cabins, maintains gardens, and takes on the powerful work of our family. It's not even loud.

In this day and age, it was rare for a house to have so many women in power, and few son-in-law types like my father.

My grandmother's presence was too great. From what I saw, I also felt that my father was used to be good for my caring grandmother and mother, but that was the balance of our family.

It was a lot of trouble because I lived in the back of the woods, but I think the name witch lived a wealthy life there in these days because it was the most earnable profession of women.

The western continent had a good climate, agriculture flourished, there was no war, and there was little trouble living.

I was wondering if this land, this house, loves this family, and by this time I'm sure I would give a lot of kids names by taking on the Lucian family name witch job just like my grandmother did.

On this continent, in this country, as old as anyone else, all the way to death.

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