Our demon king is coming.

21: Machia (Machirier), Memory 2.

About 2200 years ago.

The Western Continent The Inland Town of the Kingdom of Grizine

McIlier: Twelve.

It's about the autumn of twelve.

I was taken by my father and came to the nearest town from the woods. I'm here to buy a lot of stuff to prepare for the winter.

Just overlapped with the harvest festival, the town's market was lined with cereals with vegetables, smoked meats and fish, bottled preserved foods and sweet stalls.

The Kingdom of Grizine also reaches this town because some parts of it are bordered by the sea, such as dried seafood.

I haven't really come all the way to town, and I've been very busy this day.

My father had all sorts of preparations, so I got a little penny, bought water candy and baked sweets and looked around freely.

I didn't have any friends because I lived in the woods, and I was hanging out alone, watching as many kids get together and play sideways, thinking I was somewhat jealous.

At that time, a boy of the kid general, however a bully, was involved in one boy, gathered with several surroundings. The bullies were trying to take it away because the boy had a fancy whistle made of seashells.


The boy being bullied seemed so thin and weak, it felt like a boxed boy.

Is he a merchant or some kind of son?

"Hey, you guys, it's not embarrassing to take something from people."

While I was twelve at this time, I was a fearless daughter who would say what I wanted right away.

I know it's my grandmother's influence, but there are some things I don't know about the world.

I couldn't watch it and spoke up to me, and the other kids who were asking me how things were going around me were gyrating. Some stranger spoke out, like.

The big kid general in the figure said, "Who!!" He looks back and turns his face bright red when he learns that the little girl complained about him.

"Who do you think I am!! It's Giorno Talian, son of the mayor of this city!!

Thumbs himself greatly, prestigiously rotten, and introduces himself at will.

The surroundings applauded for some reason.

"If you're the son of a mayor, it would be a little embarrassing to take the whistle away from people..."


"Oh, but I did ask Grandma. Merchants are richer than lords and mayors these days!! With other continents, Boogie? It's thriving."

Punch your hand in the palm and dare stir it up.

When Advocate General Kiddo was angry with Cancún and tried to raise his hand to me, I read the information from the name he gave me at will and avoided the fist being waved down one step back.

"Giorno Talian, fourteen. The magic number is 208 mg. Less.... uh, my father is Almei Talian and my mother is Floray Talian. Three boys from the mayor here. The two brothers upstairs are excellent, but you're a city gorot, taking your surroundings to your liking. My favorite food is the whole roasted piglet, and the food I hate is my grandmother's pickled melon. Likewise I don't like my grandmother...... hehe, the figure is big but the arm is short, so if you step back, you won't hit the punch, he said. Actually, that's the complex."

"... na"

I perused the information I got from my name so much that there was no gap between them.

Admiral Kid, Giorno is getting bluer. The perimeter was somehow checking the length of his arm.

"Hey you guys don't look!!

Giorno held his arm in his stomach and looked pitiful.

"How do you know so much about me!!

At a good age, I almost cried half the time, Giorno.

That's when someone reported that his grandmother, who he doesn't like, said, "Here, Giorno!!" I've been shouting.

"Shh, Grandma!!

He blued and hurried away from the spot. The surroundings follow it, too.

His grandmother, who was not comfortable with Giorno, had a very large body and was certainly in a terrible shape.

This is for sure, maybe more scary than our grandmother.

"... ugh"

The bad kids were gone and I paid my hair to look around again at the festival and fished the paper bags I was putting in the treats.

But that's when the boy who was being bullied calls out.

"Hey, hey, you"


"Thank you, help me"

The boy was taller than me, but with chestnut hair and green eyes, he was such a classier starter than Giorno.

"I'm sorry... I can't believe girls can help me"

"Absolutely. You're right. A little more, if you do something about that little body."

With that said, I give him only one baked treat, out of a paper bag.

Just one.

"Because I don't eat a lot."

"... you're right"

The boy received baked confectionery and watched it stare.

"My name is Randy Marc. I know... you're a name witch, aren't you?

"Yeah, you know me very well."

"I knew it was!!

Randy sparkled his eyes and peeked into my face.

Surprised by the unexpected, I calmly read the information from his name.

Randy Marc, thirteen. The magic number is 328 mg.

Son of a merchant who travels to and from the port town and the hinterland country.

I'm calm, I look pretty good, but I tend to get sick after some bad luck.

I see... you didn't fit the name at all.

"I asked the name witch my father met on his journey to give me a name."

"Oh, really?

Well, I guess he was a pretty apt name witch. It could be him.

I was thinking about that as a child, but I couldn't tell you all about this.

Until just now, Randy talked to me about it with pleasure and a lot of fun, as if I had completely forgotten that the bully had bullied me.

I never spoke so much to a child my age, so I was kind of happy, but distracted by the strangely disturbing information I could see from my name.

Information, or something as vague as an inquiry, I felt a shadowy thing lay in his fate.

But Randy cheerfully handed me a peachy whistle, not knowing anything about it.

"I'll thank you for this. It's a peachy shellfish whistle that was sold by the sea. Isn't it beautiful?

"... but this must be very upscale, right?

"Fine. When the harvest festival is over, we're going back to the port town. Then I'll buy it again."

"... are you going to Port Town again?

"That's right. You take the wheat you harvested this year to port town and sell it to merchants going abroad. If I take it from the harbor to the countries of the east and north, it will sell for a lot of money. And you buy all sorts of ornaments from the north continent, or spices from the east continent, and you bring them to the west. Buy it again and go sell it to the countries of the interior."

"... heh"

I held the whistle I had given him to my chest and have since heard so many stories from him.

I didn't really understand it then, but the story of a land I didn't know was interesting as a child.

I've never been to Port Town yet, but I've heard stories about something called the ocean from my father.

My favorite fish and shellfish dried food comes from Port Town.

Randy said he can't really make friends because he's traveling around with himself, his family.

"Hey McIlier, I guess you live in the woods next to this town, huh?

"That's right. When she's a little older, she'll have to work at the Royal Palace while she's young, but she's still training as a name witch for a while."

"Then I'll be back next spring with lots of souvenirs."

"... oh true!!

I brightened my expression.

"Yeah. There are exotic treats in port town, too. Candyman hair decoration, looks good on your red hair. I'll get it."

Randy promised me that.

But I once again cared about the cloudiness in Randy's name, which I could see flying from earlier.

"But Randy... be careful what you're sick of. Plus, a lot of people say harbor towns are bad for galas. You're easy to bully."

"Ha, right. I do get sick a lot and get tangled up... Well, I'm fine. One of these days, I'm gonna take your father's job and do a bigger deal."

Randy was out-of-the-box positive.

This is also positive, and I didn't say anything, even if I had a lot to worry about.

My grandmother also said it wasn't just the name that drives destiny.

At this time, I was happier that he would come back to see me like this than that he could buy me an exotic souvenir, and I saw something dazzling about a friend I had made for the first time.

Randy, in the spring as promised, visited my house in the back of the woods. With lots of treats and ornaments.

I was a little taller and much more like a boy than I was when I met him in the fall. Maybe his family was very lucrative because the clothes he was wearing were becoming more and more luxurious. Around this time, trade on the three continents was very flourishing, because the western continent had many agricultural countries and sold more cereals to countries on other continents.

But then he said he was coming to the fall harvest festival again, and he never showed up in front of me again.

Rumor of the wind has it that there was a family of merchants who were attacked by bandits, stolen loads and killed while traveling around the harbour town and this rural inland town?

It's a time when there were so many such incidents, not to mention the western continent.

I don't know if it was Randy's family, but he also had a boy about Randy.

But I was feeling a disturbing shadow from his name, and somehow, I thought Randy was dead. Very vain, but out of the blue. I remember thinking so calmly.

And I guess I couldn't change his fate.

It's the hope of knowing from name to life, but obscuring the fate of the person was common. That was something Grandma couldn't do.

But I'm helpless because it's only vague and I don't know when or where it's going to be.

You can't change the name you were given once.

Some people changed their names, some used pseudonyms, but once given a name is a pile that connects flesh and soul to this world, and the world remembers its name. Naming itself is like registering in the world.

That's the world called Mayday A.

The information visible from the name is only information, something so important and important, yet so ruthlessly inorganic.

I can see the information from my name, but I can't do anything for you.

I can't rewrite my destiny.

Just watch.

As a child, I had an emotionless and pale image of the power of something called a name witch.

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