Our demon king is coming.

22: Machia (Machirier), Memory 3.

About 2200 years ago.

Royal Palace of the Kingdom of Grizine, the western continent

McIlier: Sixteen.

I was an extension of my training as a name witch at a time when I worked as a royal palace magician at Gridgene's Royal Palace.

Working in a crowded place was very difficult for me, but it was quite exciting for me to live in a glorious royal palace that I only knew in the woods.

At the time, I was greatly loved by Aurelia, one of the queens of the Kingdom of Grizine.

"Here, McIlier, take a look. Ho, it's moving."

She was already pregnant, rubbing her big stomach, and she told me.

"I, my child, am going to give you a name."

"No way. There are many other amazing names witches in the royal palace... even my grandmother."

I was amazed at what she said, blinking my eyes and not hesitating to eat sweets.

"Ho ho ho, you're that Matilda grandson. I had Matilda give me a name, but she was still right in her name. This is how I was able to have children instead of the Queen."


She gripped her stomach and smiled deeply.

The royal palace is a scary place.

"But Matilda is also old now. I hear he's nearing retirement.... From what I've heard from her, don't you say you're more delicate than her?"

"... what about that? So far, my named children are still young and have no results."

"Ho ho. But when I look at you, I'm tempted to say it's okay. Being beyond Matilda."

"Ha ha... not too much to buy"

"That's not true. My son will be your first prince, named after you."


I was dealing with Aurelia's tea while I followed a cake with fruit on it with a silver fork, and I was a little frightened at her strange buyout.

But when she calls me to tea, it won't be long before a delicious treat comes out, so I can't really go against her.

"Okay. When a young man is born, I will desperately give him a name."

"Ho, I hope so, McIlier."

It was a lot of pressure just to name it, but it was also a good thing. Being named to a royal opponent was a great honor as a name witch.

Master Aurelia was a beautiful, gentle woman, but a horrible woman in many ways.

I guess that's all I had to do to survive in the royal palace, and I learned a lot from her in living in the royal palace at the time when I didn't know the world yet.

I think what Aurelia liked was the beginning of it all.

Marianna the Queen is pregnant so that she can compete with Aurelia.

I named the first prince Aurelia gave birth to Dominic.

Though I said I'd think about it and put it on, it's a name that came out soooo quickly.

The second prince, whom Lady Marianna gave birth to, was named by a great name witch serving the royal palace.

Exploring the seat of the next king, the rivalry between these two prince factions has become intense.

That was just after Prince Dominic celebrated his fifth birthday.

I was over twenty, but it wasn't so different in appearance from the beauty I had when I was sixteen, a time when I was still told by my surroundings that I was envious. I am fortunate that Prince Dominic grew up so quickly as a brilliant, visible and healthy prince, and I had built up my reputation as a name witch and made my name heard in the royal palace. After all, that's Matilda's granddaughter.

By this time, my grandmother Matilda was already in the other world, and everyone was convinced that I would be at the forefront of Lucia's witches.

On the other hand, Prince Frederick, the son of the righteous queen, was an excellent prince with no problems but was no match for Prince Dominic in everything and, above all, tended to be sick.

Within the royal palace, it was already rumored that the next king would be Prince Dominic.

Headed by me, Master Aurelia was surrounded by young brilliant magicians, and whoever saw it seemed to think that it was a faction with a future and flowers.

What wasn't funny was Lady Marianna.

"McIlier, I'll give you flowers"

Prince Dominic sent me a small flower in the garden of the royal palace.

I was at his side as one of the caretakers escorting the prince. Because a lot of people thought Prince Dominic was out of the way.

"Well, beautiful flowers"

"Same as McIlier. Bright red."

When he said that, he knelt down and stroked my head receiving flowers.

Oh, sweetie.

"Will McIlier protect me the whole time?

"Yeah, of course. As long as you're in the royal palace."

"... you'll be gone from the royal palace?

"One day, you'll be going back to the woods where you were born. I don't even have a grandmother anymore, and I need to take over the family business."


Prince Dominic has been shunned.

In this day and age we were as far apart as parents and children, but as a named parent, I feel that I adored this prince.


Suddenly, I felt slain from the bushes, sheltering Prince Dominic and stepping forward.

Like slashing the wind, something sharp flew forward and something stabbed me in the arm. Because I didn't avoid it.

"... eh"

It's a poison arrow.

Someone tried to kill the prince, and he hit me for it.

Doc and the blood flowing from my arms looked at the masses and I opened my eyes.

It was horrible because I had never done such a major injury before.

I knew my body was paralyzed with tingling because of the poison.

The prince was crying and the other samurai were screaming.

The assassin is like a magician, and somehow you can tell by the flow of magic that you're after this one again while hiding its appearance.

I had to protect the prince at all costs, and I was desperate to hold him.

I am too desperate at this time to remember what words I prayed for, but I was clearly aware over and over again of the thought of not wanting to die anyway, to help, to protect this prince.

These days I don't know that I have any powers other than a name witch.

In a hazy consciousness, I prayed again and again. One of them must have ordered my “blood”.

Protect us.

What happened after that was my first “kill”, unforgettable for me.

Bright red blood overflowed the earth, making it a blade that pierced the assassin who was hiding in all directions.

I had no idea what happened.

From all over again, those who were on the spot screamed loudly at the bodies of the throbbing and falling men.

It was at this time that I realized that my blood had tremendous power.

This was my own power, crossing the boundaries of saying Lucian witch.


I stared at the blood flowing from my arms and thought it was horrible to see the vivid colors and fluidity as if I were alive.

"Dear McIlier, give my child a name too"

That said, those who visited me never ceased to follow.

I was already nearly thirty years old, but as usual I kept my appearance around sixteen years old, and it was well known that my powers were unusual in the Royal Palace on boulders, and that Master Aurelia's patronage made me a magician with more power than anyone else in the Royal Palace.

But when I get older, the royal palace people start to fear me and rumor in the shadows about my unusual appearance that rises.

"Master McIlier drinks the blood of his young daughter and keeps her beautiful figure like that."

"Many touched the wrath of Master Machirier and were killed"

"I'm sure it must be the curse of Machirier, the one where Master Frederick died of illness"

"How horrible"

Prince Frederick's death from illness had nothing to do with me, but there was no choice but to make rumors like this. I had killed Prince Dominic as soon as he was around, thanks to Aurelia's life, and I guess he seemed heterogeneous with his unchanged appearance and the unusual good fortune of those who received his name from me.

All I'm saying is that my awe for me swelled and eventually my fear grew bigger.

Lady Aurelia was also very pleased with such rumors against me in protecting Prince Dominic.

Indeed, if I were on my side, no one would have been able to lay a hand on Prince Dominic, nor would I have been able to defy Master Aurelia.

We couldn't do anything about the statues of fear that surrounded us.

One day, I received a report of my father's death. My mother had died this past year.

I was terribly shocked when I was about to go back to my parents' house and live slowly with my father, who was alone. The truth is, I was going to go home when my mother died, but Master Aurelia asked me to, until now, sloppy, and I sat in the royal palace.

And, uh, I thought about it.

I don't have a family anymore.

I was wondering if you were alone.

Even if there are a lot of people in the royal palace who want me, it's not looking for a being that says I am, it just needs my power as a name witch.

Aurelia seemed so pleased that I could be feared if I were to be around her, that if I were on her side, Prince Dominic would be able to sit on the throne safely and build prosperity for a long time.

Until now, some parts of me came to tell me that it was my pleasure, but when I received a report that my father was dead, all my vain feelings came in.

I was remembering those calm days when I lived with my family.

And when I couldn't stay in the royal palace anymore, I decided to go back to that forest.

Master Aurelia was furious, but no one could stop me at this time, and I left only a bad reputation in the royal palace, leaving this place behind.

The heretic “Red Witch” and McIlier Lucia, who had secretly begun to be called, were still young and were going to live the rest of their lives in that forest. But I didn't know how long the rest of my life was at this time.

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