Our demon king is coming.

26: Machia (Machirier), Memory 7.

I must have been in love for the first time.

Without knowing that love keeps burning itself.

I visited Eyesmore again and went to see Torque after he had asked about my house for a full month or so.

But that's where I find out.

He had several wives and children.

Quite shocked to be clear, I fell asleep when I got home.

That bastard, what a fine face I said "come back" to.

Still, I've visited Eyesmore many times.

That's nothing, I didn't go out to play. They were exchanging opinions with each other and making sure what our magic and power were.

Torque wanted to know how much his strength and physique were.

Speaking of which, I've never thought of ascertaining the extent to which I don't like being special and special before.

It's just that that was the only way I could go and see him.

It may have been inevitable that we wanted to make sure of ourselves, and of each other.

That means “fighting.”

About 2150 years ago.

Ismore Royal Palace, Northern Continent

McIlier: 60 to

"Well, you're a red witch. Sorry, this is such an ugly outfit..."

"Yes, that's okay. Go back to sleep. I'm just here to give birth babies a name."

"Well...... eh. How thankful for that..."

I came to the royal palace of Ishmore to give my name to Torque and the child born between his rightful wife, Sieve.

I was actually fighting Torque, but it was interrupted because the Demons on the way came in to announce the birth of the Queen Sieve.

Just now, I was just born, and Sieve was lying back in bed and relaxing.

Sieve is a beautiful woman, with the same dark hair as Torque.

He was a lot younger than me, but he looked older than me.

Next to her, a newborn baby.

"Good luck, Sieve"

"... Yep. You have given birth to my child safely, Black Demon King."

Torque and Sieve stared at each other with a howling look on their faces. And we look at each other, at the baby with gentle eyes.

When I say this, I am reminded that Torque still has a loving wife.

But Sieve was a good man. Because I didn't hate her.

The child born was a boy, with the same dark hair as his parents, a clearly faceted baby.

"Well, I'll give it a name."

"... oh, please"

This is the first time I've seen Torque name me.

I was a little nervous, but as usual, I would look to that newborn, unnamed child and go and see what information I had originally.

"... my father is torque, my mother is sheave... dark hair... black eyes..."

Once you have confirmed the surface information, you will be able to explore the potential information that this baby has.

"... spatial magic... and... dusk..."


Torque was listening to my chanted words, wondering, but I was the one most wondering.

Such information has never been seen before.

"What you see is the Dusk clan......“ Twilight Zone "

"... what?

"I feel magic... This child will later rule the darkest hours of magic… he will be such a magician. Yes, his name is... Scroot"

I immediately noticed.

This child is a special child at a level that affects the world, completely different from the child I have ever given my name to.

The name also comes naturally, and when I touch the baby, an orange band of light enters the baby from its hand, along with the name "Scroot”.

This was a favour by my magic. This child was given something.

I don't even know what that is.

"I'm sure he's a kid with a big role.... Sieve, you have a honorable child."

"... Red Witch, it's an honor..."

Sieve was delighted with a glimmer of tears as she lay neatly in bed.

What is it like to say that you will have children with those you love?

When you look at the look on Sheave's face and the look on Torque's face, you realize how lovely that is.

There was a father, a mother, and a son.

I remembered my parents and my grandmother long ago.

At this time, I felt deeply that I was still alone.

"Oh, I'm hungry. The castle feast is good."

"You, you'll eat too much. Where the hell is that body?"


The torque was pulling so much.

I feel like this was the first time I showed him that I was a big eater.

But I couldn't do anything about the slightly cloudy feeling at this time without eating badly, so I just had to be there.

"Shall I say hey then?"

"On a night like this? Stay. I have a guest room."

"That's good. Nothing. What's taking an inn in Foothill Town?"

As soon as I could, I wanted to leave this Eyesmore.

It's always been that way, but it's so floating when you come here and it's so fun when you're fighting torque. But when they're over, they're vain for free, they can't stay, and they want to leave this place quickly.

I guess I'll come back here anyway, even though I've done the same thing over and over again.

"Hey, McIlier"

Torque called me McIlier. I usually call her Red Witch more often, so I look back with some surprise.

"Thank you for giving my child a name"

"... you're welcome"

"To me, the kid with Sieve is special. She, like me, was an abomination on this continent. I'm sure Scroot will be a child who will succeed me."


Looking up at the full starry sky, Torque said so emotionally.

It didn't seem like the first time my child had been born to him, but still referring to the day the child was born would be an irreplaceable special day.

... That's good. You are. There are a lot of people around. I have a family.

I tried to say that, I stopped.

It's like I want you to realize that I'm alone.

He has many families and trusted men in his country.

How can I be like that?

"Heh heh, I have a good wife like Sieve because of this, so you don't really want to sneak out on other women or look away. I'm scared of women's jealousy."

"... ha. I know. Now Sheave's putting it together, but there's a lot going on in my wives' world."

Black Demon King shrugging his shoulders like trouble.

I don't know what you're talking about, but you must be the culprit.

"But the wives are weak. No matter how much you value it, you'll soon be old enough to die one day. Sometimes he dies of illness. The kids are gonna get past me one of these days and get old first."


But the torque seemed to have a torque, a grid.

If there are too many loved ones, there is also a lot of grief for them when they lose them. The scene comes from time to time.

I knew somehow. He often welcomes poor women to his wife, but he never loves anyone.

Torque, who was surrounded by many, also had eyes that seemed a little lonely.

"Hey, when are you going to“ fight ”me next?

On my way home, I shake a story.

Because for Torque, I knew what my presence meant.

Me and Torque had to be equal.

The only thing the Black Demon King needed was a long-time existence that did not require pity or contempt.

Torque never sees me as a single woman. As long as he treats me as a reciprocal “Red Witch”.

"Come anytime. It's fun to fight you."

"Ha ha. You can afford it. Black Demon King. For once, this battle was my“ win, "so far I have more winners."

"I'll get it back next time. Let's build another troublesome fortress."

"Even I think it's time to blow you away. I'm launching a massive fireworks fire into this snowy country."

"Oh, horrible. Terrible woman. You are."

"What. The Red Witch must be horrible."

Put your arms around him, look at him on the side, and face him that way.

Anyway, I'm a horrible red witch.

You're far from a weak maiden.

"You, too, just go to Sieve's. You want me to leave your newborn wife alone and stay with her? I don't know if they misunderstand me."

"Oh...... that's okay, only Sieve.... it's you."


It's you, and hey.

I laugh bitterly in my heart. In short, you're saying I'm not the object of jealousy either.

"That's enough, I'm going home"

I was about to step on Zagzag snow and leave Eyesmore.

"Hey, wait, let's send it to the Warcraft. Night lanes are dangerous."

"What are you talking about? There's nothing dangerous about me."

"That's not the point."

Torque took my hand in a pussy, and said, wait, wait.

"It's not because you're safe to see dangerous eyes. I just don't want you to see me in danger.... and you're a woman. You can't leave me alone on the night lane."

"... na"

I don't know what you're talking about, this man... the person I met must be more scared.

I was calmly thinking about that, but my cheeks seemed bright red, and I accidentally grabbed the side of the triangle hat and hid my face.

At all, I treat women only when I say this.

"Hmm... may I borrow the Warcraft tonight to satisfy your self-satisfaction?"

"... you're not being honest. As always"

Torque was laughing couscous at what was so pleasant.

All I felt was more remorse and embarrassment than joy, seemingly flirting with him.

I had a sweet, weak ideal at this time that if I just thought of the Black Demon King, one of these days I could have him as one of his family.

But I was reminded as the battle intensified that it was a fluffy dream story that would never come true, more than he continued to see me as a Red Witch.

Still, I couldn't stop visiting the Black Demon King and comparing myself to his powers.

Because that's all the Black Demon King wanted from me. And for me, fighting is the only way to go for a long life of pleasure.

When I left Eyesmore, I said again, "No, hey," and I sighed, not even knowing exactly what was going on, but I put a stubborn emotion behind my chest with no place to go.

But soon, I was going to switch my head about what magic I was going to do to hurt him next.

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