Our demon king is coming.

27: Machia, loneliness and sweetness.

I woke up all the time and I got out of bed.

It's already midnight and you can see the moon through a big glass window. The brilliantly lit moon is illuminating the thin night clouds, creating what a fantastic sky it is.

I had a long dream.

"... tired"

I thought I was tired, but I don't know. I thought it was something like this. I feel like a clap.

But I sweat terribly.

The first half of my previous life, now that I think about it, seemed like a lot of really mediocre stuff. Like Ulysses, Pericelis, and Thor, it wasn't in the waves. That's why the Red Witch had that power and spared her time.

Because there was no special will to make something happen.

But it all woke me up in the place where I said it was coming from, like there wasn't even a brave Yu word out there.

"... Tor"

Thor was sitting in a chair on the side of the bed, sleeping with his arms together.

You've been on my side the whole time.

"Ahhh... but I, at that age, you were thinking about maiden ticks..."

My, what a fool in the Red Witch era.

I want to die.

That much embarrassment came in and accidentally covered my face.

Now that we have gone through the Earth Age of withering and enlightenment, we become itchy about maiden thinking in the Red Witch Age.

I just have to tap the pillow.

"What are you doing?"

When did you wake up, Thor was looking at my oddity with a blue look on his face.

"T, Tor... how long have you been awake"

"I woke up with the sound of you tapping my pillow. What are you doing, you?"

"Yes, no... that. haha."

I can't see Thor's face properly.

I strayed from my gaze and hugged the pillow I had been slamming all over until just now.

Well, the thought of the Red Witch, which was obvious to me, wasn't noticed by the Black Demon King at all.

"What... aren't you perfectly well? I was worried because I was so groovy before I went to bed."

…… Oh, yeah. You're feeling better now. But I'm thirsty... "

"Water, you want a drink?

Tor poured water into the glass from the water drain he had on the side table and brought it to me.

Somehow, I remember my grandmother's words.

Experienced women's advice that “mame” men are good.

"You're a bitch."

"What? What?

No, it's nothing.

I received a glass from Tor and drank water. You can see the cold water moisturizing your dry body. She seemed quite thirsty and the water felt very tasty.

2,000 years ago the Black Demon King, it looked like a great, majestic man, but I wonder if the Tor now in front of me is a little more intimate. But I think maybe this is the real him.

The Black Demon King dared to take such an attitude and put his country together with awe.

Thor sat down beside the bed and peered into my face.

And accidentally touch your cheeks.

"Hey, don't touch me for a second. I sweat so much."

"It's not sweat... You were crying when you were sleeping."


"Look, it's a tear trail"

Thor gently strokes under his eyes with his thumb.

I frowned, placing the glass on the table beside me and touching my cheek.

Your cheeks look damp and slightly swollen under your eyes.

"Oh... I wonder why"

"Why you. You must have dreamed of it... in a previous life."

"... that's right though. But, Thor, when I woke up... oh, I didn't think it was a big deal in my last life. 'Cause it happened on the way. I can't believe I'm crying at all..."


I didn't know why.

It's not like something dramatic happened, I'm surprised at myself, a light life.

Not to mention from here, as much as I thought, no one really had anything. A lot of people came out, but they're all gone from my place.

"But the Black Demon King has come out. I just named him Scroot."

"... oh"

Thor looks slightly, breathtaking and awkward.

What are you in such a hurry about?

I turn the pillow around my back and put it on my back.

"But... hehe. You had those days for me, too. Isn't that funny? I fell in love with the Black Demon King like a young daughter, even though I was 50 or 60 years old and my grandson wasn't funny when the world already told me I was your grandmother? Think about hats and dresses, think about them, and try to fashion them... Well, it was a waste of effort."

Also, I thought about the Red Witch.

When I woke up, I felt in tune with the Red Witch on the boulder, embarrassed and dying, but now I can see it a little objectively.

"... I'm sorry about something"

"Hahaha. I'm not blaming you. I just wanted to talk to you about the times when you said that."

Made me laugh mean, and I got Tor in trouble.

And again, narrow your eyes so that you remember your previous life.

"I guess... I was lonely and miserable. It's not like something dramatically unfortunate happened, but twitching, loneliness and misery were eroding me. Left in time, the Black Demon King showed the difference...... I ended up losing it in every wheel."

I had only traced half my memory, but that loneliness and misery was something the Red Witch would hold on to for the rest of her life. Meet the Black Demon King, the White Sage, the Brave One, life will change, and the Red Witch will later put herself in the fight, but still, if they and I had a decidedly different part, a place to go home after the fight.

As much as I enjoyed fighting them, the voidness that followed tormented me.

I didn't have anyone who thought of me the best. After the battle, someone greets me with warm eyes.

That was very miserable and made me feel ashamed.

For someone, I couldn't exist like that.

Did Thor understand what I was thinking? He caressed my head gently.

What a distressing look.

"No, Tor. I am... so now I want to say that I am very happy. Something all around Machia Odileel that's filled with people who think of me"


"I like myself there right now. It means I could have been important to someone... Plus, I think a lot more people than I did during the Red Witch era. Well, now it's more important to tell your loved ones that you want to be happy."

"... for example?

"My parents. Father and mother. Besides, Mr. and Mrs. Medite and Ar, right? To the brothers and sisters of Prince Alfredo and Princess Lulu, Ulysses and Perselis, no matter what.... Esca is a delicate line... and then Tor."

"I'm with you. I thought you were gonna make it."

You stuck around like a toil, so I laugh contentedly.

"Lie. Lie. I want you to be happier than anyone."

"... you're something else HR. Wouldn't you say" together "?"


I reached for Tor, laughing Couscous.

"Hey, wake me up"

"... you're a pain in the ass"

Thor took my hand and got me up, even as he complained.

I'll stay put and hold Tor tight.

Thor was a little surprised. It may be unusual to hold him from me.

"What is it, Machia? Not like you."

"Oh, it's so sweet. This is it."

... um, I don't know how to be sweet. I wonder what I can do to sweeten my lover.

I wonder if we have such a relationship in the first place.

What a thought I had, I got into a bump, so I pointed my lips and let him go.

Tor was pompous, so I kind of got embarrassed and I couldn't stop leaning down with my face bright red.

This is what I do when I'm not used to it.

"Oh, hey Machia..."


"You, you wanted to sweeten me?

"Oh, no more. Stop. Don't be serious."

Obviously, Tor. I have tears.

I wanted to go in if I had a hole, so I thought I'd wear a futon, and I drew it in.

But Thor accidentally pulled my hips, grabbed my jaw and lifted my face, so I dropped the futon reflexively.

Tor of meaningful eyes.

You mean you wanted to be like me and your girlfriend?

You look good and seriously say that, Thor. No more, you black demon king.

I shuddered into small pieces without being able to stray from my gaze.

There is a difference in experience here...... totally.

But Tor, after laughing poorly, stroked my head pompously and slowly held me tight.

I'm relieved at once by the smell and warmth of a familiar toil.

"I'm not going to do anything weird to you."


"You are strong but lonely. I already know that.... From now on, I'll be on your side."

Tor was still Tor.

Best of all right now, you say what I wanted.

Room bright enough just for the moonlight.

The light on the desk, with a hint of lamp, was also for you, and me and Tor had been leaning in for a while.

I was upset somewhere when I said it wasn't a big deal, I had a dream from a previous life.

It was Thor who calmed me down about that crunchy feeling.


Still, I still keep my most important memory locked up.

Even if it's time to face it, I wonder if Tor will be on his side as well.

Yes, I am a very happy man. There's something here that I've always wanted.

I wish this time would go on forever.

I felt the warmth of Thor and thought about it all the time.

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