Our demon king is coming.

37: Machia (Machirier), Memory 8.

About 2100 years ago.

Continental Grizine Kingdom of the West/House of the Red Witch

McIlier: 100s to

"... which would be better"

I put two triangular hats back on again and again, staring at myself in front of the mirror.

The age of appearance that hasn't changed in years. I liked the way I looked there, but there was nothing like being young or polishing my beauty as my surroundings say, and as a woman, I wonder if I was indifferent to what I call beauty.

But it wasn't until I met the Black Demon King that I became concerned about the sight.

Even though I chose a hat and a dress, I was wondering if the Black Demon King would like it, so the Red Witch had a good age and a time for a pure maiden, too.

By this time my age was already about 100 years old or not, and it had been about sixty years since I first met the Black Demon King.

The battle between the Black Demon King and the Red Witch was known to the surrounding nations and other continents, and I had become more famous.

But, well, that didn't matter.

Torque seemed to have used our fight politically, but to me, it was just a joke.


I removed my hat and sighed small.

The Black Demon King is not slightly disturbed by the comparison of hats with different colors of ribbon in places like this.

After grabbing the side of the triangle hat and wearing it once deep, I took it out of my head and threw it in bed.

Take off your tight outfit dress on your chest and get dressed for a loose robe dress soon. And let's fry it for tea, whether it's nuts or not.

When I was thinking about dressing like that, I heard a knock on the door of this house that hardly anyone was visiting, and I moved my eyebrows pickly.

If only a man walked into this forest, I'd know, but what I didn't realize was that someone with a very great deal of power came to visit me, wasn't he the Black Demon King? And that's why my chest was pounding.

"... who?

When I opened the door to the cabin, a white man stood in front of me.

This is bright and white again. Skin, hair, clothes, something white in the air.

He was a man with soft, amethyst-colored eyes, who looked like he was in his mid-twenties, but he was so calm that he didn't think he was such a young man.

I was in a hurry for a guest who didn't feel the same as I expected from the inside, but I didn't want to express it on my face, and it was a pale face.

"Nice to meet you, Red Witch. I've come from the eastern continent… well, it's called the White Sage."

"... White Sage. You've heard of it."

I've heard rumors about the White Sage.

Are you sure you're a magician who established magic different from conventional black magic, called white magic?

Hiraki, and Grizine's use of blue next to the white sage, has come to my attention.

"Oh, the use of Gridgene? Did you bring some crap again?

"You're in a good mood, Red Witch. I have a gift from His Majesty the King."

"You're not the daughters of death row inmates or slaves or anything today. Uh, uh, there was some magic I wanted to try - too bad. I have some vinegar pickles from those girls I brought in before, but maybe I'll take them back for a souvenir?

Did you say it was a decent precious metal ornament because what you brought with you was a parcel that you could receive by hand?

Even if they bring my daughter or something, this one is just troublesome, because rarely does the Kingdom of Gridgen make a gift without a thump.

The user, frightened by my dislike, leaves to flee, so I did not think, and laughed.

"Why are you lying like that?

"... what's a lie?

"It's what my daughters say about pickling vinegar. Because I don't smell like that, and the spirits with good noses don't look weird. They like humans."

The remaining white sage on this occasion said that strangely.

I was a little surprised and turned my eyes to the spirits I could see beneath his feet.

This guy... isn't he a little funny?

Somehow I thought so, and I said, "Fine, come in," and I welcomed him home.

This was the meeting with another demon king, the White Sage, who would be a long relationship.

"By the way, what the hell can I do for you? Take the little ones around."

"It's the Spirit."

I served tea to the White Sage and asked him why he had visited this house.

He was protected by the spirits he was taking around, and even if he was entangled in soft air, he looked completely void.

White Sage took a sip of my tea without being particularly alarmed and started talking.

"Before this, I witnessed a battle between you and the Black Demon King on the northern continent. I went to see the Black Demon King, but the space was closed and I couldn't meet him."

"Oh... that man, he's a drag."

"Why are you two fighting? If there's a reason, let me know."

"......... why?

The White Sage was a very serious look.

I was asked about my relationship with the Black Demon King and was a little distracted.

There are many answers to the question, "Why do I and the Black Demon King dispute?" But there's no way I can tell you the real reason I'm visiting him.

"There's no reason. We're just playing. You know why?


"I thought you'd understand... We recognize each other's power. It's reciprocity, so we're seriously competing. You seem to be spreading the word that white magic is equal and equal, but have you ever thought you were equal to anyone yourself?

"... it"

I, on the contrary, asked the White Sage.

He's a wise man who established new sorcery. It can be said that a being has great power unlike a person.

I wanted to know what his powers were called the White Sage.

"White Sage...... tell me your name. I'll take a look at it all. And I'll tell you what."

"... are you talking about magic numbers?

"That's right. That look. So no one's ever been able to measure it? If I didn't know that first, I wouldn't talk to you."

Inside, he was very nagging.

Maybe this guy is just like me or Torque. Then I'm sure it'll be a lot more fun.

Just thinking that made blood as a name witch noisy and asked for his name.

"… I, Eunosis Baromet. Few people here call this name these days..."

"Even so. Everyone is afraid and will no longer call me by my real name. That's enough to last longer. As long as I stay away from my surroundings..."

Yunosis Baromet.

As soon as I heard that name, I changed the color of my eyes.

Again, and, I trembled with joy and drew an arc on my mouth.

In my heart I said, "Yay!" I was raising my hands, "but I tell him that big number while preserving the majesty of the noble Red Witch.

"Yunosis Baromet. Your magic numbers (Magi Vector) are 1,272,850. Over a million, same as ours. Demon King in the same row."

"... 1.27 million...!?

It's a bigger number than I am. inferior to the Black Demon King, but still, in this world, the second over a million mg mage I've seen.

The truth is "you fight with me!!" I wanted to invite you with sparkling eyes, but I didn't even think you'd come on board with such an invitation because you look like a serious man, and I threw in some meaningful words.

That's also called bait.

"Hehe, you look surprised. I can't help it. … maybe it works differently as an organism."

"... you have to think about that. I don't want to think about it..."

"But that's also why we can get extra-standard power. Create white magic like you. That magic is troublesome."

The White Sage, twitching, begins to be interested in me and the Black Demon King, who have the same power.

I was sure of that.

You can't possibly not have it. Because we're lonely things.

"You guys said we'd fight because we admit each other. That you don't have hatred?

The White Sage knew his magic numbers and had been thinking about them for a little while, but eventually he returned to the subject about me and the Battle of the Black Demon King.

"... right. Well... I think the Black Demon King is a annoying one."

"Then all the more so, we should stop that barren feud. Your power… No, if our power is so out of standard, this power could destroy the world"

"... hehe, that's serious. A white sage. I don't hate it though."

In your mouth, white sage who says the right thing.

But that look doesn't look very worried about our fight.

"Then try to stop it with all your might. You must stop me and the Black Demon King from fighting with all your might."

I uttered what would be the most effective word for him.

White Sage narrows his eyes, as he explores me.

"... what are you thinking, Red Witch?"

"Nothing. Nothing"

But that's all, my intentions should have been communicated to him.

"... ok. You want to tell me to join that fight, too?

"Hehe, if he is of the same power. You'd be bored if you didn't have someone to try and do your best, too, wouldn't you? I don't feel comfortable living a long, boring life."

"Unfortunately, I don't think it's a boring life that has a lot to do with me. So… let me stop that fight with all my might."

"... hehe, isn't that good?

Came on board. I'm on it, I'm on it!!

I was so happy to have another long life of boredom behind my spare grin.

But maybe this was a mistake.

The White Sage is after all just like me and the Black Demon King. A presence out of circumference, with great extra power.

Believing it was, assuming it was the same, I led him into this battle, but still, the White Wise Man was “righteous” and “saint”. I was a man of the sanctuary who knew this world.

Me and the Black Demon King were fundamentally different in their thinking and what they carry.

The White Sage was not flushed.

I'm pretty sure he was enjoying a sweet time of what could be called our reciprocity.

But the White Sage will eventually begin to feel fearful that each battle will further develop magic and increase the scale of everything. As it is, the world is in danger.

That's why he looked.

Consider me and the Black Demon King evil, brave men coming from different worlds to defeat the Demon King.

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