Our demon king is coming.

38: Machia (Machirier), Memory 9.

I still remember the strange discomfort when I first saw the brave man.

Even though I don't know the name, the moment I saw it, I questioned its existence.

When I first saw him, he was only a young fifteen-year-old boy, but his pale eyes and odd presence were extraordinary, and yet somewhere fluffy, like he wasn't connected to this world.

I had that impression.

In the snowy mountains of the northern continent, a little off Ishmore, we were fighting hard enough to rip the peak with the Black Demon King, but a glimmer of golden sword strikes forced me and the Black Demon King to interrupt the fight.

It was at this time that the White Sage came in with a brave man and broke into the battle between the Red Witch and the Black Demon King for the first time.

"What a child. Ha ha, no way, you're telling me that's the rumored brave man? White Sage, you don't know our power, do you? Did you get too busy?

I was so young that the brave men brought in by the White Sage made me laugh down the snowfield with my belly. I heard rumors that white sages were educating brave men from different worlds, but I didn't know such children.

But I knew.

Me, too, torque. Even children perceived and alerted their intense eyes and presence at first sight. I just laughed and made fun of myself for once at my leisure.

This is me who made a fool of myself but sweated cold.

A boy with a big golden sword in his hand, nestled in an emotionally invisible face.

"It's just a greeting today," White Sage smiled and introduced him.

"A brave man from different worlds... I call his name Kaya"

"... Kaya?

I stared, but I can't see any magic numbers or anything.

Must be a fake name. White sage, you uncovered bastard.

"I mean it, Red Witch, Black Demon King. You are… we are living too long. Kaya came from different worlds is proof of this. The world is about to overthrow the Demon King. There have been many things with you, but from here on out you will be a complete enemy. Be prepared."

"... White Sage, you"

I don't understand why the White Sage said this at this time.

I was naturally outraged that it was stupid to try to end the fun because of it, and then there was just some unexplained anxiety about what the brave men would become to us.

More than me, the Black Demon King had a more serious look on his face.

I narrow my eyes, build my magical fortress, and distort the air around me trying to pick troublesome buds right now.

We're going to defeat the brave here.

"Then right now, it makes space dust"

Another space began to be built from under his feet, and it spread with great speed to capture the White Sage and the Brave, but this time it was originally a calculation to leave immediately, both the Brave and the White Sage flew into the sky aboard the Spirit, glimpsing us away.

"... chip"

The Black Demon King was tongue-beating and looking up at them going far and small.

I ask how he is.

"Something's wrong, Torque."

"... it's no big deal. What kind of guy showed up against us?"

"... right..."

My, inexplicable discomfort and anxiety must have been due to the great currents of the world.

The demon king's crusade was accelerated by the presence of the brave men.

The brave men then assembled their companions for the Demon King's Crusade and traveled the world with the White Sage to make their name heard.

They were putting the people of the world in the way they saw us, little by little, quietly catching up to us.

About 2,000 years ago.

Eastern Continental Grizine Kingdom

McIlier: 200 to

"... eh"

I was held back in the woods at the edge of the Kingdom of Grizine from going to a line of brave men.

The arrow of the witch Lelia's flame burned her arm.

"What the hell, plain pumpkin girl!!

Towards the red dot Lilia in the line of brave men, I had the nickname “plain pumpkin daughter” on my own.

No, I was an adorable young lady, because she was somewhat orange overall.

"What the hell are you? You're not just a baba!!

Lilia treated me like this all the time, so I had to complain about something here, too, and it made me mucky. No, I'm like a good old girl.

While the rest of us hold on to Lilia trying to make a shitty attack on me.

"Hey, what about the white sage? You're not here today?

There was no white sage in the line of brave men, so I paid my hair while visiting.

"The White Sage is on vacation with his wife and children in the sanctuary," said bowman Allen.

Oh, yeah.

And, at that time, a brave man turned his golden sword and slashed at me, ignoring the air and the flow of the story on the spot, as it were in that style.

"Hey, hey, don't interrupt me!! I'm going to the North Continent!!

Repeat the sword of the brave man and wave the blood flowing through Lilia's burnt arms to create a large blade of blood that will look like a whip and fight back.

But the brave man avoids this gently, stepping on the scaffolding by his fellow white magic, while freely and freely attacking me.

"Yikes, such a baba. Just do it, brave man!!

Lilia's yellow voice pisses me off. Who's Baba?

I have nothing to say but annoying because the cuts on my little sword heal so quickly, but I had difficulty shaking them off and escaping because of the recent increase in the power of a line of brave men.

"Hmm, brave man, you raised your arm, didn't you?

I asked at my leisure, but the brave don't answer anything. He's grown up a lot more than the first time I saw him, and he seems to be getting fit. It was raised by white wise men, brave men who are not ashamed to put it out anywhere.


But I don't know why, but he can't get enough of me.

It has been so for a long time, but he never exposes all that power, and he fights to test my power.

That was one factor that was a little scary to me and I don't like brave people.

It's like, I can kill anytime, but I feel like I'm just still alive.

I was stretching the thread of blood over there, so I pulled it all at once and tangled it under the feet of a row of brave men.

"Huh, you can't move, can you? The thread is made of my blood, so I can bokkan you here. Or maybe it's not a bad idea to cut a snag in the ring? Ha-ha-ha."

"... Unfortunately, your blood isn't snuggling up on our bodies. The wind membrane covers my body. Spirit magic is the weakness of the Red Witch..."

"... eh"

Pale cut back of the brave. Even if my yarn deprived me of my body's freedom, I could not dye that expression into a rushing color.

I feel more and more creepy and lag behind.

"So, but that took away my body's freedom.... good thing, stay in love for a while!! Stay still until you are hungry and dying!!

Running but winning, as I said, I gave the order to bind to the thread and took their freedom and left the spot.

Though for various reasons I wanted to head to the northern continent where the Black Demon King was located as soon as possible and I didn't want to fight any more brave men.

But I knew I wanted to see the Black Demon King soon.

Brave men are scared.

It was also a good place to humiliate the Red Witch, who lived 200 years, to fear only 20 years old or those young people there, but not so much, at some point, he was a threat to me.

There were times when I wondered how long I would live, when I would die.

I was just so horrified to think in the corner of my head that I would be killed by this man, that he was there to kill us who could live longer.

But if you show them that attitude, they'll kill you in no time.

With such certainty, I always behaved in a way that I could afford, like I stuck up.

Because I'm the only one who can protect myself.

Black Demon King, have you noticed?

It's time we couldn't afford it.

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