Our demon king is coming.

47: Ulysses, the White Mages offense.

It's Ulysses.

The ceremony was solemnly held.

Princess Shatoma of Frezier, General Kanon, was present, as were three other kings of the branches.

Also naturally, King Raymond, the new king of Ruskia, was present.

The completion of the Rubel Tower, the mother of the magic circuit, was so groundbreaking.

I also attended and watched the ceremony from above.

Thor, I wonder if you've seen Maki safely, and now you two are having fun together.

In the middle of the ceremony, King Raymond pressed the start button of the Rubel Tower, connecting the magic circuit laid in the king's capital and regional cities of this country.

I follow with my eyes the round stone at the top of the Rubel Tower gleaming and its light flowing through circuits everywhere.

The fluctuations of magic passing through the body with a hook are due to this device.

It's a strange feeling, but you'll get used to it in time.

It seems it will take a whole day for all the circuits to connect, during which time Twilight engineers led by Solomon Twilight will be tight on the Rubel Tower.

"Oh...... this is funny. My chest jumps when I think our country's Rare Maida is used in this tower"

King Gilce raised his admiration as he stroked his jaw.

"Gilce's Rare Maida is very good quality..."

Princess Shatoma fanned her mouth away and threw a soothing glance at King Gilce. King Gilce said, "I appreciate the princess's ink," though he was slightly obsessed.

Apart from the kingdoms of Lucia and Frezier, the Kingdom of Gilce has also reached out to other countries in the east to trade.

As for the kingdoms of Ruskia and Frezil, I want to restrict the area and secure Rare Maida to some extent, but this King Gilce is a doer and quite...

and then.

I thought the sky was just a little cloudy.

But it wasn't. Looking up at the sky, because of the distortion of space, the sunlight was only slightly weaker.

"... that one"

I got up unexpectedly.

Most people didn't realize this, so all of a sudden my eyes poured on me when I got up.

"What is it, Your Highness?"

"King Raymond, the sky. Something's coming out!

The moment I say so or not, the tip of a giant silver battleship emerges from the magical formation of transferring magic that has appeared continuously. To say that it has always been high above the sky but still looks good is to say that it is that big a battleship.

"... Silveed, huh"

Princess Shatoma has also risen.

"Silveed!? That's Sylvide, the latest Federation battleship!!?

King Orien raised his voice softly today, turning around behind him.

The people who were at the ceremony, the officials, the ministers gradually began to blur, and the surroundings began to be surrounded by anxiety and fear.

It's a situation reminiscent of a year ago.

"Don't guide me. This is a green tabernacle. As a battleship, Sylvide has the best firepower in the world, but not enough to break through the green curtain. It's just... the problem is..."

Princess Shatoma was sweating on her cheeks as she said so with dignity towards the gathered kings.

I looked at her sideways, but gradually I shifted my gaze to the person she pointed to, and then I was stunned.

"... eh"

At some point, there was something small, floating slightly above the sea level.

I wonder why, why, and with the upset, is that really “that”?

"Princess Shatoma... that's..."

"... Probably a giant soldier (golem). Gigas. It's just... it's smaller than normal."

Princess Shatoma has already deployed a magic formation.

As if that giant soldier could attack you at any time.

She was pale, but I'm guessing the situation.

Shit. This is a very shitty situation.

King Raymond seemed to know that.

"I was thinking of saying some of the worst patterns, but this is the worst and worst. Why are giant soldiers coming into the green tabernacle..."

He was giving instructions to evacuate the people immediately.

"Is it bad, Princess Shatoma"

"You suck. It's nasty. It's hard to move a Valkyrian ship so close to the continent."

"Ha. Princess Shatoma says that, so I don't think that's gonna work anymore."

I deployed my magic team, too.

There's nothing more powerful than a green curtain, and when some giant soldier attacks, there's nothing else to protect with the White Magic “Guardian Treasure Wall”.

"Canon, give me the artifact."


General Kanon offered her Princess Shatoma's artifact, the "Order of the Virgin King”. When the hell do you say you brought it?

A long, wide, purple wand.

"Will you keep it on the guardian treasure wall?"

"A regular giant soldier would have no problem"

"Ha. I saw something similar from the harbor on the same day a year ago..."

"Don't say anything pleasant, wise man. It happened outside the green curtain then, but this time... However, I can guess what the purpose is. Probably the destruction of the Rubel Tower."

Princess Shatoma made her expression all the more rude.

A giant soldier floating at sea spreads his wings slightly and enters the overhead lacrima to prepare for shelling.

I will create countless magic formations and prepare to summon all 24 spirits on hand as the Spirit Treasure Wall.

I don't know how much you're gonna need...

I was breathtaking.


Princess Shatoma's voice sounds and at the same time summons the Spirit Treasure Wall.

Extensive boundaries will be placed in the harbor to match the artillery fire of the giant soldiers, and the treasure walls will be overlaid as they accompany the orbit.

But Princess Shatoma's treasure wall, stretched in front of her, has been continuously breached.


This was instantly perceived as a muzzle and concentrated treasure walls that were stretched extensively.

Layer them up and line them up like you would a song.

"... eh"

The Giant Soldier's shelling weakened every time it cracked an overlapping treasure wall, but still much more powerful than the Giant Soldier's shelling seen just a year ago.

Shit, that's bad.

The shelling accompanied my treasure wall and prompted me to go up and explode in the sky without ever reaching the continent.

We were just looking up at it and getting carried away.

"... he's a different soldier than he ever was."

Princess Shatoma also perceived the power of the giant soldiers.

We used all the spirits in our possession as treasure walls to finally dodge a blow.

"The magic team's stock runs out among them. Not like this..."

We must defeat him as soon as possible. That's what they thought.

If me and Princess Shatoma need to be thorough guardians, we can probably take that down as much as your magic fortress Thor... Best to match Maki's commanding magic with that?

Say you dodged. All the people who saw giant soldiers shelling nearby were confused and heard screams from all over the place.

Anyway, now I just have to be thoroughly protected...

"Hey, you little spirits guardian treasure wall, you can even break through my punch!!


I heard a familiar voice from overhead.

Apparently, on top of that, there was Eska's brother-in-law, who stepped down in front of us with some sort of arm-wrapped and dressed attitude.

"Oh, isn't he the Archbishop"

"Oh, that. Good sunshine when placed by Princess Vine..."

In front of Princess Shatoma, it's frustrating to get a uber attitude for some reason, coupled with a rush.

"Eska, my brother-in-law, this is not the time."

"I know that!! You must have brought this."

Always have a half-girl attitude towards me. But he turned to me and threw a tin cane.

"This is... Spirit King's Tin...!?

"Oh. It's what the sanctuary has kept since the White Sage died 2,000 years ago. With or without this, the power of spiritual magic also changes. Look, I'll build the guardian treasure wall. My Great Quadrilateral Spirit is much better than the 100 Spirits of the White Sage!!

"Oh, I see. I'm also saying that we should apply a spiritual multiplication."

"That's what I'm saying!!... Ah, uh, if Princess Vine can do it, give me a spiritual multiplication..."

"Roger that, Archbishop. No, you can still count on it"


Eska's brother-in-law, who was slapped in the back by Princess Shatoma and probably gained tremendous power, summoned the Great Quartet Spirit in a manner of great pleasure.

Legendary spirits on boulders. You can see the godly presence not found in my Hundred Spirits.

"Let's go, you guys. I will judge that giant soldier!!


It was the Black Sea Turtle Bractata who raised his voice.

Others include Red Bird Phoenix, Ethereal Dragon Blue Wingham. The first thing you see is probably White Beast Cuviro.

Giant soldiers don't try to move off the spot. But again, I started gathering light in the overhead lacrima. The direction remains the same for the Rubel Tower. In short, here it is.


Brother Esca's brother-in-law had raised a gray chalice that was cane-shaped, an artifact of the Archbishop of Holy Gray.

"Hyah!! This is the Artifact of the Archbishop of Holy Ashes, the Holy Grail of the Sacred Seaking!!

"No, Hitcher is good, so do your Spirit Treasure Wall summons soon"

"Ugh, let it go - die!!

I also know you're going to want to hyah in the name of your super cool artifact, but I don't even have time for that right now.

That said, Brother Eska is still quite the doer. Summoning four guardian treasure walls at the same time, me and Princess Shatoma will summon all the spirits with a spiritual multiplication against this treasure wall and build a solid defensive wall that probably has no more that we can do now.

A second shell was fired and immediately reached its treasure wall.

It belonged to bigger energy than the first time.

"... eh"

Heavy. Very heavy pressure hits us. It's like a force comparison.

The wall managed to prevent the shelling, but I can tell we were sliding back from where we were and under considerable pressure on our own bodies.

Now alone, how many magic formations did you consume?

Just prevent a single shelling.

I didn't know three Demon King classes would be so clumsy just to prevent a blow...

"Chip. That monster, obviously, is more powerful than it was during the Chamberlain Maritime War. What do you mean..."

Brother Eska looked serious and tongue-beaten.

Not to mention how much we are in the Demon King class and have a ton of magic formations in our bodies.

I'm a giant soldier who doesn't try to move from that point right now, but if that thing moves and even comes up to the continent, the damage will be unimaginable.

The battleship Sylvide, which is defining the sight of heights.

Even if the Valkyrian ship moves from the universe where it was anchored at Princess Shatoma's command and attacks giant soldiers, countless magic barriers can't be built around them and scratched.

"You don't even move... busy... eh"

"Damn. What are they doing!! The Black Demon King and the Red Witch!!

Brother Eska is right, it is not we who can do something about this situation.

Thor, Maki, where are you guys now...

"... hehe..."

That's when, from behind, I heard an ominous laugh.

I wonder who the hell would laugh in a situation like this, and we all look back.

"That giant soldier, it would be smaller than normal. That's the“ original ”kid.... Gigas the Super Demon Guided Tournament..." Type Ellis ""

That was said, the king of the kingdom of Gilce.

He explained something we didn't know in some polite tone, clearly different than before. Even though all the other kings are evacuated, he is the only one sitting here watching.


Although I didn't know why, it was Eska's brother-in-law and Princess Shatoma who were more stunned than me.

They seemed to have guessed just who it was when they heard the word.

"No way, you... are you a blue general? Since when? Since when do you say you took over King Gilce's body!!

Eska's stepbrother's expression was more blood-changing and muscular than usual, and Princess Shatoma, on the contrary, blued in the usual way that they were the only ones.

For me, it would be the first time.

That was one of the Demon King classes a thousand years ago, the Blue General.

Saying that the Blue General can take over a man's body is what Thor told me, but I didn't know he was taking over King Gilce's body.

And that's a very big cause for anxiety.

A soldier on this spot surrounds him at King Raymond's behest, but King Gilce has a spare attitude.

"Mr. Lena...... come here"

As King Raymond and Mr. Lepis guarded him, Mr. Lena went away from him.

King Gilce...... no, let's just say blue general already.

The Blue General looked at it sideways, with an unpleasant grin, and not particularly how to do something.

It's just that we use all the spirits to keep the treasure walls, so we couldn't even solve one of these.

"... I see that by taking over King Gilce's body, you carried the material of the" Giant Soldier ”on Rare Maida's freighter. All for this day..."

"Yeah, yeah, I don't know. Princess Vine is right. I can't believe you brought a giant soldier (the Golem) here, because you'll find him at the point of passing the green curtain. It's a trade secret, but there's already a lot of material on this continent for giant soldiers. I was almost captured by the Black Demon King's Magic Fortress... but there was no problem. That is mainly made of creative and spatial magic, because half of it is a visual fantasy product.... Oops, I can't say any more"

"Oh, I thought you said so."

Brother Eska looked frustrated.

It's a situation where you have an enemy in front of you and you can't even take him down.


A brave man who had been holding back until now pulled his sword out of his waist.

I know that.

Black fog-covered sword. It was that sword that killed me.

"Heh heh, collector. Do you want to catch me again? Solomon Twilight shouldn't be able to take his hands off now. It's impossible to lock me in that space. … and this man's role is over"

The Blue General has taken the gun out of his nose.

Though the brave men were slaughtered, the blue general was protected by silver light.

The sword of the brave is bounced back into its light.

"It's no use. I hemmed before, and the hell they caught me, so this time I hit my hand a little.... Sylvide of our nation came all the way here because of it. To obtain the silver protection of my king..."

The brave man made that look rude and sidelined Sylvide over the sky.

"... of silver... a king..."

potpourri and perhaps uttering a very important word.

"There are two main purposes for this one. One is the destruction of the Rubel Tower. And... the other thing is, pick him up."

"... that one?

I asked to whine. [M]

The Blue General looks at me and smiles invincibly. King Gilce was also a man without a glimmer, but more deeply nervous than the atmosphere then...

"Yes. My planted curse has already stretched out on that one's body, making him ready to accept my soul. With that one's power, hehe... haha. The world is easy."


Although I didn't know what it was, Princess Chatma, Brother Eska, and the brave seemed to understand the meaning of the word.

"Come on, I have to pick that one up. I'll see you guys later."

The Blue General put his own gun on his temple and shot himself without hesitation.

It's insane to shoot yourself.


Princess Shatoma screams.

"Go!! It's the source of the Red Witch!!


The brave man creased between his eyebrows, jumped down his temple with a serious expression, and transferred with the magic of Mr. Lepis. I disappeared from this place.

"... the Red Witch?

I am unspeakably anxious. [M]

"Hey White Sage!! Focus on the treasure wall!!

Eska's brother-in-law's chopped voice draws me back to what's in front of me.

Giant soldier...... that little giant soldier wrapped a band of light around his overhead lacrima and started playing a loud sound.

It's like a song of joy, like a word of blessing, and then some crazy tone.

I sweat on my spine. [M]

"Something is about to come..."

Looks like Brother Eska said he had no choice but to raise one mouth and laugh. While I was concentrating on the treasure wall, I meditated once and looked into the sky.

The battleship Sylvide is just looking down from a height, as always. It's as if the heavenly people are watching the play.

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