Our demon king is coming.

48: Makia, make a big deal.

"How powerful..."

The Giant Soldier's shelling was apparently aimed at the Rubel Tower.

We look up in disquiet as we bent that ray 90 degrees just before and exploded hard in the sky.

"Probably the Spirit Treasure Wall of Ulysses. Do you still play best?"

Thor descends from the embankment onto the sandy beach to create cube-shaped 3D magic formations around him.

"I'm gonna smash that giant soldier out of here now. That sucks. You'd better put your calf on early."

"At the Fortress of Magic?


He was instructing Grimmind, the user demon, to look for a magic fortress that could defeat that giant soldier.

"But the Black Demon King. You don't have the artifact" authority of the space-time king ”right now, so most of the upper fortresses can't be used"

"... what. You're telling me you can't defeat that giant soldier without a superior fortress."

"Yeah. I looked it up, that giant soldier, it's a lot different than anything I've ever seen. Let's reduce the percentage of space magic a little and strengthen the element of creative magic. Therefore, the mass is much smaller..."

"Duh, what do you mean?

I had no idea, I was comparing Tor, who just had a serious look, to a giant soldier.

"No use. Hey."

That's when all of a sudden I heard couscous and laughter from above the embankment, and me and Tor saw you there.

A beautiful girl in a white military uniform, with long silver hair tied in two high places, sat on the embankment and let her legs hang out.

Still, you look about 12 or 13 years old, little girl. My bright red eyes didn't seem like they belonged in this world and I breathed unexpectedly.

"My doll (Golem) doesn't have any Para Klondor artifacts. Your magic fortress works."


The girl calls herself me and speaks in a boy tone.

I jumped right down the embankment and narrowed my eyes to petty business.

This kid knows about us when he comes up with the artifact name...?

"Hey, Crondor. Was it since Genesis that we met? Well, then, you don't seem to remember who I am... Hmm, I'm angry."

The girl just looked at Tor and ignored me.

I was free of charge, and I put on the side of Tor.

Hey, who are you, you little girl?

"And I don't know."

"Even to a little girl like you!!

That's why I don't know.

The training ground.

No, not if you're saying that.

Thor looked serious and was terribly alert to the girl.

"You... the crest of that uniform belongs to the Hermédes Federation? Who the hell are you?"

"Who is it? Krondor... have you really forgotten about me? You made that golem to compete. Heh heh, back in the day, there was only dirt, so all I could do was brittle golems, but then I made rocks and metal, and a lot of giant soldiers (golems). You were good at using space magic to keep the golem quiet. [M] Our dolls have evolved!

"... you, say what"

"Let's play with the dolls again..."

The girl smiles full of madness and says things that don't make sense.

But Thor seems to have something on his mind.

I pull Thor's arm and bring his consciousness back.

"Hey Tor!! What are you staring at!! Not if you're dealing with a girl like this."

"... makia"

"I'm going to take that giant soldier down just now!! Ulysses is so sticky......"

That's when Tor noticed something ha-ha, pulled my arm loosely, and rolled into the sandy beach with the momentum intact.

"... eh"

It was the bullet that slightly blurred my arm.

Tor immediately positions himself and creates a distortion of space around him, altering the trajectory of the subsequent shooting.

The girl in front of me just fired a silver gun and shot me.

"Shit... it's you again. Maguiri, Va. Always, always, always in our way. That red hair, it's blind."

She stares at me with a disgusted look as she says bumps.

And I'll chant.

"Shem Ha Le."

After an unfamiliar spell, the sand between me and Thor rises, and the sand that elephants the elongated human form lifts me up.

"Hey, hey"


Soon, a silver-haired girl was on the shoulder of a sandy giant.

"Ha-ha-ha. A sand doll!! What do you say, you'll miss it, Klondor. I used to make dolls and make them work because there weren't any people around. That's how we made Acropolis!!

A girl with an adorable laugh and a delightful look down at Tor.

Thor stared at her violently and activated the Demonic Fortress "Kingdom of Shadows”. I caught a sand giant and that girl in space in a dark world.

"Let it go. Let go of Machia, little girl."

Yurali and black magic drift. It's like the Black Demon King.

You felt it, the girl got cold all the time, looked down at Guillaume and pulled her hair.

"I was there. Hey, what..."

"Shut up, Magiliva. You lowly bloody witch...... eh. Honestly, I want to keep gripping and killing you, but the General's guy wants you.... Look, it's time to pick me up."


As her voice guided something, the curse wax in me stretched rapidly...... that was the feeling.

It's like a wrinkle and a loss of feeling from under your feet...


Thor calls my name, that voice also begins to sound somewhere far away.

A shadow swallowed the sand giant, and I was released from its bondage, but I did not listen to what my body said, and I did not move.

The girl was tongue-beating, pulling the sword out of her waist, and slashed by a toil.

"That woman is already our marionette. The curse covered his whole body. Consciousness is completely taken over and that woman's soul leads to death!!

"What are you talking about, you...... Huh!!

Thor with a girl who exchanges swords violently. Silver and black magic are bumping into each other.

Thor was pushing the sword more on the boulder, but the girl is bouncing back the effect of the Magic Fortress as she chants a strange spell as a bump...

It's magically offset.


I reached for Thor in my distant consciousness.

Thor...... I......

Charitable and the chains come stretching. From my feet, like dragging me.

I knew better myself that I didn't have much time.


The blood flowing from your arms will stain the space of the Tor.

I touched my sword, my artifact, with a powerless hand.

Not yet, not yet. I haven't made a fortune yet.

A magical fortress that makes and breaks sound with a pisci.

My blood has that power.

"... makia...?

Thor, who was crossing the sword with the girl, noticed something strange and tried to get around to me, but the girl blocked my way.

"No, you can't. You just have to be my opponent!! And Magilliva has already told us... Come on, smash this space, witch of destruction!!

Ordered me to look excited to say she couldn't take a laugh.

As I am, I destroy Thor's Kingdom of Shadows.

Vision is brighter.

A giant soldier floating in the venue can be seen playing loud and storing light in its lacrima.

"Well done Magiliva. Hehe...... ha. No, now it's a blue general...? hahahaha"

The girl jumped with Pyong-Pyong and was happy.

But I rise in a hazy consciousness and smile.

"Who said“ General Blue ”...? Unfortunately, I'm still the Red Witch, my little girl.

And I pulled the sword out of my mind that I had put in my hips sheath.

To that golden glow, both the girl and Tor change their expression in an instant.

"Why did you... take that sword..."

Is the girl afraid of that sword, she lowered her voice behind her back and whined about how she was doing so far.


Oh, crap.

My consciousness is going to fly.

I hear the angry voice of the Blue General. Come on, come here...

"Wake up…" The covenant of the queen of war "…"

I slowly uttered that name and gave the order.

The golden sword sucked in my blood and slightly blurred its golden glow and emitted a red light so that it could play.

The visible, false gold shell is stripped and reveals itself true.

It changes shape from the gripping pattern part and goes long, high, picked up due to further built armor.

On the red pattern, my blood is poured out at all costs, pulsing like an artery of a creature.

And that became an unspeakable weapon in words.

It looks like a firearm, it looks like a sword, it looks like Wang Tin...

I guess one shot.

Perhaps what I will keep...

"Hey Machia!!

I heard Thor, and once I saw you, I laughed like I was in trouble.

But there is nothing to say, set up the artifact and stare at the giant soldiers at sea.

"Liberation.... doom, doll"

When I said it was a gateway to my own artifact, the mouth was weak at that time releasing its power.

But with definite power, the covenant of the goddess of war roars.

"No, don't. Stop. Whoa, whoa!

It was too late when the silver-haired girl screamed, and my orders stretched straight, just like a path of light in a straight line, wrapped up to push the giant soldier's at sea, and perished as they were.

It's the fierce sound of slashing the sky that splits your ears.

The attack from the inside of the green curtain passes outside, so over the green curtain and on the ocean somewhere far away, its light concentrated once and exploded violently.

A pillar of flame rising far and bright red.

Oh, I wonder if this is what it was like when we blew up the western continent.

No, I'm sure it was something bigger then.

What a thought, I'm out of all my power, fluttering with the sound of dokun and a fierce heart beat.

Because I used intense magic, my consciousness disappeared at once and the blue flame swayed behind my eyes.

Oh, it swallows me...


But as I shook it off, I had golden hair, glued to the edge of my eyes.

Since when have I been watching this state of ours, I fell in so that I could be supported by General Cannon and, as it were, my body was pierced by the foggy sword that was in his hand.

General Cannon... I'm sure the brave didn't get lost in one thing.

"... hehe... bad... wow. I ended up getting your hands on you..."


Blood overflows from the edge of the mouth, cheating, and completely losing the power of the body. And as it were, I fell into the sand.


Thor's sad voice.

He came to me with the sword of a girl in mind.

"Machia!! Machia!!! You too Machia!!!

Thor tried to come to General Cannon, who stood on his side, but Lepis stood before General Cannon, with tearful eyes, shaking his head hard.

"No, Master Thor. Master Machia... because Master Machia doesn't want it..."

"... you, why... eh"

Lepis told Tor that to my change, who no longer has a voice.

"Damn. Why are you doing this... eh. That guy, you blue general, you mean you failed!!

The silver-haired girl distorted her expression regrettably, tongue-beating and staring at the brave.

"You... of gold, you king of gold!! Are you going to kill Magiliva and stop her from dominating the flesh!! Damn......"

hold her fist hard, she put her hand in her ear and said, "Shut up I know!!," he yelled at those who could not know anyone.

And she tried to stir up the sand and disappeared from the scene.

No one can follow it. The brave man also just dropped her off sideways.

"... Machia, Machia. Now call Ulysses..."

Thor's expression is filled with the puzzle of this situation, as well as confusion and fear.

I just reached out to him. No more ambiguous consciousness, no slight voice, but I grab his clothes and shake his head.

"Why, Machia?"

Thor's voice is trembling and he's afraid of that moment when I'm gone, that kind of thing.

I was terribly sad about it.

"... t... l..."

"What, what, Machia"

As soon as he missed hearing my squeezed voice, he put his face close to my mouth.

Her eyelids are heavy.

I have something to say, but I can't move my mouth.

Earlier, at the end of my date, there was something you wanted to tell Tor.

You know, Thor, I really, really liked Black Demon King... but now...


I kiss him in his arms, small, to the extent that I can really plunder.

With blood wet lips.

Thor opened his eyes once, wept, and now he mouthed me deeply from him.

Oh... as for dying, it's so much nicer than it was 2,000 years ago.

I can end my life in the arms of someone I love.


But this is the opposite of 2,000 years ago.

Thor will surely grieve deeply for my death.

I don't like it. Tor left over says he'll cry like I did then.

I don't like that. That despair, I don't like that grief. Um, I don't want it to taste like toil.

I don't want you to live your life after this, just feed on hate.

Please. If God in this world says it's us, I'll pray for my blood.

Please don't make Tor sad.

Make him happy.

Protect him.

Because I don't care anymore about me dying.


My heart pulses to send dokun and blood once, and it will never move again.

I think it was no happier for the girl who said Machia Odileel, unlike the Red Witch, to be able to feel Thor's warmth until the end.

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