Our demon king is coming.

49: Tor, world boundary1.

It looks like it's in warm blood.

I can only see the feeling of sinking a Copocopo and a red, clear liquid into it.

I wonder where the hell I am.

I wonder what you're doing.

I wonder what you were doing. Until he dies.

I don't know anything. What I hate and what I live for.

Machia... Machirie... Was this how you felt too?

A swirl of despair, hatred, regret and fear, like this...

The scenery in front of me changed, and when I realized it, I was standing in the blooming woods of white flowers.

It's a bird chirp.

I hear very warm, sparkling noises everywhere.

There was an arch in front of me. Holes made in the walls of space.

Apparently it's a double space. A black tunnel runs all the way to the back, sounding goose and windy.

"Welcome to the boundaries of the world"

There was such a letter floating at the entrance.

"This place... came with Machia before..."

Yeah, it's a space that was hidden in one of the residual demon-guided spaces. So this is the Fortress of Magic?


I couldn't get in here before, but my feet went unconsciously to that tunnel. The physical elements of the Magic Fortress were getting bigger and bigger, but I don't mind.

"... Machia... are you behind this...?

There's Machia on the other side.

There was that certainty. Because this is a conditional space. It would have been a space that wouldn't have opened without Machia.

Out through the tunnel, there was a large forest of trees unlike before, and furthermore found a cabin behind it.

The spiral of the creek passing by the side of the cabin catches my ear.

"Oh, that cabin... it's the Red Witch's house"

It took me a little while to realize that.

Anyway, I've only been to the woods where the Red Witch lives once.

I wonder why there is such a space. Does putting Machia's blood in her body connect her memory to my spatial magic?

I was blurry and thinking about that, but I don't know.

Second, consciousness is drawn back.

"... makia"

Machia was there. Drawing water in the creek.

Rather than say makia, red witch?

No, I wonder who. Bright red hair, aqua blue eyes are hers, maquia to see, but the clothes are plain red brown and unwilling to decorate.

It seems like Machia or Machirie, but it seems different from either because of its plain presence.

I wonder why.

"Machia, Machia!!

However, I still get the first name to say Machia to me right now.

I wanted to think she was.

But when she ran up to me screaming her name, for some reason, Machia threw a bucket at me with a frightened look on her face and went back to the cabin, shouting "yaaaa".



That Machia?

I wore a bucket of water and stood still.

But I won't give up. I want to see Machia. I want to take Makia home from here.

"Machia, Machia!! It's me!! Open it!!

Don and knock on the cabin door.

What a pervert this is. No, not if it's such a long story.

"Oh... who..."

Machia opens the door and peeks into her face.

But the look was frightening, and I don't think it belonged to her.

In the first place, who?

"It's me, it's Thor"

"Tor......? And I don't know."

Makia clearly said that, she completely closed the door and didn't leave it open for me.

"hey... why..."

Don't you remember me?

It's a long way down.

Sitting at the root of a tree on the side of the cabin, just staring at the cabin.

How many days did such a day last? I don't know if I can count the phenomenon where the sun rises and the sun sets as a day, but I'm kind of hungry.

It doesn't seem like this is the real world, but it makes me hungry and sleepy.

What the hell is it?

If I had thought about that, I would have stuck to sleep.


I hear grass treading from afar and shade in front of me.

When I slowly open my eyes, I see a basket of strangers in front of me.

When I look up, I see Machia's rear as she runs back to the cabin.

I tried to stop her, but already, she was inside the cabin.

"What, this. To me?"

When I opened the basket because I had no choice, there was a walnut bread that looked delicious.

It looked like a great treat to me when I was hungry.

Take it out and don't hesitate to bump it.

"Hmm... is there bacon and eggs pinched in the walnut bread? This is a potato salad... this is delicious"

I wonder if he made it. For me?

Speaking of which, once upon a time, when I went to the Red Witch's house, I thought I'd treat you to stew.

I don't cook these days because I don't need to, but he's actually so good at this kind of thing.

'... hey. There you go again. I'll treat you.'

Two, I remember the words once said to the Red Witch Machirier.

She asked me once and told me you'd be here again. But in the end, I never visited her house. She's just coming to Eyesmore...


McIlier just reminds me of you coming to Eyesmore and fighting with me.

You always looked beautiful, great, and all that stuff you tried to do was be on par with me.

But I wonder what they usually did at home.

I've had a lot of fights, but how much more time she's had in her normal days.

I had a lot of ministers, wives and children, but I wonder what he would say here.

After all, I guess I meant to understand the real girlfriend with little or no knowledge.

Even Machia, not just Machilier.

He kept hiding his feelings for me brilliantly.

At the end of the day... you didn't tell me, you chose death.


I put a circle of flowers in an empty basket, like it was blooming anywhere in this forest, in front of her cabin.

I'm not going to knock on the door again to frighten you, so I thought I'd softly tell you how grateful I am.

And then again, back to the roots of a tree a little further away.

Machia, who came out of the door in time, held that basket with both hands, took out a round of flowers and looked at me strangely far away.

However, as soon as I see him, he blushes his cheeks and goes back to the cabin.

I repeated that several times. I wasn't in a hurry and thought I'd walk over to her one by one.

Now it's from me.

Like she asked me over and over again, I'm going to ask her next.

"'Cause I've been sleeping like this for ten days now, me. Whoa..."

Harlem Demon King.........................................................

What the hell is that?

Mr. Machia didn't open his heart at all.

He packs lunches in his basket every day and leaves me in the gap where I sleep, but there's not much progress from there.

Is that flower? Was it too much of a circle of flowers?

No, 'cause a hundred roses or something here would be pulled too much, wouldn't it? That's why I thought I'd stop bouncing flowers.

No, no, no, it's about him, so wasn't the food better?

But you gave me food, and you give it back with food?

Weird. I, the Black Demon King, who told me that a woman would just breathe, can hardly get close to Machia, even if I'm so worried.

"I knew if this happened, you could sneak in at night. But... I say it's better to be a little forceful... no"

No, you can't. What are you thinking? I am. Are you nuts?

I looked up at the cabin with a sigh of relief.

Does Machia really think nothing of me?


At that time, it pounded and rained, gaping at her face.

Will it rain in this space? Besides thunder and stuff.

Thundering afternoon forest.

I'm at the root of a tree, and I just have to put up with getting wet.

But it's cold...... until now it hasn't been very cold, but as soon as it rained, the air got cold.

"... hey"

I was shrinking in my arms, and I could hear my voice.

When I looked up, there was one red-haired girl with an umbrella.

"Hey, hey... home, come in? It's... it's cold in here, isn't it?


Machia's voice. I heard it a long time ago.

But somewhere behaving suspiciously, reluctantly. Her gaze is distracted, her voice is small, and she seems weak enough not to think of it as her usual.

But it's Machia. That's all I know.

I was so happy to just say I was talking to Machia, I couldn't help but blur my vision in the rain.

Inside the cabin is a construction that is almost the same as it was 2,000 years ago, with many bottled preserved foods on the shelves of the walls, with wheat and vanilla hanging.

It smells really good.

"... look, in front of the fireplace, go"

"Oh, oh."

Machia urged me in front of the fireplace.

"When it rains, it gets cold around here. Clothes, I need to take them off and dry them. I'll bring something unusual. Although I'm sorry because of your father."


She said that in a whisper. And he leaves the living room with the patties.

I, like I was told, took off my jacket and put it on a branch suspended in front of the fireplace.

Take off your shirt too and stare at the warm fireplace fire, blurring.

"... ah"

Machia, who came back to the room after a while, raised her voice unexpectedly.

I have a white towel on my hand and a man's clothes.

Machia let her eyes swim and stuck them out at me in a bogged light.

"Ko...... this"

"Oh, wow."

And I turned to the other side of the circle.

I immediately pinned it. Oh, this guy... because he's not immune to the man's body...

That makes me ashamed of this one as soon as I think so. From the usual Machia's attentive attitude, I didn't even think of it, but this guy has been in the physique of a living individual since his previous life.

Reality Machia will probably react in a similar way.

"Hey, 'cause I already wore it"

I rushed to wipe my body and get dressed, report. Machia looks at this one with a flicker and eventually turns around.

"Hey...... you, traveler? Why are you in that place all the time?

What's your name? I hear her.

I narrowed my eyes a little and answered.

"It's Tor. I'm here to see you."

"Hey, why? Are you here to kill me?

"Huh? No, no, it's not that noisy. I'm just here to see you."

"Are you telling me you've been in a wild house like that for ten days to see me?

"That's right. Is that bad?"

"Yes, no. Nothing..."

As Mojimoji, Machia named herself, as she had always noticed.

"I am, Machia. It's just Machia."

"... Is Machia here all the time?

"Yeah. The whole family died a long time ago. There's a grave in the woods behind you."


"I was wondering if you would, too, because all the people who come here are coming to kill me. I'm not much of a fan. To those who have left the woods."

Whether this space is, by definition, a setting as a maquillier or a setting as a maquilla, although it is vague in various ways, I think it probably represents something that integrates “her”.

No, let's not think about such complications.

This guy is just Machia.

"Right. That's dangerous. I didn't come here to kill you. Rather...... hmm, I wonder what. I came to find out about you. Yeah, like that."

"... Me? Why?"


I have trouble explaining myself, scratching my head pounding.

"Because I want to be with you. So, no?


Obviously suspicious. But there's nothing wrong with it.

Machia nodded as she thought for a while and asked how I was doing.

"Okay. Then why don't you stay here for a while? You're like a swordsman from what I've seen... if you can protect me.... No, be, it's nothing, I don't have to do that. You can leave when you want to..."


That's what she said as she blurted away from her gaze as she shrugged the apron.

You demanded it yourself, and you denied it yourself.

She didn't seem to know exactly what she was talking about.

I unwittingly blow.

I get a glimpse of Machia's simple wishes, his real thoughts, his little greed, all that stuff.

Pomp and stroked her head and nodded.

"Okay. If you're good, I'll stay here. Of course I'll protect you."

Makia let her eyes shine once, but quickly dyed her cheeks.

The honest reaction is adorable, and the uber part isn't like her.

... not like her?

No, you're not. This is Machia too. Probably the essence of him.

Because it's a lot of encounters, tragedies and memories that created Machia today in the real world.

There's no such thing as pure Machia.

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