Our demon king is coming.

50: Tor, world boundaries 2.

It's probably been about two weeks since I started living in Machia's cabin.

In daily, non-loving conversations and in my life, I gradually narrowed my distance and Machia got used to me a lot.

"Hey, Tor! Look, the apple tree!

"Oh. I'll get it."

"Heh heh, Thor is tall, so it would be nice to have something useful."



Take an apple from a tall tree and hand it to her.

Right from the side, she wiped it with an apron and grabbed it.

"Oh, come on, you said you'd tart"

"It's okay. There are a lot of them. Look, take a lot more and take it!!

"I get it. Totally..."

Makia started laughing so well.

Is it because you're losing your guard against me?

It's just that this is how you come to the woods every day, picking fruits and mushrooms, fishing for fish in streams, and sometimes hunting birds and deer. Spend those days.

Machia encouraged me to cook when I went back to the cabin, during which time I broke firewood in the fireplace. You're a guy called Slow Life.

But that's a lot of fun. Nobody but us lives in this forest, just living with Machia.

"You're like a couple..."

I pounded and groaned as I cracked the firewood.

It's a beautiful day if you look up at the sky, the wind is comfortable, and it's more peaceful than the real world.


Was Machia secretly hoping for such a life?

"Oh, that looks delicious meat pie"

"It's the best freshly baked. Let's make it dinner."

Machia lined the table with freshly baked meat pies, tomato soup and blown potatoes.

Dried meat, walnut and apple tarts, etc.

"Yeah, they're all delicious. Machia's a good cook."

"... there's nothing more to praise."

"Well, even if it's any more. I mean, you're overeating. You've been eating a lot lately."


Unexpectedly, Machia, who was clutching to the meat pie, embarrassed to put it on the plate.

"Well, I guess eating a lot isn't very cute."

"Uh. No, no, nothing, it's good. You're good with that."


This is it. I always say the same thing to Machia in real life, so this mouth sticks.

But this Machia seemed ashamed of it. Like a normal daughter.

"I like to see you eat a lot like that and be happy..."

"... right?

"Oh. Eat. Eat."

I panicked and set the dishes in front of Machia.

Machia was eating chickens, but still finishing her meal later. I ate a lot too.

"I ate..."

"It's nothing good. You don't get fat no matter how much you eat."

"I wonder if that's the problem. I'm a big eater. I knew it. I didn't really feel it..."


I see, what I did made you realize that.

At night, I was asleep using the bed in the room next to Machia, but I woke up because of something that glowed through the window.

"What the hell is that?"

Looking out the window, countless things with pine lights are lining up and surrounding the house.

I rushed to Machia's room.

"Hey, hey Machia!! We're coming in!!

There's something weird going on out there, and I opened the door to her bedroom, and there's a little mountain of height in the bed.

"... Machia?

It was Machia wrapped in a futon, and she was getting smaller and crying.

"Hey, what's going on, Machia?"

"... Tor"

Machia glanced at her face from the futon and clung to me sobbing.

"They came to kill me."

"Those guys, you know, outside?

I turn my hand around her back and ask. She nodded cocoon.

"Those guys, they say I'm a bad witch, they always come to kill me. So this is how I lurk my breath."


The black shadows that Machia said those guys are not going to come into this house just to make all sorts of rounds out the window. But he seemed horrible to Machia.

"It's okay, Machia. It would have me on it. I'll protect you, from now on, forever."

"... all the time?


Touch Machia's head and wipe her tears.

Laying her in bed, I fell asleep next to her, and stroked her back.

She was getting smaller in my arms and crying again.

"But Thor, one of these days, you'll hate me, even the bad witch. What we all were. That's how you're gonna get away from me, isn't it?

"That's not true. Away from you, where should I go, I am"

"... Tor..."

Machia looked up anxiously, and, again, cried hard.

"I miss you... Tor..."

"... I don't miss you. I'll sleep with you, see."

"Thor... Thor... stay with me forever."

"Oh. I'm gonna do that, Machia."

It's not like Machia in real life, she throws up a weak voice.

Honestly, horribly, lonely, I speak of anxiety.

But isn't that what Machia's been holding?

Machia is a good liar. Behind that spare mask, I wonder how lonely he was in the stand-up he tried to be strong.

I started living here, and a month was about to pass.

Rather than the idea of how long I'll be here, I've always wanted to be able to live here with Machia.

Makia makes a weak noise at night and tells me that she misses me and stays on her side the whole time.

Cry hard, sweet.

But the next morning, you get ready for breakfast with Kellogg in good health and act bright.

Recently, like Machia in real life, she started to hate me and make fun of me.

What I was wearing also went from the first plain and lame to just a little sprinkled, lightly make-up and wearing small things.

"Hey, cutie?

"Mm-hmm.... I think it's good."

"Hey, cute??

"Pretty. Yeah Pretty"

Show me those, and I'll ask if they're cute. No, it's cute, but the way it looks is cuter.


It sucks to be fashionable because you want me to think you're cute.

But you do. If you're alone, you don't have to be stylish...

"... that"

"What's up, Machia?"

Machia was on the dresser's side, wandering around.

"No. The earrings I was supposed to keep here...... I wonder where he's gone. That was my favorite."


It's kind of a familiar sight.

Machia has lost earrings before.

That's when I bought a new one as a birthday present.

He's been wearing it ever since. Even though it's plain and cheap.

One warm afternoon, me and Machia came to the back of the woods with a basket.

We're going to have tea outside.

On the way, we pass in front of a grave that seems to belong to Machia's family.

Machia had accompanied the flowers she had picked beforehand in front of her grave.

"Are you my parents?

"Yep. And Grandma..."

I'll take a look at the grave, but the name isn't carved.

No, there are signs that something was being dug, but it's degraded beyond readability.

Speaking of Machia's parents, for me it's the palace master and wife in Delierfield, but who the hell is this grave...

Machia prayed for a little while and quickly rose.

"Come on, let's go, Thor. I'm hungry."

"You're early. I just had lunch."

"A treat would be a different belly"

Innocent take my hand, now come on and pull Machia.

As I walked down the trail, I went out to a blooming place of many small flowers.

A creek is passing through the middle. It's a beautiful place.

"Let's make it tea here. I got a lot of grapes, so I made some jam, and I refined them into cookies."

"Yeah. Not that massive mountain grape."

Mountain grapes collected the other day. I was wondering what to do because it was so massive, but they had a lot of uses.

We just have a relaxing time pinching that cookie.

I fell asleep on soft grass in the air so comfortable.

"Oh. That's good. This place is... peaceful, there's nobody but us"

The real world is complicated.

Something gets in the way of me and Machia spinning a relationship like this, as if it's unacceptable.

If you have Machia here, you can stay here long enough.

Even if it's an uncertain world, it's happier without anyone interfering with it.

Besides, in the real world, Machia...


Machia peered into my face as she fell asleep.

"What's going on?


You thought something was wrong with me, and she fell asleep next to me as well, turning sideways from body to body.

Look at my face.

"What the fuck?"


Machia, even though she hesitates for a moment, sneaks up on her and grabs some chest clothes and says:

"Oh, you know what, Thor. I'm so glad Thor came to my house. It's so much fun."

"... heh"

"Even at night, something I'm not afraid of anymore.... I've always missed you, but I don't miss you anymore"


As she stroked Machia's head, she lowered herself and smiled happily.

Touch her cheek like that and pay for her horizontal hair.

"Machia... I like you."


Unexpectedly, I said so.

To my sudden words, she was stiff for a while, but dyed up her cheeks with kaaaa.

He put his hand on his cheek and turned his back on me.

I wanted to see her face like that, and I would go out of my way to get up and peek into her face.

Then Machia got up and went to the creek.

Is it lit? He's so cute...

Good grin. Follow her again.

Machia somehow took off her shoes and went into a shallow creek.

"Dude, your skirt's gonna get wet"

"Yes, nothing good"

She picked her skirt and lifted it, and when she turned back to me, she kicked the water "no".

It takes a cold bump.

"Hahaha. Ugh."

"You did it, you."

I take my shoes off too, break my trousers hem and go into the creek.

It's a cold, pleasant, gentle-flowing stream.

"Hmmm...... pretty cold"

Oh, my God, pretend I'm holding my hand in the river to make sure it's warm and watering Machia all the time.


"In return."

"Already, Tor!


The sound of treading or kicking water echoes along with a pleasant voice.

Machia wrapping blisters is beautiful.

Really, how could you call a guy so cute, such a horrible red witch?


I felt something small glow in the water.

Machia noticed too, put her hand in the water and picked it up.

"... ah"

She raises a small voice and twitches her aqua blue eyes open.


I wonder what's wrong.

She puts it up small and stares.

The creek makes a shimmering sound, the birds chirp, and the leaves are flowing in the wind with sawasawa.

It's like the woods are whispering from all over.

The temper grew stronger, and I felt the colour of the world had changed slightly.

"What's up, Machia?

"... there was"

When she smiles, she turns to me and shows it to me.

"Look, Tor. Earrings."

"... ah"

In her hand, red Shizuku-shaped earrings rolled with only one cologne.

Undisputed, that's what I once gave Machia.

"Thor gave me... this, right?"

"... you"

"Hehe. I found it..."

Machia felt cut, holding the earrings to her chest once.

"You, you remember?

"Yep.... these earrings were the key..."

She smiles a little sadly and takes my hand with the other.

And he made me hold those earrings in my hand.


"Tor's got this. I'm sure he'll protect you."

"... what the hell, it"

Her enigmatic words filled my mind with anxiety at once.

The sun is hidden in the clouds, the world shades.

"I can't stay here forever. You and me."

"What's going on, Machia? That's not true.... Hey, Machia. I told you. I'll be here with you the whole time. I'm on your side. So..."


Machia looked up at me, smiled, and shook her head.

"No, Thor. You're alive. Get home from here...... I need to get rid of my whole life as a Tor. Something that needs to be done."

"Oh no, you know that!! Fuck the laws of the world!!

Scream unexpectedly.

Machia in front of me felt more and more distant, and I reached out to her.

But it doesn't arrive.

Gatsun and I hit something with my mind.

It's a wall of transparency.

"No, Thor. I have to go now. I'm dead..."

"Where are you going, Machia? Are you going somewhere by yourself again? Also alone......"

Will I leave Makia alone again?

"... Tor"

She looked up into the sky.

At that moment, the sky becomes a clear colour, and the waters of the streams where we stood spread thinly and everywhere.


Me and Machia stood above a certain boundary.

"Hey Tor. I really liked the Black Demon King..."


"But now... Tor is my favorite. I can't believe it's the same. What I like about Machia Odileel is Tor.... not the Black Demon King."

"... makia... eh"

When Machia told it, she cut the soft part of the inside of her arm with her pinky nails and bled.

Whenever the blood falls, the watermark spreads like a glass crack.

This world is starting to break.

"I'm sorry, Tor. Because... you told me you'd stay with me because of me. I screwed up.... Yeah... I'm sure it was inevitable. It's time to make amends for what I did 2,000 years ago."

"... what the heck, Machia. What should I do?! When you're gone... I... eh"

Don and slammed the wall of transparency hard.

But I'm not even scared. I can't even give orders to space.

Machia gently aligned herself in the palm of her hand to that place where she punched her fist against the wall.

"... I'm sure I'll see you again someday... 'Cause we're gonna be reborn over and over again, right? In this Mayday..."

"Someday is when!! Thousands of years from now!


Her blood conveys the wall of transparency and breaks my "Magic Fortress”.

In the other world where the wall of transparency inhibits, Machia smiles again and takes her hands off the wall.

And he slowly turned his back on me.

"Thor, you shouldn't be like me.... I want you to be happy. I want you to have a lot of fun. He died on his own... you can't carry me."

I noticed that Machia's blood was ordering me to do something.

And eat up your teeth and keep telling her until the world is on the verge of breaking.

"... don't be ridiculous... don't be ridiculous Machia!! I'll carry you. I'll go after you!! I will never forget you, Machia!!!

Unreachable. On the other side, inhibited by the wall of transparency, Machia.

Scream, and the light. Faster than the collapsing sound of space, the light runs.

The red light goes through between me and Machia. That's a line that swallows everything.

One boundary separating the world from the world.

We were finally divided by the boundaries of the world.

Here and there.

I can't reach it anymore, to another world.


Machia... Machia...

A swinging redhead goes too far through the back of his brain.


When you wake up slowly, a familiar lid.

But it's kind of blurry. What the hell am I...

"Did you wake up? Mr. Thor."

"... lily...?

Ulysses stands by the bed. What a horrible look.

I tried to get my body up and twisted my face to the pain of running billy.

"No, Mr. Thor. You haven't even paid the risk yet. [M] My magic must always cure me... I didn't wake up for a month. That's how much magic you used, you know."



What did you do, I...

Ulysses looks at me blurry and has been pushing silently for a while, but eventually opens his mouth.

"... Mr. Thor... Maki is dead."


"Our... Maki..."

Ulysses accidentally pressed his hand against his forehead and wept to kill his breath.

Like saying you can't stand it very, very much.

"Maki... kept it all to ourselves. I carried it all myself.... her body, as she wished, was delivered to a coffin in the basement of Vabilofos. Now the green curtain has regained its full appearance..."


"She... Machia Odileel has been and will be protecting this country for nothing more"

Ulysses squeezed out his voice and told me so.

I'm just staring at the blurry void.

"Hey... Ulysses"


"What's" makia ”... who?

"... eh..."

Ulysses shrugged at my question.

Shake your eyes, without even blinking.

But he seemed to understand something.

"... oh my god... maki... eh"

Potty groaned, as it were, and sat down in the side chair to collapse.

I feel uncomfortable in the palm of my hand.

I took my hand out of the bed and opened my clenched fist and something spilled over my chest.

Pick it gently, and I'll put it up.


These small earrings mimic a red, overflowing Shizukuishi.

I miss you so much, I love you.

And so much so that I said there was nothing more I could do, my heart ached and my tears spilled.

I don't even know why.

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