Our demon king is coming.

fin: Sir Medite, a record for the dawn of a new era.

My name is Urbanus Medité.

Earlier, my hand in putting a record on a thick notebook has stopped.

Every day, every day, it was too much fun to stop, this hand to book.

"What's the matter... sigh or something"

My wife Gisele came to the study.

Bring some warm wine and you're peeking at my notebook.

"Something... You can't write well, can you? I wondered how to put it together. I don't have many pages left."

"New notebook, you should use it"

Giselle says in a frightened manner. Well, you're right.

"... are you thinking about Miss Machia?

"Right. And about you, Thor?... because I've gone above and beyond expectations."

"... was that a boring ending?

Giselle asks me.

I dropped my gaze and smiled sadly.

"No. It's not boring... but it was a shame."

Miss Machia is dead.

She had been under the curse of a blue general, anticipating her ending from the beginning.

Looks like General Cannon of Frezier was in a cooperative relationship.

All she asked for was help from those who didn't hesitate to kill herself.

So never tell Thor or His Highness Ulysses...

Indeed, her death will allow her to escape the control of the Blue General and to dedicate the body to the coffin of Vabilofos.

Everything is very efficient and effective.

Did she, as the Red Witch, make it "an atonement” for the world?

Well, this year's ecclesiastical festival was the worst curtain off.

If you want to talk about that time, the giant soldier disappeared without a trace of dust due to the power of Miss Machia.

Miss Machia herself was killed by General Canon, and formation reversed at once.

That silver-haired twin-tailed girl, who was sneaking in from the Hermédes Federation, left the scene furiously.

She is, indeed, Istarte Sil Vis Hermédes of the Union.

As the Führer of the Federation, she is the youngest daughter of a monarch.

From what I've seen, His Highness Istarte was also like a man with ties to the Demon King class, but I don't know for sure. She was protected by some special magic, so much so that my one-eyed glasses couldn't judge her.

With the defeat of the giant soldiers and the failure of the Blue General to take over Miss Machia's flesh, the battleship Sylvide soon withdrew.

The Rubel Tower was activated safely and, more than a month later, is now working fine.

Thor, at the moment of Miss Machia's death, you seemed to have activated a special magical fortress.

Because of this, he will spend about a month paying for enormous risks and wandering his life and death.

What kind of magic fortress did you activate to pay so much risk? You're the only one who knows that, after all, Thor.

I wouldn't have helped without as many white magicians as His Highness Ulysses.

Her Royal Highness Ulysses and Miss Lena were tight and in intensive care.

Miss Lena used to cry to him alone when she couldn't wake up.

I don't know why I was summoned to this world.

It was His Highness Ulysses who was most heartbroken by this incident.

His Highness Ulysses is also a longtime friend of Thor and Miss Machia.

Miss Machia's body was to be delivered to Vabilofos's coffin, as she had asked Eska to do before her life, but it was His Highness who was not convinced of it until the end.

I could have lost both of my friends at the same time, and given His Highness's willingness at that time, I can't help it.

Perselis, the green witch, who is also His Highness's wife, adds flowers to Miss Machia's coffin every day.

I was crying at first, but lately I've been doing my witch job with a solid foothold.

A coffin once ruled by the body of a white sage and a green witch's son.

That's Miss Machia's bunk.

I wonder how Perselis feels and continues to add flowers to her coffin.

The Princess of Frezier, Princess Shatoma, was a boulder and slightly upset that she had met the Blue General again, but then looks ahead to the next one sooner than anyone else.

He held various discussions with the Kingdom of Ruskia and immediately returned to the Kingdom of Frezil.

As Xiao Ear asked, it is time for Frezier to embark on the full liberation of the Twilight clan captured by the Hermédes Federation.

He said he might ask the demon kings in the Luskian kingdom to help him.

General Cannon appears to be staying in the land with the Seventh Fleet, but he will not be seen.

Because I can't find it. Where the hell are you going?

Yes, speaking of General Cannon, he is a brave man 2,000 years ago.

Legend has it that the golden sword, known as the “patronage of the goddess" of the brave, was in fact the artifact of Para Magiliva, "the covenant of the goddess of war," which he had handed to Miss Machia in advance.

This makes it certain that Miss Machia was Para Magiliva.

But why did that collector have it? That remains a mystery.

And it's also certain that Thor was Para Klondor.

This is almost as expected, but because that highness Istarte repeatedly called him “Klondor”.

Yes, with that said, His Highness Istarte... I thought you said “King of Gold” about General Canon.

There's only one person who knows the King of Gold...

Interesting, but, well, now we have all the Demon King classes on the record.


It's supposed to be a moment of joy, but I can't figure it out.

From the whole side, I was gone alone.

"Oh, my God, Acreos is crying."

Gisele overheard her son Acreos crying.

I get up unexpectedly too.

"Let's go too."

"Oh, my God, you're a pain in the ass."

"... Huh. That kid is a special kid given a name by Miss Machia. Although we still don't know what that means. We have to raise them."

"... right"

Miss Machia's life was only about fifteen years old.

But there will certainly be a legacy that she herself left in the world.

She is certainly a child of men.

The Count Odileel family was given a lot of gratuities, but that couple couldn't have been happy with it. The grief of losing my only daughter is something that I, the child's parent, know a little about.

I'm just lucky to have His Royal Highness Alfredo and Princess Rubette on my side.

I'm worried about you, Thor.

He cared more about Miss Machia than anyone else, and the Demon King, who had the strongest relationship with her.

It's the man Miss Machia loved.

"No way, Miss Machia will seal his memory..."

She was the last one to order Thor to seal her memory inside you.

Thor told me that His Highness Ulysses told me that you prioritized your memory, categorized and managed it in detail, and that it was easy to order it.

You think I'm just ordering Thor to the blood I put in your body so you can take the memory priorities about Miss Machia to the bottom?

2,000 years ago, your thoughts as a red witch who died taking the brave man on the road led you to do so?

It would be normal for you to tell your loved ones to remember who you are going to die.

I don't know. I can't believe you're a woman...


Before I left the room, I came after them and put a record on it, closing that notebook.

My record seems to have reached a milestone here.

Anyway, there's only about two more pages left.

"... unfortunately, I have to go next..."

"What, about the notebook? You were so attached to that notebook?

"... Bye"

Unfortunately, I have to go next.

Times don't wait for me.

Even when Miss Machia is gone, the world changes with great speed.

For the dawn of a new era, we need to make a record.

But one day, the world will want it.

Oh, if she's here, so be it.

I doubt that there were more Saviors than she was in this world.

That's my, uh, secret feeling after the first record.

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