Our demon king is coming.

05: Thor, what hides and dwells.

I narrowed my eyes and looked for a trick to open this door.

"There was."

"What trick now?

"Look here, look here."

Maki peered into where I was pointing my finger.

At the top of the door, something is depicted in ancient letters.

Underneath, there was a mural of the person lying down.

"I have no idea what you're drawing."

It was when Maki frowned in trouble. Her spear made a strange noise of "von," floating the ancient letters written on the door, translating them in an instant.

"Show me sleep."

That's all it seemed to say.

Me and Maki looked at each other.

"Sleep what? You mean die?

"... you're a mess. I don't think it's a boulder."

"Then what is it?

Maki looks small and difficult and knocks on the door with a concon.

Indeed, where ancient scripts can be read, there is no reason for this door to open.

Though I'd put it in my mouth to try and say "flickering sesame seeds" or something.

Maki just laughed at me pussy......

"Damn. I don't know why I said it..."

"You're gonna want to say it in your mouth."

"You laughed."


She laughed off.

"You're really dressed."

And you say this.

I feel like someone has told me this many times before...

I seriously put my hand on my chin and looked around the mural of the person lying there.

If it's a character painting that means sleep, there is something that should be written down in the scholarly history of ancient times, but there was nothing in it that indicates "sleep” in a mural or something like that.

"Originally, when this person indicates that he is“ asleep, "on this person's forehead, he draws the Spirit of the Butterfly of Sleep, Fiphona. But this mural doesn't depict fifona"

"... oh. You're saying something smart."

Maki looked diagonally and nodded "I see ~".

Probably don't know anything.

Spirit Fifona is a purple butterfly spirit who always dances around Princess Shatoma.

He's a pretty long-lived spirit among spirits.

For a long time, they also called it an "inviting butterfly”.

Because it existed since ancient times, the butterfly was considered a symbol of sleep, and when it showed sleep in these murals, it was painted on the person's forehead, etc., and served as a symbolic reminder that “this guy is asleep”.

"Perhaps we need the magic of Fiphona to open the room here. There will be many magicians in the world who owe the name of Fifona a a temporary contract..."

It is said to be among the top five spirits popular with white magic, Fiphona.

It is Princess Shatoma who has a contract with the main body, but if the ritual is performed, every magician can borrow the benefit of his name.

That said, I'm a black magician.

I've never used white magic, and I didn't think I needed to.

"Maki, are you a white magician?

"No? I've been a little twitchy, but honestly, it didn't fit."

"I don't have any offerings to rite here now. All you need for the ritual of Fifona is Camelia's nectar. There's no reason to prepare it."

I have no choice. And I thought, I held onto the goddamn ring that was stuck in my left index finger.

It's made of Rare Maida, and it has a demon guidance circuit written on it.

I am authorized by Princess Shatoma to communicate directly with the Magic Guided Wave Tower and use the magic formations that are stocked in it.

"Regis Overtree."

The Russkian kingdom's magical guided wave tower is the "Rubel Tower" that I was involved in.

Princess Shatoma has stocked Regis Overtree with some of the magic formations that have written her own Spirit as a symbol.

I'm going to apply to this tree and have its magic team sent over one magic circuit.

Fortunately, this place is still in Frezier territory. Baromet Road has a fine magic circuit laid down, and my application will arrive soon.

"Whoa, here we go."

From the side I'm talking about, the magic team arrived right away.

Purple light just overflowing from the ring.

The magic formation of the Spirit Fiphona appears in the universe.

The magic team blended into the mural, and soon, the door opened with gowns and sounds.

We breathe, we snort at each other, we slowly break inside.

Maki was looking forward to the door opening, and it's horrible because only the spear is firmly forward.



But what I saw there was far more than I expected.

"Uh-oh, what the fuck you guys!!

It's the old man's voice.

Or an old man.

An old man with swollen hair and waist length was sitting in a cutely arranged little stone chair in that room, arranging rice on the table and mumbling.

The old man broke into us at dinner time and was amazed at how much time he had.

No, but we've got a lot of momentum here, too, I guess.

What exactly was “sleep”?

"Huh...... ahhhhhhh!!

But old man, jump up and glue around me.

"It's Black Demon King, it's Black Demon King!!

"... eh"

"Brother, you're the Black Demon King, aren't you? Oh, that's exactly what I was asking. I still have dark hair, dark eyes, and beautiful women!!

There were a lot of things I wanted to say, but to my surprise, this is the Demon Clan.

Quite close to the Domif characteristics, but slightly white in colour, with long ears.

Maki said, "What the hell is this hairy thing" to this guy who glues around me.

"Hey, you. Stop because it's good."

When I called out, it was perfect.

And look up at me. With those crushed eyes.

"Could you be a Demon? Looks a lot like the Domif..."

"Oh, yes, the Black Demon King. I'm the survivor of the Domif, Bohe. My Hi-hi-ji served the Black Demon King, duh."

"Heh. What a guy?

"Just Godoy, duh."

"Ahhh. I get it. Godoy. That bearded sturdy. I miss him. He was the captain of the lookout."

"Yes, yes! Tell my family that the Black Demon King was a wonderful king. He protected the demons from humans, just one king. Surround a lot of beauties, make a harem? I envy you, but what..."


I looked sideways at Maki, who didn't know what was going on.

Maki doesn't have a special will felt look.... true face.

"... Gohon. Well, to be more specific, I'm not the Black Demon King."

An excuse for misery.

Domif, who named him Bohe, said, "Huh?," he tilted his neck, suddenly pungent.

My attitude is childish somewhere, even though I have an old man's face and tone and a creepy voice.

This can also be described as a hallmark of the Domif tribe. These guys live a long life, and it takes time for their spirit to grow up.

"Survival means you, the Demons, are hiding here."

"Oh, yeah. It's not just me, there are other Horukas and Liza. But I live far from here."

"Well, there's plenty of space in the basement."

"Yes, a thousand years ago, all demons searched for a land of peace after being chased by a horrible guy named Blue General who was in the north. The winged and swimmers went to the western continent. That land without humans is utopia. But some of his land demons built ships and crossed the ocean, but others lived in desert oases across the eastern continent, duh."

"In time, did you find this basement?


When Maki asked, Bohe nodded.

"After all, it was no different for humans to try to kill us. If they find him, he dies. Then I'll have to go somewhere I can't find it. Hi-ji, who found the entrance to an underground space under the desert in an oasis, moved here with his family. There are probably a few people in this basement who say that. Because the Demons are so powerful, the entrance is easy to find, duh."

That's what Bohe told me.

I nodded, "I see," and I thought about the other demons who lived there.

What survives, it must have been tough, I guess.

"Hey, you, what the hell are you eating and living?

Peek into the stone table looking excited by Maki.

She's an unrestrained daughter.

But then he came right back blue.

"... of Sasori... of Sasori... what is that"

Whimpering so.

For Bohe, the sasori falling into this basement sounds like a delicious treat.

"Sasori is a treat, duh. There are other plants that only grow in this basement, and they eat them."

"Heh. Is this the only plant that grows here?... or you, where the hell did you get into this room? The door wasn't open, and you can't use spiritual magic."

"Huh? Well, I can't use spiritual magic.... because I didn't think it was the door where you guys came in in the first place. There was a broken door over there, and I came in from there."

What Bohe pointed at was the opposite entrance to where we came in.

Sure, the door is half broken, and a demon tribe the size of a bohe would seem easy to get through.

Maki peeked his face from it, and after a while he said, "Tortol!!" and called me.

I peek outside the room, too, from above her.



There, unlike the dark passageways we used to walk in earlier, they were better prepared, and that's what kept the passageways going, reminiscent of ancient technology.

Everywhere, a red stone was mounted on the wall, illuminating the passage while it lit irregularly.

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