Our demon king is coming.

06: Tor, red moan.

"What, this"

I answered my voice unexpectedly.

Frowning and checking the map Princess Shatoma gave me.

This room isn't even on the map in the first place, but this path stretching from here is an unknown passage.

Princess Shatoma tells me not to stop by.

"Hey, Tor."

"... you want to go ahead and say it out, anyway"

"Oh, how did you know that?"

I knew immediately what Maki was going to say.

But she looks serious somewhere and cares about the other side of the aisle.

"Hey, Bohe. What's going on down here?

"Oh, my God, it's just a vegetable garden, duh"

"Vegetable garden.... oh, that's what I was saying, a plant that only grows here"

I put my hand on my chin, and now I wonder what I'm going to do.

Should we move on from here, turn around, and continue down Main Street?

"Bohe. If you're on the road around here, do you know better? I need to get back to Main Street."

"You mean Boulevard? Yeah. Then go through there, and I'll get out better too."

"I see. Then show me around. We'll split it up some delicious food."

"With the orders of the Black Demon King, do whatever you will," Bohe rejoiced with his hands up.

He seemed more than happy to obey my orders than to get something delicious. Oh, he told the Godoy guy and his descendants that he felt good about me, and his eyeballs got hot.

"Oh, hey, Maki. Don't go first because it's dangerous."

Before Bohe's guide, Maki left the room first, attracting bright red stones like scattered around the walls.

"It's beautiful. Looks like the jewels are embedded."

"Heh. Are you interested in something like that? You're a girl, I knew it."

"That's not what I'm saying... Until now, I had enough jewelry to rot, but now I don't even have shards. I just thought I'd miss you."

"... that's surprising. Did you know she was a little girl?

"Hehe. Well, I guess so."

She grinned and turned away from me.

Why, she can't seem to stop laughing...

With her sidelined, I followed that red stone embedded in the wall.

Then one easily fell cologne and rolled down to his feet.

"Oh, I could take it. I'll do it. This."

"... I wonder if that's okay. You can take it home on your own."

"You're not going to stop. Sounds like a good red stone to you."


Maki was laughing so hard until just now, he put one of those on his hand and just dyed his cheeks and leaned down.

"Look, that's it. That's the plant I'm eating, duh!!

Bohe jumped up and pulled my sleeve as I proceeded through the glowing, tidy passage of the red stone.

Turning his face that way, he went out into a round and spacious space.

The surprise was that there was red water spreading thinly on one side and plants growing with that water as a nursery.

"... what, this"

"Red Springs?


I'll flow under my feet, what's the cold air?

Me and Maki sat silent for a moment and watched the strange space.

It's bright red.

A bright red spring glows and grows white grasshoppers.

The roots are red with red spring water, but white, translucent and clear flowers bloom along the way.

Red gemstone crystals, such as those embedded in the walls, exist around the fountain in such a way that they grow.

"That's my food. The place of transparency is pully and delicious. Stir in oil"


Maki approached the fountain and picked a round of flowers, staring seriously. I peeked in, too.

"It's covered in gelatinous stuff... that's a strange plant"

"... it smells sweet"

Me and Maki looked at each other and tilted their necks.

How on earth is such a plant growing in such an underground place?

What the hell is this blurry red liquid?


Walking around the fountain, there was an ancient inscription on a rock.

I wonder what it is.

Maki, too, gives me a little peek in the face from my back and stares at the letter.

Whether to react to her will, the spear in her hand raised and translated that ancient letter again.

'Whatever I do, no matter how much blood I shed, that man won't remember me'

The one sentence that appeared was such an inexplicable word.

I'm just looking at my face more and more, but it's Maci who's been having a hard time with these words.

She just opened her eyes and, staring at this letter, dropped her gaze again at the flowers blooming in this bright red fountain.

And I burst into tears.

"Oh, hey... you"


Maki wept a blur and a large grain of tears, not even trying to wipe it off, just with his open eyes.

I'm stunned on the spot.

"What's the matter, Maki? Hey."

I grabbed her shoulder and wobbled, but unlike her seemingly weak, she answered with a very low calm voice.

"... I don't know. On my own, because I'm getting tears."

And I turned to the other side of the circle and wiped my tears with one sleeve.

My back felt both the fragility of a girl still young and young and the strength of standing alone with a spear, and I was confused.

"... maki"

"I'm sorry. I don't know... I feel a little nostalgic.... Not every now and then? To miss places you don't know."

"... oh. I do."

"Yes, Yu's."

Again, she turned around, her eyes narrowed and she laughed softly.

Deep down, make fun of me.


"Well, all of a sudden you're gonna cry..."

"Haha. Sorry, sorry."

Her, teasing smile laughing loudly.

But there were certainly traces of tears, and I became more and more, less sure.

What the hell is this woman?

In the end, I was allowed to stay at Bohe's residence that day and will be leaving for Main Street tomorrow under Bohe's guidance.

"This way, duh. Boulevard."

"Ah. True! Hey, I'm out. I don't really like narrow roads because I'm worried they're gonna end up someday."

Going through that strange red fountain and down the curved trail, we headed out onto Main Street in time.

Was Maki tired or sat nagging the moment he left?

"Oh. We're finally on the map, too. If we keep going straight, we're going to get to Sherharry. It's a long way from here."

I'm going back to Bohe, who showed me this far.

"Bohe. Thanks. Thank you for everything."

"Hey, no, I'm not. For the sake of the Black Demon King, burn yourself to the fire, or be eaten by the beasts of the earth."

"... no, take care of yourself. Yeah."

We have to reward Bohe enough.

I had already left food in his residence that could not be eaten in such an underground labyrinth, but I knew that the existence of the Black Demon King was heroic to him, so I gave him one piece of magic as proof of my loyalty to the Black Demon King.

"Hold this."


It's just a piece of paper.

Hidden one of my space magic, Royal Ticket.

"It's an invitation to Ishmore, the land of the demons. If you get tired of living here and want to come to Ishmore, rip that ticket off. The door to that space will open."

"... Black Demon King"

"No, well.... It might be freer and more comfortable to live here. Tourism is fine. Oh, yeah, yeah. There were still demons in this basement. You, if you have AC, call them too. Come and visit Eyesmore one day."

Bohe nodded loudly over and over again in an extremely impressive way.

When I gave him my hand, Bohe had been a kyoton for a while, but he took his hand like he remembered something all the more and shook it up and down with the boom.

He had sparkling eyes, like an innocent child.

Maki sat down with Hetan and watched how we were doing, but eventually he stood up and said, "Come on, let's go."

Even as we went down Main Street, Bohe seemed to be watching us on the spot for a while.

For a while, we enjoyed a peaceful underground journey.

We only went down the underground road for a week or so, but we had conversations with Maki and no other love, we ate sometimes, sometimes rolled over and slept, never stopped by, just went straight.

Maki is a strange girl.

I just met her a few days ago, and I'm used to “me” as if I've known her for a long time now, and neither am I. Very, very easy to talk about.

But I still care.

She suddenly burst into tears at the Red Fountain.

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