Our demon king is coming.

07: Maki, I have tomorrow to come after me.

I call myself Maki. There is no correct name.


With a small lamp on his side, he built a bunk on the flat part of the edge of Main Street, and me and Thor slept side by side.

Get up with the crap and peek into Thor's face.

This guy sleeps pretty classy.

At first, you're sleeping with your back to me, but then you're lying on your back, sleeping quietly.

He kicks Tor a lot because I'm not a better sleeper.

Sleeping faces, after all, are just a little unusual.

I was playing with his forehead splitting and pulling with such a peek in my face.

Sneak up on me so I don't wake you up.


Soon, we'll get to Sherharry.

It's time to say goodbye to Thor.

The first thing I thought of when I came to this world. That's about trying to live the way you want.

This life is the life of an exception. An unexpected life, just a little deviation from the laws of the world.

Then I must always be a joker, even in the twist of a world that has finally moved.

You don't listen to anyone's orders, you don't follow anyone's plan, only my will, you act like a savior.

So neither did Princess Shatoma, say anything to me.

Instead, she herself said she would listen to anything I asked for.

This time, I said I just wanted to help one boy, I said I was going to Sherharry for a purpose that was roughly unrelated to the world's big twist, but I said laughing without saying anything.

"Is there anything meaningless about that behavior? What you've done will bring you into contact with the world. Inevitably. So the concubine doesn't have to say anything in particular. Red Witch...... Your atonement is over. Whatever you want, be free, live. Because I have the power not to be disturbed by anyone..."

Power enough not to be disturbed by anyone.

Though I know that, and the amount of Princess Shatoma I can leave alone is amazing.

I wonder why they told me to be free and still couldn't leave in front of “them"...

"Thor, you don't know anything, you're not turning into anything."

The Tor we met a long time ago didn't change anything.

Even if you don't remember me, you treat me much the same.

I'm glad to hear that, but Thor is still Thor, even though he stuck with me and swung him around.

He listens to me while I hang on.

I'm screwed, too.

I paid for Thor's forehead and couldn't stop kissing that forehead.

I really, really can't wait to like Tor.

It's weird. I don't know what to say myself, but it's weird.

It has always been.

Get out of the warm duvet and change from a thin piece to sailor clothes.

I put my hair in my clothes together and put on black tights.

"... hey"

Second, I was called out of my back.

Thor was up at some point.

"Oh...... Are you awake? Didn't you just get dressed and watch?


Thor didn't deny it, but he's a serious face.

I stopped giggling.

"I was going to sneak away."

"Where are you going?"

"Where? It's Sherharry."

"Why are you trying to go alone? Think of it as a flirt."

"... 'Cause we're gonna say goodbye tomorrow anyway, right?

"There will be a way to break up..."


Thor, scratching his head, stood up and approached me.

"Well, I'm sure you have a situation too, so if you really want to go alone, I won't say you can't, but eat about breakfast."

"... if you do that, I'm gonna miss you"


I grabbed the spear all the time, looking away.

It's comfortable and fun to be with Thor. I want to be with you forever.

Is that a bad thing? And Machia in me asks.

But now Thor's purpose and mine are different.

Being with him makes me really want to be sweet on Tor, so I was careful...

"... don't go crazy"

Thor thought for a moment and grabbed my arm and pulled it, letting it sit on the side of the lamp.

And I sit next to it myself.

"There will be so many ways to break up that I don't miss you. Stop being gone all of a sudden."

"... sorry"

Unexpectedly, I apologized.

His words, "Stop being gone all of a sudden," stuck right at me.

"Oh, my God, that's so creepy."


"... it was like that before. Even when I saw the ancient letters on the side of the Red Springs."

Thor cut out the story to see if he'd ever been concerned.

I've been behaving fine ever since so I wouldn't get stuck with him. I knew Tor was Tor.

Girls like this, you can't leave them alone.

"What happened then?


I can't answer you. Look at me, Tor exhaled small, and went on.

"…" No matter what I do, no matter how much blood I shed, that man will not remember me "…? I wonder what the hell that means."

Tor stared at the lamp's soft lights blurry, and pompous.

I ask his side. Kind of looks a little lonely.

"Me, too. There's someone I've forgotten."

"... Huh?

"I don't know how intimate I was with him. Nobody's gonna let me talk about it. I won't even let him near his grave.... That's crazy. I just forgot about him, but things became obscure... Everybody seems so nice."

"... Tor"

I held my chest down.

I sealed Thor's memory because I didn't want him to feel sad.

I thought he must think it was his fault that Machia was going to die.

There's no way this guy can stand regret.

Like McIlier 2,000 years ago, he threw himself into revenge and might use his life to do just that... and ordered that Thor position his memory priorities with respect to Machia at the bottom of Thor's memory as long as he carried Machia's death.

But “Machia” got involved with a lot of people.

Ulysses' memories, his father's memories, even those of him who pinched Machia and got involved with Thor, are obscured by his inability to remember Machia.

"... sorry"

I apologized again.

Perhaps Thor had felt an inexplicable loneliness for the past year or so.

"Why are you apologizing? You really don't understand."

Thor took the bread out of the holding space from his luggage and handed it to me, "Here," he said.

Eat this much, like I said.

"You know, Tor.... I like you a lot."

"What? Suddenly."

"Hehe, you're hot, aren't you?

"... I wonder"

Thor clouded his beans and words, tearing the bread and throwing it into his mouth.

I also grab the bread small.

After reading the ancient letters of the Red Springs, why did I cry...

I really don't get it.

From a far away place, the emotions that came in. Because it became very painful for a moment because of the impending disconnect.

I don't even know whose the hell it was, a scream of sorrow.

"I don't know what your purpose is, but I'll be in Sherhally for a while. If anything happens, help me."


It gave me a slightly bewildered look, but I snort small as I twirl my bread.

"Thor has a purpose, too, and you're going to Sherharry, right? Shirley's very noisy right now."

"Apparently. Well, don't worry. You may think I'm useless, but this is how I look, and I'm Frezier's dignitary."

"... I'm not worried about anything."

"Oh, yeah."

Tung in a strange place.

Having said that, I took a mess out of my sailor clothes pocket.

It's that red gem.

"This. I'll give it to you"

"Huh... is that good? You wanted it."

"It's fine. Thank you for your help over the past few days. Thanks for the food and the bunk."


Thor took that I offer and looked at it seriously, he laughed all the time.

And stroke my head pounding.

"I wonder what. When I'm with you, I feel nostalgic... really. Calm down more than anyone."

He then slightly flushed his gaze sideways and raised his shoulders.

"Can I see you again?

"... right. I think I'll see you. I... I want to see you too."

Maybe it's me who's making him lonely...

Because of Machia's lack of memory, he may have doubts, doubts, and a sense of loneliness that says he's different from his surroundings.

I'm sorry, Tor.

But I don't regret it.

But if you ever remember me again, let me be honest.

You and me, don't miss each other.

It's like winter now.

In the meantime, there is hope that each action will bear fruit and bloom.

They're coming after us. There's tomorrow.

I'm sure it's warm, like spring.

So there's no way you can catch me yet.

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