Our demon king is coming.

08: Thor, Sherharry's air.

I'm Thor.

We reached Shirley, the capital of the Kingdom of Chamberlain.

Passing through the underground passage and saying where you left off, under the altar of an old church that is now unused.

It was built securely outside Sherhary, a Vabilofos church.

I broke up with Maki there.

Maki was never lost and disappeared. She was a weird woman.

I don't have to wonder how pleasant and enjoyable the journey so far has been than alone.

Weaving a black cape, he looked around at the city of Sherharry as he hid himself.

The Kingdom of Chamberlain should be a kingdom rooted in a long history and culture, not to mention a country that would be stuck without the support of Frezier.

That said, I can't feel the glory of being a great power because I see the cloudy air and the look on the faces of the gloomy people that remain the color of the desert.

People are closed, all wrapped around long turbans, somewhere suspicious.

Women and children don't seem to be out much.

From the boulevard into the trail, we headed to the Inn, which is deeply connected to Frezier.

The table says "closed”, but it keeps the general public away.

There is one old man at the front desk. However, the eye and forehead scratches created an atmosphere that said it was not normal.

My husband was originally a dignitary in the kingdom of Frezier, and he runs and lives in this country for these times.

"" From the honorable. ""

That's what I said, and I handed the letter from Princess Shatoma to the owner of the inn.

My husband receives the letter and takes out one key, staring at my face seriously.

Go to room 507.

I told him so in a blurry voice.

Room 507 was a simple room.

This will be my stronghold for a while.

When I open the window, the sand comes in with the dry wind, so I close it immediately.

After all, it seems different from the moisturizing air of the Kingdom of Ruskia.

In my case, I put all my luggage and valuables in my own holding space, so I don't have anything to leave in this room, so I unload about the inn, and I don't feel like I'm finally taking a breather, but when I sit in bed, I'm told that I'm going to get a long trip fatigue.

After a while, the innkeeper brought the tea.

"Are there any deficiencies..."

"... oh. It's a cosy room."

"I'm McNam Zu. Former Agent Frezier. I'm going to support you."

"... it's Tor. Tor Sagaram"

When McNamb's grandfather heard my name, he nodded slowly and put his tea on the table on the side.

"It says you belong to the Royal Palace of Ruskia, but your name and appearance are better than in the east."

"Oh. I'm from the eastern continent. Along Baromett Road, there was a kingdom of Quanah. Well, you know you joined Frezier's umbrella because the Federation screwed you up and you can't do anything about it in your own country. I fled as a refugee to the Luskian kingdom of the southern continent at a young age."

"... I see. There's a lot of people on the southern continent right now."

McNamb roared low and stared at me.

The tension felt at that time, pinned and tense, can be described as a boulder, a former Frezier elite agent.

"By the way, McNamb. I took a little look around Sherharry and I arrived at this inn, what the hell happened to the air in this king's capital? Is this what it was originally like?


I asked McNam how the King's capital was, so he thought it would be a long story.

McNamb lowered his back to the side chair.

"No.... well, it was originally a country that was caught across the ocean and stared at by the Federation. Although there was a sense of urgency, it was a slightly more vibrant country. Because I had the peace of mind that Frezier was protecting me.... but all of a sudden the royal palace broke off with Frezier, so the people were anxious, as you can see..."

"... well, I guess so"

I drank tea, peeked out the window, looked up at the lonely sky.

"Besides, there have been strange incidents here in Sherhally lately."

"... a strange incident?

"Oh. Kids often go missing. That, too, is just more magical children than the average person...... The Slave City is also said to have lost a very small number of children"


Slavery in the Kingdom of Chamberlain is ostensibly considered obsolete, but I know that many slaves are sold behind it.

If there is a connection between the disappearance of the children and the decrease in the number of children in the Slave City, would you say that the magical children are being collected for some other purpose...

McNamb stood up slowly,

"If you need anything, tell me."

That's what I said.

When he opened the door to the room, from that gap, he could see the little girl.

He wears dark brown hair, ponytails, and plain blue clothes.

"Oh Tanya...... Thor, this child is my adopted son, Tanya. I can't talk."

Is Tanya about ten years old? From the side where McNam came out, he's stuck to him perfectly, staring at me through the door gap.

"... Regards, Tanya"

Speaking up, she shyly hid on McNamb's back.

You two leave right in front of my room.

My surroundings quieted back again.


Close your eyes and make sure there are no people next to my room or even next door.

In the first place, there are only three people staying in this inn, including me, and the hierarchy seems to be divided.

He touched the written ring of the magic conductor circuit and attempted to communicate with Princess Shatoma, a distant Frezier.

It's a long way from here, so it takes a while to connect.

'... hey, Black Demon King. So you're telling me that you reached McNamb in Sherharry safely?

After a while, a translucent monitor appears in front of me and Princess Shatoma shows it.

She was in the same uniform as usual, but licking stick candy.

"... oh. I'm sorry. Was it snack time?

"Haha. Light sugar supplement. When I think about it a lot, I want to eat something sweet. If you want to eat, the Cannon guy will shut up."


What kind of brave guy is that noisy about snack restrictions...

I have no doubt.

"As I was told, we went through the underground corridor, but we found a lot of strange stuff."

'I guess...'

"The Demons lived there. You knew that?

'... oh. I didn't know that, but it's an underground labyrinth enough to cross the Great Desert. Whatever you live in, it's not weird. Take him to the Black Demon King's kingdom. "

"For once, I asked him out. I don't know what's gonna happen."

"Hehe. As always, you're not a king, are you? '

If I were Princess Shatoma, I would solicit her to my country at all costs with that charisma and skillful mouthpiece.

Boulders are inviting butterflies…

"Oh, yeah. And it was in a strange woman."

"... woman?

"I was in an unmanned oasis at the entrance. She has reddish dark hair and no matter what her clothes look like, she is a female student sailor clothes. He's a girl from another world. Probably the same as Lena...... But it seemed to be moving freely. I can't help it, but maybe I should have let the Frezier Royal Palace protect me, but it seemed like I really wanted to go to Sherhally, and I didn't seem to get a glimmer... We went through the underground corridor together and brought them all the way to Sherhally, from where we let them go free."

Doing something unsolicited, I thought Princess Shatoma might scold me, but she circled her eyes for the first time and immediately grinned.

"Yeah. I didn't know there was a woman in the Black Demon King who made her cry who wasn't a glimmer. I thought that was about“ him "... hehe... right"

"That guy?"

'No, no. This is the story. But then, would it have been fun on the road?


'Did I say I regret answering you to see where you do not answer? I know what it feels like. "

Princess Shatoma is particularly good at exploring people's emotions. Damn judgment in an instant.

That's why a lot of people can't go about this fast and get taken by the balls.

A horrible princess...

"Well, there's no reason why girls from other worlds should be alone. … If the daughter is truly the“ Savior ”, we will meet again."


Princess Shatoma included round candy in her mouth, rolling with corn and cheeks.

It's like you know what I want, but don't tell me.

"Oh, yeah, yeah."

And she continued.

"... The Green Witch has been notified of your birth."


"Lord Ulysses and Lord Perselis are friendly and envious. Well, patriarchally, it's a girl or a boy, and I don't know if they can be relieved yet for a while, but the young couple were given a child. Congratulations are no different. Black Demon King, if you are a friend of His Royal Highness, say something... '

"... eh"

I was late for both one-tempo and two-tempo and I reacted.

The conversation was cut off in a strange place, and Princess Shatoma flashed her face.


Congratulations to Ulysses and Pericellis?

No, it's important... no.

Ulysses...... Congratulations.

Esca........................ (omitted below)

"Uh. Okay."

"Why reverence?"

"I'll send Ulysses some words later to celebrate…"


Princess Shatoma took the stick candy out of her pocon and mouth and stared at me with her eyes to see even the poor thing.

'Well, as a man, maybe I have thoughts that my friend won't cut me off ahead of me...' cause if I get a little serious about it, it's about Harlem again... about one or two Harlems'

"The boulder is the queen. That's not what I said. One or two of the harlems doesn't make sense anymore."

This is why the demon king...

I pushed my finger against my forehead.

"That's not what I said. It is a pleasure that Ulysses and Perselis were given a child. So much for surprise... Oh, yeah. They'll be so happy."

For Ulysses and Perselis, I don't know if it's a good idea to say my first child.

I'm glad the two of us who think of each other from our previous lives have been given children again.

Reasonably murdered, Shuma, son of the white sage and the green witch, will also be rewarded.

"I don't know what it's like to be a concubine to say my son, but I guess you do, Black Demon King."

"... what do you say"

"Again. Former Harlem Demon King says well"

While Princess Shatoma made fun of me for her disgust, this congratulation was somewhere dreamy.

Was Princess Vine, who died young, still a maiden dreaming of a happy marriage?

Whatever it is, I want to say a word of celebration to Ulysses and Perselis.

At a time like this, I regret not being able to say congratulations on my side.

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