Our demon king is coming.

14: Thor, Dreamhill.

"Hey, what are you doing at a time like this?

"... oh, excuse me"

The boy Maki helped asks us with an innocent look.

“At a time like this," it sounded special.

You're amazing at this age, this guy...

The children and women who make love behind him were staring at me and Maki's comic genius, but their gaze was heartless or painful.

We cough and roar pointlessly and hold it back.

Were you floating around for a little reunion?

"Thor, this kid is a suzuma. The child I came to help."

Maki hugged Suzuma from behind and introduced her.

Suzuma is immovable.

"Is Suzuma a White Mage?

"No, it's just that the Spirit likes this girl."


Is it because my hair is white?

Suzuma has a very, very familiar impression of him.

The pale hair color, the slight smell of magic, really.

"Is your brother one of your sisters?

"No... I don't know, what"

I have trouble explaining.

Sure, I wonder what Maki and I are. I just recently got to know him, but I really didn't feel like I could just say I knew him.

"Nevertheless, what shall we do now..."

"What do you want me to do?

"These kids. I had too much momentum, and all the kids that were being grabbed, I brought them here. When I think about it, I wonder what I'm going to do with these kids. Whether you go back to your parents or the Royal Palace is behind this, it's not dangerous to go back everywhere.... Besides, you must be making a fuss out there by now. In the middle of the night, there must be soldiers wandering all over the king's capital."

"... oh, I see"

Um, I'll put my hand on my chin and think about my plans for the future.

According to Maki, the mastermind behind the kidnapping was the Royal Palace.

The Royal Palace should be looking for Maki and these kids by now so that this fact doesn't go out.

"I was going to explore the Chamberlain Royal Palace. From now on, it will be rougher in the royal palace. You should hide it for a while until it's over."

"... Hide what?

"I think I'll keep these kids in my space. You can send the food to me via Frezier... Sure, I don't think I can handle Chamberlain."

"... your body, keep it?

"Why do you care about that?

"No... because..."

Chicken and mouthwatering, Maki grows up.

"If it's a fantasy space with no features, it's unobstructed."

To convince Maki, you better show him the real thing.

This "cloud chimney" is a flexible space where you can connect multiple Magic Fortresses. Hands on soft walls, operating translucent monitors, while creating a comfortable space to spend.

“Dreamhill” is a magical fortress. By the way, it's also the name of the estate where I lived on Earth. I lived in an estate with a fancy name.

"In the meantime, move across this door, all of you"

When I opened the door that came up on the wall, Maki said, "Look, about that brother," and instructed.

Terribly submissive, they lined up against me and came into "Dreamhill” as instructed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

Suzuma stepping into that space raised her voice unexpectedly, because that was a space that was unexpected to him?

The sky is pale peach.

On a small high hill, a square bright white apartment is built.

There is a park on the side of the hill with a variety of playthings to dot.

There's nothing else.

"... here"

Maki looked up at the hill, wondering.

"Do you feel nostalgic?


"Well, I'm inspired by a common estate on Earth. Apartments and spaces with only parks, and then beds and tables and other furniture. I don't think it's a problem to live for a little while..."

"… Earth"

Maki repeated, looking at Chirali and me.

"Oh... I'm from Japan, too, of Earth. Well, unlike you, I died over there, and I was reincarnated. Didn't I tell you?

"Huh? Oh, yeah... yeah. No, did you hear that? Hmmm......"

She shows upset and answers vaguely.

I was stroking my hair to fix it.

But as a matter of fact, he put a spear on many of the children and women he had grown up with.

Everybody, wake up.

The spear becomes a bunch of red and soft yarn.

Each piece of the thread reached the forehead of a woman and child, and it seems to have solved the magic that had been applied.


"Where am I?

Even if the magic was solved, they were all blurred for a while. In the meantime, he begins to flirt with the questioner of being in such a place.

The young child crouched on the spot and cried out.


I went to the child where Suzuma was crying, and I was stroking her head okay.

But when one cries out, it creates a chain reaction, crying over there and here.

"Wow, Mother, come on."

"Like I want to go home - like I want to go home"

Not only children, but also daughters of all ages, tears and dizziness, so there is no collection.

"Hey, don't cry too much. You saved my life."

I stood in front of them and stood up.

"You're protected. I may be anxious in such a strange place, but I can't let you out to the king's capital right now. I want you to stay here until we get things done. Then I promise to go home in turn."

"You, that's the way you put it. Kids, it's Pokhan."

"... then what can I say"

I proclaimed myself dressed up because of it, but Maci stuck me from the side.

But again, the kids are pompous. The women are looking up at me with strangely moist eyes.

"Now, this brother is going to get you guys, and he's going to kill you, so have fun here until then. If you take out the bad guys, you can go home to Mom and Dad. This place is fun. It's not hot or cold, there's futons of fudge, and there's good rice. Kids can play with playthings, ladies can have tea and take your time."

To Maki's words, those in front of him changed their expressions.

From all the anxiety I've had so far, I feel a little, hopeful, reddish face.


"Can you go home?

"Do you have rice?

The children's questions are simple and clear.

"Yeah. All this good-looking brother's gonna do something about it."

"You, you think you're gonna come out with anything you say about me"

Maki slapped me in the back with a bang and left me out of his mouth to say shit.

The glance of the expectations of the children and women towards me was also too dazzling.

There was a black shadowy, man-type worker at the front of the apartment.

This is the active user demon "Spaceman” when he needs to work in my space.

Grimmind is at the top of this. It's called a more elaborately crafted spaceman.

Instructed them to take care of the children's clothing and accommodation for a while.

Immediately Frezier was also asked to replenish enough food.

Stuck next to each other by a "cloud chimney," the spacemen brought out more food and began to cook and distribute them in the cafeteria of the apartment. A working spaceman.

"Why are you getting bread, too?"

"Because I'm hungry. You have to eat when you can."

The bread that the spacemen were handing out to everyone.

I also got a cup of maki for my arm, and I was eating mogi.

I haven't even had dinner.

"Oh, it's a mite"

Sitting on the hill, Suzuma, who was tearing the bread and giving it to the Spirit, pointed to the sky.

Mimizuk flew up to me with a letter.

It's a transmission from "Mimizuk's Room." When I open the letter, a monitor pops up that records multiple pieces of data and stays in the universe.

"Grimmind, have you proceeded with the analysis of the procedure inside the royal palace?

Ask one of them, a monitor who can talk to Grimindo.

In "Mimizuk's Room," Grimmind was doing some analytical work on my change.

"Lord Black Demon, that's what's so funny."

"What's funny?

"In the basement of the palace, there seems to be a massive magic factory. I sensed tremendous energy."

"... what?

"That's not all. A number of locations in the palace have also identified transfer devices. They're all made of Twilight..."


Grimmind laughs at Xxy and disgusting.

There's nothing funny about it.

I don't know what Chamberlain is up to, but it would be obvious that this country is working with the Federation in terms of having a Twilight transfer device.

Probably made by the Twilight guys on the federal side.

Princess Shatoma said.

The Twilight clan in Frezier and Ruskia are certainly all excellent, but much of Twilight's technology is in the hands of the Federation.

It was when I looked at the inside view of the palace with the results of the analysis.

Maki brought the bread and forced it into my mouth.

"Look, you eat, too."


I looked at the maki and took a long sigh.

I have no choice but to keep bread on my cheeks. However, I guess I was still hungry.

I ate it right away.

Maki peeks into my face satisfied and says.

"My purpose has been achieved."

"... well. Going somewhere already?

"If it's true, I'd love to, but I'm sorry that you're just helping me. Something bothers you, doesn't it? Then I can help you. I'm good at getting busted."

"... maybe in this situation, you want to get into the palace"

"Is there anything else? You think too hard. With as much power as we do, I think we can handle everything, even if we get in naked and dignified."

"You're just a pervert. Before we can figure it out, Pride can't do anything. They'll crush us."

"It's an analogy, idiot."

Maki stood up before me and wore a hood in a strained manner.

If you think of it, act, synonymous with.

"I'm a prudent man. Besides, you may not know, but there may be a little troublesome in the palace.... the Blue General..."

"... hmm. Who It"

I gave her the name of a blue general, but she just lowered her voice.

Are you not interested or what?

"But well, you're right, too cautious to lose sight of timing. Betta, do you want to catch the enemy soldiers and rip them off? Get in with it."

"Wow, that sounds interesting!! Let's do that. Let's do that!!


A woman who gets excited about all this noise and waves her hands up and down with a boom to make her eyes shine.

It's just so cute how excited you look, too bad.

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