Our demon king is coming.

15: Thor, the voice of the dungeon.

"Do it, I'll do it!! Absolutely I will!!


I don't hear Maki say he's going to attack a soldier wandering around outside, so I get it and let her out.

My sweet little girl wanted it to be something else...

After talking to Suzuma for a while about "He's a young man, isn't he", Maki dragged the two soldiers off and back.

Maki is intact.


I stuck around unexpectedly because the way it looked was so successful.

The flower girl doesn't have this.

"I won't be awake for a while. Look, I just had to get dressed."

Maki was all calm, stripping the guns of men of their armor.

You wouldn't even think this is the kind of space that those looking for are stuck in that they created to surround the walls.

The soldiers seem to be searching the entire capital, assuming we've left the castle.

Me and Maki wandered around the premises of the Royal Palace, dressed in the clothes and armor of the soldiers of the Chamberlain Royal Palace, out of the magical fortress we had built on the walls.

"I hear you were on Central Street!

"We fled across the Peo River!!

and so on, and blow lies to those who dress the same, and keep people away from their surroundings.

He's trying to break into the royal palace in a bad way, but he's gonna make it.

Soldiers in the walls have dwindled considerably and are already inside the palace.

"... where are you going"

"Underground. Grimindo will guide you."

Keep a 3D map of the interior of this royal palace out on the side and proceed as you confirm it.

"Oh, it stinks of sweat and it's heavy"

"You said you wanted to. Just be patient."

Maki has already complained about the soldiers' clothing and armor.

You must be the loot you've been hunting for.

It was at this time that I set up the Fortress of Magic to surround this royal palace from the walls.

It took several hours to analyze the internal structure.

That will help us enough now, and lead us not astray, but without mistake.

Pick up a place you don't care about and make as much noise as you can...


Along the way, he was voiced by a royal palace-like man in the hallway.

Sometimes we meet, even if we avoid as many people as we can.

"What are you guys doing here? Only officials with golden certificates should be allowed in here. No entry even for soldiers..."

But without having to say a word to the end, strike the back of the official's head with the bladeless decorative part of the spear that Maki holds in his hand.

Keep it up. Officials fall.



She moves on her own, so I just have to concentrate on the map.

The boulder is a large palace. The interior is complicated and the road to the basement is really limited.

"It looks like we can go down two spiral stairs to the basement. For the noise outside, there seem to be fewer soldiers in the royal palace than usual, but what do we do?

"From the front"

"... why are you turning into an official outfit?"

When did Maki do it and change into an official's costume?

Shit... the sides were sweet.

I had to be a little more aware...

"You're an idiot, Thor. This official has a pretty good one."

Maki is poking his jaw up and making it look great.

When she thought, she took a splendid goldsmith's flat card out of the official's clothing chest pocket.

"It's a golden certificate. You politely said," You can't go in without a golden card. "The spiral staircase underground, I wonder if we can get in through the front now."

"Oh...... I see"

You had an idea for Maki, too.

Maki tugged at the clothes of the big official, wearing a deep hat under his eyes, but he just glanced at me and said, "What do you say?

It's like the kid's making it look great, adorable.

I shifted my hat upstairs for now.

When I showed the golden card in front of the spiral staircase, I was able to pass inside the spiral staircase.

I am a soldier accompanying Maki dressed as an official.

"You've come a long way."

"Not so far... na"

Too lightly, that's all we've come for.

Either our enemies are too dumb or we're being set up... Either way, we just have to move on.

To say that you just go down a long staircase and down a long staircase is to stir up anxiety.

"Still, you're getting hot"

Maki wet the sweat on his forehead with the sleeves of the official's clothes.

Sure, saying there's a factory in the basement annoys me with the enthusiasm and magic that comes up.

"What the hell do you think a factory is doing?

"... I don't know. They have a lot of transplants."

The spiral staircase was able to descend on several levels along the way.

Every hierarchy was dark and dull, and it seemed like too much space to explore one by one.

Anyway, there's no point in exploring what's going on at the bottom.

That's what I thought, and I kept ignoring the hierarchy along the way, but, uh, I stopped at a certain hierarchy.

Because something rang.


"Yes, no... didn't you hear that from up ahead?

Maki shakes his head.

Did it just sound like me?... No, it was a really small, plundering squeal.

It got to my ear because that was the sound I'd heard somewhere.

"Sorry, let me do a little research."

"... but we don't have much time."

"I know."

Perhaps we can reach the underground factory in a little while.

But I was really curious about the chirping.

It was like a dungeon.

Rather than that, it's probably a dungeon.

Serious air smells so gloomy when you know what it was used for.

"... there's something here."

Maki pointed to one barn.

There is a black mass, shrugging and shuddering there.

If you take a closer look around, you can be sure that two or three black chunks of each of the iron lattices are quite small.

They were like creatures, but they never uttered a word, nor were they rampaged, and they stayed in their chambers.

"... Demon Race"

Slowly, I came out with my mouth shut, who they are.

I knew right away. That said, 2,000 years ago, the demons I ruled have changed their appearance from time to time, making them look like monsters that I no longer speak of.

As I go all the way along, I feel a strong sense of disastrous magic.

And when I thought I'd gone through a long dungeon aisle, I went out into a circular, heavenly high place.

I understand what's caught there as soon as I see it.

"Grimmel...... Huh!


A black warcraft, with majestic limbs.

It's probably called a dragon in general.

I used to be the warcraft on my back running through the sky.

Grimmel was tied all over her body, connected to black, sturdy chains, and wedged everywhere.

"... what a rarity. What a fate.... Aren't you the Black Demon King?"

I heard a noise.

Grimmel's voice.

"I didn't know you could see the Black Demon King again...... Years of pain will pay off, too."

Grimmel breathes constantly. This guy is a hell of a longevity demon.

No race existed, only one lived. He was very smart while he was a Warcraft body, and to me he was more valuable than a subordinate in obtaining opinions.

Even at the time, I heard he was alive for a thousand years... I didn't know he was still alive.

"What is this? Damn, that's a bad idea."

When Maki saw the chains tying Grimel, he glanced at her face.

I met a fellow 2,000 years ago and had lost his word, but I touch Grimmel's scales on his feet and ask him hastily.

"You... how could you be here!

"... Black Demon King. No, Lord Black Demon's rebirth, is it?... the world has changed. No one, like you, loves the Demons anymore. … all demons are captured"

"... being caught?

"Yes, the Hermédes federation of the northern continent has captured all the demons. A thousand years ago, there was a massive demon hunt... and Eyesmore, who was still small, was attacked, and we were all captured."

Grimmel lit her black eyes with a little blue light.

This guy has a black body, but when magic hits his body, it becomes a blue light.

"The Demon Nation is a living ingredient. Yes... we wanted our individual lives even though we did from the beginning. Oh, forget the Creator's life"

"... Grimmel? What are you talking about?"

Grimmel seemed calm, but her voice trembled and she was just a little frightened.

A few disturbing words are hidden.

"I have been a demon from the beginning. From the“ first ”of the demon clan."

"The first of the demons? What is it?"

"It's the first. The Creator made us, from the beginning... Ever since the“ Silver King ”gave me my life. We were just meat ingredients."


Grimmel lives long.

I knew that, but the first of the demons...

"The Black Demon King. Many demons have been captured in this cell. All the demons caught in the North and transferred here... some served the Black Demon King"

"... what?

What the hell are you doing?

What brings the demons here?

"Lord Black Demon, if you feel sorry for me for living like this, please help me."

"Don't be silly!

Grimmel had his weak gaze on me.

There were things I didn't know, but anyway, I wanted to free Grimmel from this terrible maneuver. I'll show this to the guy who did this later...


All of a sudden, Maki called my name, pulled a good collar and knocked me back.

What sounded like a moment was a gunshot.

"... eh"

I got a buttcake, but I still think that was better.

The silver bullet passed through the rinse in front of me and was bounced against the wall.

"Ahhhh... I didn't know you were gonna make it this far... you're a boulder Krondor..."

The voice of the Lord who unleashed the gun was unexpected.

But I know.

"... istarte sil vis hermedes"

Out of the blue, I was calm.

Perhaps he is a troublesome man in a different way than General Blue.

A poor girl with long silver hair, twin tails at heights.

But those red eyes feel the madness that just a girl can't seep into.

It was the Federation, young man.

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