Our demon king is coming.

01: '5' Tor, between the waves of memory.

My name is Tor Sagaram.

He was once known as the Black Demon King.


Cuttlefish and take a dark path.

The endless space is littered with monitors that reflect my memories, drooling my memories without meaning.

But I can't see a person hiding in black.

That's right.

This is my memory space.

"... was there"

Behind the space of memory, there was a small door, sturdy chained.

With colored doors and chains similar to this space, although it's hard to tell what it is... I found it.

"Oh... so hard to get here."

In front of the door, there is one girl who stands as if she were a gatekeeper.

Red hair, red dress, red... everything, “red” girl.

Big, busy eyes are staring at me.


"... you know the name"

"You're Machia."

"Heh, yeah, but maybe not"

The girl was invincible, laughing couscous.

I also have a horrible secret grin.

Every time she laughs, a bright red twat flashes around her, relaxing.

"If you want to go ahead, take me down."

"... from the beginning, I intend to"

I pull out my sword and set it up.

To defeat “Machia” in front of you.

To smash her command magic.

"... eh"

When I woke up, the body pain that hit me was just the harm of space magic.

I didn't build the Magic Fortress, but is it because of the intense use of power in a naïve place that manages memory?

Again today, Machia ran away.

"He's really fast on the run..."

After breathing in, one whines on his own.

Once they get away, even the door that's sealing Machia's memory moves to another location.

When that happens, we have to look for the door again.

"... cum"

It was the little black dragon that came underneath my feet.

Blue eyes look up at me like I'm working.

"Oh, Grimmel. Machia was tough today."

Scratch Grimmel's jaw and hold him up.

I was sitting at the root of a giant tree.

This is in the woods.

Forest with little human hands in it and huge due to high concentrations of magi particles up to abnormal.

The mossy earth reminds me of the sanctuary of Vabilofos.

Yes, I was coming to the West Continent now.

I arrived yesterday.

"I've come to think it's desolate, but some places on the earth seem to be regenerating... Grimmel, let's go over this forest today"

"... cum"

Grimmel understood my words and nodded.

Then, the body enlarged by glowing a number of blue muscles, making Grimel a fine dragon.

Using the Lacrima made with Grimel's life as a material, this guy is built with my spatial magic.

It was a so-called compressed modeling space. There's no meat in this guy's body.

Just a space that is given the texture of the flesh.

"Dark Demon King, shouldn't you be off for a little while yet...?

Grimmel talks when he gets huge.

I get on this guy's back and tell him, "There's no time."

"As soon as possible, we have to find“ the authority of the space-time king ”. Nothing starts without that..."

"Having said that, it's a difficult business to find from all over the continent without a clue. I can't help but take some time."

"... well, yes."

Grimmel tells the truth.

This guy has been my mother's physique for 2,000 years.

Looking down from the back of a flying grimmel, this continent.

Once upon a time, the earth burned down by the Red Witch.

My forest stretches further along the coastline than the south, but the center still seemed wilderness.


As I was flying over the woods, there was a square that looked like a hole in it.

I finally found someone falling in the center of the square.

Surprised to see anyone living on the western continent, I gave Grimmel instructions to descend.

Woven with thin dirty robes, the person falling in.

As soon as I got down beside him and figured out who he was, I felt a shudder of joy.

"... maki"

Was it about four months ago? I broke up with her.

Maki has stretched her hair slightly longer than before. That's the closer I meet “Machia” in my memory.

Spraying that hair all over the place, lying down, she wrote "SOS" stretching that index finger to the mossy earth.

"Hey, Maki"

When I wake her miserable, she has a half soulless look on her face about what happened, and she's bland.

"... Ha... I can see Thor... I'm finally hallucinating..."

"Are you conscious?"

"Oh, Toru talked... did you come back to me?


"I want to eat lemon cake before I die..."

"... this guy"

I immediately took him to the shade of the tree thinking he was just about to suck.

It's just lemon cake.

What is it? It makes me think of a sweet smell I miss so much.

Apparently, Maki was going and falling on extreme hunger.

You used to be hungry at the Oasis around the border between Frezier and Chamberlain, even when it was the first time with this guy.

That wasn't enough to go and fall...

"But you dangerous bastards. No one will help you if you go down here... what would have happened if I hadn't happened to find you?"

"... that ~... hallucinating but meat-roasting..."

"So I'm not hallucinating. It's real."

While Maki turns his eyes, he reaches out.

I react sensitively to the smell of baking meat, but pull the hem of my clothes.

"Wait a minute, it's still raw"

Not at all.

Really, this guy is just a hit idiot.

"Ugh, Tor."

"So not yet."

"... Tor ~"


There's no distinction between reality and fantasy. I won't let Maki cling to me while he falls.

To the boulder, have you just stepped into this continent much earlier than I did, and are you missing your human skin?

I also dusted that she was still a young daughter. During that time, she awoke to the soggy sound and smell of gravy, and when she rose up gabbling, she took the meat from my hand, which grills the meat, and ate it rough.

Its appearance is hard to describe...

"Ooh. I ran out of food, I lost my comms to get supplies from a Frezier patrol boat, and this happened if I was eating strange mushrooms and plants in the woods but I broke my belly, and I wasn't eating anything..."


"You're an idiot."

"... ugh, yeah"

Maki, who recovered health, had grown smaller in front of me and was still grabbing bread.

It's my food.

"Because I don't have a convenient space like yours. One bag fills up. But I'm going to eat a bag of food soon."

"... and yet, how unplanned and single, it's what got me into this continent. And Princess Shatoma, who instructed her to do so."

"There's a verse that I think I can handle, and that kid..."

"I guess."

Well, sure, Maki is the daughter who is considered savior by the laws of the world.

Though it would not be tolerated to die of unplanned starvation, etc...

You're full, she's exhaled and neat.

"Nevertheless, Thor was also ordered to go to the western continent? I lost my comms, so I couldn't get in touch with Frezier, and I didn't know anything."

"... where did you lose your comms in the first place?"

"No... I didn't have much use for it originally, but I managed to use it by the sea and high places. It's just that if you're kneeling on a tall tree, drop it. He just left."


Maki said that as if it wasn't a big deal.

Indeed, on the western continent there is no system tower for demonic guidance circuits, and the means of communication with the Kingdom of Ruskia and the Kingdom of Frezil are limited.

An old type of communications device allows us to communicate with Frezier's airships patrolling the Central Sea.

"Still, Grimmel, you're back. I'm surprised you're getting smaller."

"... cum"

Little Grimmel twinkled and rang his crushed eyes as he walked around there with yochi.

"You're gonna grow up right. It's a comfortable dragon."

"In your space, did you make it?

"That's right.... the Federation made it out of Grimmel's life, using Lacrima."

"... yes"

Maki said nothing more and didn't listen.

I'm just holding Grimmel from both sides, hugging her or stroking her head.

Come on, it's not a stuffed animal.

Great-looking Grimmel is left behind.

"Hey... maki"


"We're going to travel together. You have nothing to eat when you're alone, right?

"... but you and I have a different purpose."

"Still, if we help each other, maybe we can accomplish our purpose faster than we can do it alone. In the first place, you went down and you were dying before you could say what your purpose was."


Maki is pointed at the drawing star and has no further objection, he snorts after roaring once.

But his overturned mouth looked like he was only laughing a little.

I'm just a little upset.

Always show up on your own, Maki, who will no longer be on your own.

Now it's on your side, and I want to watch.

Perhaps being with Maki would be the best tip for getting closer to Makia.

Yes. Me and Maki met again and just the two of us traveled together.

Our destiny is gathering, on this western continent.

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