Our demon king is coming.

02: '5' Tor, water bath and twins.

In the woods of giant trees.

Me and Maki were still here about two days after we met.

"Hey, I'm going to take a shower, so don't take a peek."

What? A peek.

I could tell that Maki wanted to take a bath.

But why should they say such irrational things?

Have I ever peeked before... Oh, speaking of which, I was just in an oasis before.

"No matter how appealing my body is, it's not good to be disappointed."

"Sleep and say what you say.... just go, it's a quick journey."

"... don't leave me, okay?


Maki feels just a little worried.

What the fuck?

Don't peek and tell me or leave me.

Skilled moves...

"I'll keep an eye on you, so don't worry..."


Happily, she headed to a nearby fountain.

"Well, there are no people on this continent..."

Sigh, boy, and move into the shade of the tree.

Still, it's a strange, airy forest.

The truth is, as soon as I met Maki, I tried to move through this forest, but for some reason, I can't get out of it.

I thought I'd take the Grimmel and fly to the wilderness, which is visible in the heart of the continent, but go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

said Maki.

That's why I'm still in this forest.

"If we go to the coast, we can escape from the continent. But I can't get to the center of the west..."


I felt strange magic flowing all over the woods, just wrinkling between my brows.


Grimmel, who was playing with the earth, came here and lay his hand on my lap.

"What the hell, Grimmel, don't worry. I'm a space magician... and I'm gonna find a way out of here."

"... cum"

Grimmel nodded cocklessly when she said she wasn't worried about anything else.

And now, he was going toward the side puddle, buttering his feathers with shavings, and washing them.


Maki's guy, too, by now...... unexpectedly thought of the water bath.

References are in previous oases.

I manage my memory as video!!


When I was so delusional, I heard her scream from the direction of the fountain to which Maki turned.

"Maci, what's up!!

I can't stay or stand. I get up softly and run over there.

Nothing, I don't think I'm lucky or anything like that.


When I paid the branches and jumped out, Maki was sitting naked by the fountain.

What's the situation...

"What's wrong, Maki..."


"... what?

Leaving and kneeling on her side, she raised her face.

"Sailor clothes, they stole it!!

"So, to whom?

"Something tiny, you're like a child!!


Little kid?

In this forest?

"What am I going to do, Tor? I only have those clothes. Are you telling me to stay naked?

"Hey, hey, don't stick around"

"So, 'cause you'll see it's not stuck!!

Maki tried to push his body against me and he seemed to avoid being seen, but that's it...

I was blue at first, but gradually I blushed and roared maki to see if I was getting embarrassed.

"Hey, Thor, lend me some of your clothes."

"Huh? Even I only have men."

"Fine. I don't know if I can wear it. You won't be able to stay like this."

Maki doesn't want to get away from me by turning his hand around my hip.

"I don't have a choice..."

I opened the storage space aside and took out my white shirt and my black jacket.

The one in the space where the space people are even cleaning on their own.

"Look, put this on."

Shirting him from his back, Maki went through his sleeves with a snack, even as he hid his body.


"That's right. It's mine."



Maki jumps right up and flickers his long sleeves.

Even if the button on the rash shirt stops to the top, the busty chest looks wide.

Damn, damn, you're cute...

"It's become like some kind of piece"

"Isn't that good?"

"Put on your jacket, too. It's going to be so clear."


Pass the shaved jacket. Then Maki quickly wore, "Maybe it's cool!," he turned with pleasure.

"Nevertheless, a child..."

As I was moving out of the fountain, I cared about the man who took Maki's sailor clothes.

"I mean a child, I think that's probably... a demon child. There were two of us."

"Demons? Two?"

"Look, you've walked down the underground aisle before to Chamberlain from Frezier, right? There was a demon tribe we met back then. Something like that. She was a little cuter... but her back length was around my knee..."

"Oh. I see."

You mean the Dmithus?

Indeed, Bohe, the Domif who met in that underground passage, said there were demons who fled to the western continent.

That's when.

"No, no!!

"Shin, shin, shin, shin!

I heard voices from above the branches of giant trees.

He sounds busy, he has a tall voice.

Looking up, two little kids coming in green clothes, pointing this way.

Blonde, pointy ears. Beautiful blue eyes, just like you two. Boys and girls.

"Is that... an elf child?

"Ah!! It's them. Them!! Look, I have my sailor clothes!!

Maki raises her voice and says, "Give me my sailor clothes back," angry.

But when the two elf kids flickered Maki's sailor clothes skirt and jacket and tongued, "Yah," Kerakera laughed.

"I dedicate this to Master Aliceleen."

"I'm sure you'll compliment me."

Saying that to their mouths, they fly the branches of the tree.

"Hey, wait a minute!!

Maki chases him with his hands up. You have long sleeves in my clothes, but you're a terrorist and you can't dress up.

"…" Aliceleen "…?

But I wondered what their name was.

There was once a demon clan with that name in my company.

Stick out your index fingers and invite them to a squarely transparent space, cleverly flying away, so that they can ambush you from the front.

In short, that's why we got him.


"I can't get out. I can't get out!

The child of the elf breaks out in that space.

I grated slowly on the ground and peered at the two little kids that fit in the box.

Maki, what a square space, with his gagged legs on it and his face like a chimp.

"It's a good hobby to steal maiden sailor clothes. Here, give it back!!

"Hey Maki. Don't look scared. You're scared."

"You're scaring me."

Maki is relentless.

The sons of the elves, captured in a mysterious space, turned to each other and shook with a blurb.

I'll put Maki behind me and let them go for now.

"Hey you guys. Who the hell are you people? Why are you here? And... Alice Leanne..."


Because I questioned them all at once, the two of them looked at each other, tilting their necks.

"You guys, what's your name?

"... I'm Niki. My sister is Mimi."

"I'm a twin."

When I asked them back, they honestly told me their names.

I guess the twins figured I was still nicer than Maki. He lurks his eyes and begs me for salvation.

Even though I don't eat anything else. No, if it's maki, I might eat it...

"Look, give him his clothes back to the scared sister staring behind me. He's pissed off because he's out of clothes right now. Give it back or she'll eat you."

"... ugh, yeah"

Listening to me, the twins gently returned the sailor clothes to Maki.

When Maki received it badly, he went behind the tree on the side without complaining in particular.

"Well, I liked Thor's clothes, too."

What can I say.

When Maki was dressed, I asked the twins where they came from.

"We come through the kingdom to visit the woods once in a while."

"It's Aliceleen's kingdom."

"... Kingdom?

I look at what the twins say.

The twins nodded cocklessly and said in solidarity.

"That's right. The Kingdom of the Demons“ Utopia "!

Glittering eyes, twin elves.

Perhaps they truly love their country...

That was the look on his face.

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