Our demon king is coming.

04: '5' Tor, let's talk.


Maki, who had grown up until now, asked pointing to Amber's crystal.

"Why is this, there's only a pattern? A sword with only a pattern is not a crap. It's not Nasbi, it's just a heck of a thing."


Well, sure.

Why did you look like this, my artifact?

"Probably separated when the Red Witch caught the western continent in a blast. You may not know the Black Demon King, but after the death of the Black Demon King, the Red Witch stole the authority of the Time and Space King."



I wasn't too surprised to hear from Alice Leanne, and I saw Maki.

Maki even mends his disinterested expression and whistles in the direction of the day after.

"To tell the truth… there is another massive space on this western continent"


"In that massive space, too, the Demon King, who is not me, stands and creates the Demon Nation. It is probably the blade part of the authority of the Space-Time King that creates that space. The king of Cardia... is Rise, the god of the Ouga."

"Hey, what!?

Also, a nostalgic name came up.

Rise is also the chief of the Ouga tribe, who was once one of us in Eyesmore.

In Eyesmore, he was called a god, a man with a strong body.

Alice Leanne strengthened her gaze somewhere.

"Rise, king of Cardia, craves the territory of my utopia, and occasionally sets up strife. Unlike us who want to live quietly in this place, it seems that the man is going to expand his forces and help the demon tribe captured in the north… I don't know what it feels like to be a reckless man either"

"... you know, Rise"

Sure, Rise had some emotional, temperamental, brain muscles, but no.

I can't believe Rise and Aliceleen, who were once buddies, were fighting on this western continent...

"In the meantime, I want to talk to Rise a little bit. I'll go to Cardia. How to get there?"

"... of the mountains beyond the Black Plains, is the bottom of the valley"


"Cardia and Utopia are connected by a black plain called the Black Plain, and Cardia is present at the bottom of the valley, on the other side of the plain, in the mountains"

"... don't you need to be on the table?"

"Yeah. The two spaces are“ barely ”connected. It's as if you want the pattern and blade to be one again..."


Pattern and blade.

It was supposed to be one.

What the hell happened, split into two parts, each creating a different space... without the power of the Black Demon King?

But there are demons in the Black Plains.

"... what?

"Perhaps it's a precarious space without anyone to manipulate this space, so there are demons out there, black and horrible, not human or demonic, on the Black Plains... I don't know who that is."

Shake your head like you're in trouble, but look at us for a moment, Alice Leanne.

I didn't know what it was.

"Then let's just go. We have to go. We don't know anything."

Maki's words to say so in the right tone were certainly appropriate but also accurate.

Yes, if we go, we won't know anything.

Here in Utopia is a small nation made up of castles and castle towns, fields that stretch around them.

It draws water from that giant tree forest, which is the real world, to farm and sustain life.

Sometimes they let adults out of this space and take fish and shellfish home on the coast.

So, the food here was full of vegetables, mushrooms, fish and shellfish dried.

There is not much meat.

"Hang on. It's a delicious meal."

"You're eating like that."

"I need to eat when I can"

Maki did not hesitate and had flattened the dishes served in the royal palace of Utopia from the next.

Tomorrow we leave here and head to the Black Plains.

At night, I fell asleep in a bed in a given room, organizing a difficult situation.

That's right.

A former companion, Aliceleen, had founded the Kingdom of the Demons Utopia in a massive alien space that existed on the western continent.

In another space next to each other, former companion Rise founded the demonic power of Cardia.

The neighboring demonic nations say they continue to fight each other.

In addition, the two countries maintain space by owning the pattern and blade of the Black Demon King's artifact, the "Authority of the Space-Time King" …

"But... my sword that the Red Witch took, how the hell did it break into two parts? That's all the explosions on this continent were awesome..."

Red Witch.

Why, once you had my sword...

I can remember my own death, but the end is vague.

I thought someone was on my side when I died.

Was that the Red Witch?

"... makia"

The Red Witch was reincarnated, that's the girl's name.

Give yourself up to a soft bed and close your eyes.

I'm still looking for her today. To take back the memories I lost from her.

Red Witch...... Machia...... and Machia......

I'm going to find her, who's supposed to be connected by one long, red thread.

"Oh, you're here today."

Bottom of a box of dark memories.

In front of the door I found, there was still Machia.

He has bright whole red hair and a flashy ribbon on his head.

"Are you still fighting today?

"No... let's have a little talk today, Machia"


Machia, who was very motivated, gave me some answers.

And then suddenly he looks funny and he says, "I'm not going to do it."

I took the sticky candy out of my pocket.

"I'll do this, come here. Oh, yeah... this way"

He had a winning, busy look, the worst witch, just heartbroken by stick candy, and he comes over here with his best wishes.

As calculated!

I knew the contents wouldn't be the same as Maki's, Machia!

"If you talk to me, I'll do this. Sit there."

"... yeah"

Around being suddenly honest, it's still similar to Maki.

That's right.

The impressions and information I get from Maki are the best clue.

I built a flower garden from where Machia sat to a certain extent.

There's no taste for conversation in a dark world.


"You like this?

"Hey. I don't hate you."

"I guess. You said," I don't like dark places. "

"Hey. I've always been bad at magically made darkness..."



Machia hacked and held her mouth.

I smile sparingly like a demon king and narrow my eyes.

Again. This information is correct.

"Oh, why are you..."

"Whoa, let me give you some candy"


I gave Machia one sticky candy.

At that time, the hands and hands touch slightly. Her hands felt warmer than mine.

Machia was licking it very hard.

"Really, it's only important when you're eating."

"Candy's not enough."

"That would be right. You like lemon cake."

"Lemon cake if you want tea, 'cause it was common sense in Delia Field"

"... oh. I knew... you liked lemon cake"


Machia opened her eyes.

"Oh, you..."


Guided interrogation is fun.

Perhaps Machia is not as good of a runner.

A twister, but straight line for the price.

Strengthen up, pretending to be the wind stopping tall, but with a little on, I get bored out.

"I don't have lemon cake with me on the boulder, but let's play biscuits"

"Wow, thanks"

Biscuit cans for preservation, brought from Frezier.

Machia opened that can and started eating biscuits.

You're like a child.

I used to have a verse where I was mistaken about Machia like a Virgin loved by everyone.

That's why I thought you didn't like the smell.

I saved the kingdom of Ruskia at the expense of myself, I can't believe I'm a hero......

But when you talk to him like this in front of you, he starts to think that it's just a delusion and that the real Machia is a more familiar and adorable guy.

That's probably equivalent to “remembering" …

Yes. Maki and I have a really similar attitude.

It just looks a little different, but the contents... feel like we're having a conversation, it hardly changes.


"Yeah! I'm glad we don't have any good memories (here)."


In me, memory. Machia sitting there.

I accidentally touched her cheek.

Machia looks up at me and stops eating biscuits.

"... you're warm"

"Thor, as always, you have cold hands"


"Even I was born."

Staring at her as she probed, she couldn't stand my gaze anymore, she turned bright red in her face, clamped her mouth tight, and hurriedly closed the lid of the biscuit can.

"Run away already!!

"You declare and run away..."

"You can't go after him. I still don't have enough sweets."

Machia poked her finger at me, and when she blurted, she ran away at first sight.

Swinging red hair, I still miss it very much.

I didn't go after her.

Also, because it's just a story to have stories and souvenirs and find her.

However, when it comes to anxiety, it means how far the stock of sweets in my storage space can be held.

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