Our demon king is coming.

05: '5' Tor, over the Black Plains.

"Sure, it's black"

How has this become so disastrous?

As much as I think, the flat earth was black.

The grass is black. Also, the sky is starving, and it is disastrous. It's also called the Black Plains.

"Wow... hey, hey..."

"Hey, something's blue on your face."

Maki's voice was trembling.

I've never been on a dragon before.

"... hold on tight. I don't know what it is."

"I don't like it if it falls. Driving safely, right?

Maki turns his hand around my hips and sticks around. That's outrageous cowardice.

We were just over the Black Plains.

When I gaze, as Alice Leanne said, there's only one black mountain on the other side, and it looks pompous.

Cardia Mountain and it seems to be named as it is.

There is a black cloud of donuts on the summit, and it feels like I said "evil nest”.

"He said something about a demon coming out, but if we keep going through the sky, we're going to get to that mountain."

"... when you say that, something happens."

He said he'd flag it.

"Yes, yes."


What a conversation I could afford to laugh at, but when I noticed it coming from the front, I could see something like a black grain flying through the sky.

"I don't know..."

"... you're a warcraft... Griffon tribe"

"Oh, there's something on my back"

"Enemy soldiers."

It was still Cardiac soldiers who came here with straw.

They must have found us and sent us out.

"... that, some dots going this way... that, arrow, arrow!! Oh, they shoot me!!

Maki making a scene, even though he doesn't seem seriously afraid.

But you don't want to do anything, this guy.

"I don't have a choice."

I stick my index finger out and flush it straight to the side.

Then “Sky Mirror" was stretched out in front of us, bouncing all the arrows together.

The soldiers who are turned back fall to the ground in vain.

"Oh, you're unforgiving."

"... I'm a tough type inside"


I just can't help noticing the anomaly.

The black “something” that appeared so that it could grow from the earth appeared as if it had heard our noise.

It's like a big, man-shaped thick fog.

That's what I was eating when I caught a falling soldier.

"Ugh, wow"

Maki, too, leaked his voice.

To a boulder, you can't be surprised at this sight before.

"Is that the“ demon ”of the Black Plains...?

The thick mist of the human form fell to the ground, and ate a few soldiers fleeing, and went back to the earth.

Oh, my God, I saw something nasty.

"Thor!! Front, front!!

Maki shook me up and raised his voice.

Because on this occasion, a few enemy soldiers had already approached us and a big Ouga man was waving up a great sword.


I gave Grimmel instructions and avoided them. It was a form of going into enemy soldiers' ranks, but no one can handle Grimmel's speed and reaction.

That should be it, too.

Grimmel is like the magic fortress I built. You don't have to say anything, you just need to instruct in your brain to avoid enemies at will.

"Ahhhhh!! Ahhhhhhhh!!

To the right, to the left, Maki was screaming for experiences like going and coming, spinning descent and ascent, and dizzying jet coasters.

Is this guy the type of guy who doesn't like the screaming system...?

Through the enemy soldiers of the demon clan, it was imminent in front of him.

Cardia Mountain......

It seemed like one big mountain in a series of black peaks. The center, the top of the biggest mountain, is covered in black clouds and invisible.

Well, how do I get down from here?

I bet our enemies are watching us from everywhere...

"What choice do we have?"

Gaze at which part of the mountain you will descend.

And I stood on the grimmel, holding the maki.


"Hey, you're going to be great right now, so get ready."

"Uh, uh, uh"

When I raised my nibble and mouth angle, Maki turned even brighter blue.

As it is, release the space called Grimmel.

We fell.

"Yes, no, no, no, no!!!!

Maki's scream pierced his ear so painfully.

She stays stuck with me.

After all, in the middle of the fall, an arrow was released from somewhere in the mountain and aimed at us, but just before it reached me, it unfolded its metamorphosis magic and moved to the spot where it had just stared.

The enemy will lose sight of us.

"Oh, oh... I thought you were dead"

"I didn't think you were good at thrilling things."

"I like it a little bit. But not too bad, Muli. I like jet coasters for kids and stuff, but that wasn't what I was talking about!!


"What are you laughing at? Because I'm good at it..."

Maki fluttered for a little while, even as he descended on a rocky field halfway down the mountain.

I took out storage space aside, took out a vial with water and handed it to her.

"Oh, thanks......"

"Well, I'll see how it goes a little, so get some rest."

Until she recovered, I hid myself in the rocks, staring at the black plains from which I could see.

What the hell was that like consolidating the black mist earlier...

This is a massive space created by the authority of the Space-Time King.

Indeed, that had enough power to create space alone.

Because even 2,000 years ago, it was “the authority of the Space-Time King" that really maintained the Eismore made by the Black Demon King.

The mountain where I found that one had a base that was easy to maintain the space.

Is that the same here?

Did the "authority of the space-time king”, who slept in an unknown place in the explosion, take the twist and time to create space?

"Ugh, Tor. I'm fine now... well, my heart's still a little twitchy."

"That was good. It's time to go inside.

It's kind of like an adventure.


He moved out of the gap in the rock and wondered if there was any sign of the entrance or their business.

It's just that, after all, it wasn't so easy to get inside, and we were just walking on unstable rocks in the scaffolding for a while.

"Ah, Tor. Look..."

All of a sudden, what Maki was looking for was a crack.


The crack, which was a very small gap, eventually turned into a huge big crack when I followed it and walked away.

"Ko, do you think we can get inside from here?

"It's unscrupulous...... no, but is it possible?... No, I don't see anything"

Even with a peek, dark cracks. Boom, the roaring sound of the wind blowing up from below.

I have as many means to get down, but I get cautious.

"If only Ulysses were here. With the power of his Spirit of Light, I could have had it illuminated to the back..."

I can't help it.

Maki only says "hmmm".

It's just then.

Too much, I was found by a few Griffon soldiers flying in the air because I was too close to the visible part of the table.

Besides, they're not classic bows and arrows this time, they're casting spells.

Plus, fusion massive magic by multiple people.

"Hey maki! You're bluffing, we're getting away!!

When I spoke to her, Maki said, "If it's on the ground, it's over here," and when did he have a spear in his hand?

Bright red, spear longer than her back length.

Red magic is rising around Maki...

"For massive magic, massive“ destruction ”magic, just giving back!!

"That's a big mess!!

From the beginning of what I said, she put up that spear and waved it faster than the enemy's magic.

Just that, immense energy was unleashed beyond words from the tip of that spear, and every magic of the enemy was busted.

"Power is justice!!

Let's go, let's go. Let's go.

I pulled the maki and tried to escape to the rocks.

If you make too much noise, it's because it's hard to hide.

But then.

Shut up, something black came down between me and Maki out of the smoke raised by Maki's attack earlier.

Yes, black people-shaped fog.... the devil!!

"Ki, yaaaa"

The shock separated me from Maki.

The fluttering maki fell from the cracks in the rock just beside him.

Oh, my God!!

"Ma, maki!!


I could see her, her voice calling me, going down.

But I can't get to the side right away.

Because that “demon” was staring down at me like he was holding back the way he was going.

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