Our demon king is coming.

07: '5' Tor, mistaken for Rise.

I'm Thor.

In front of me, a creepy “demon”, like a black fog following a person's shape, looked down to cover me.

I set up my sword and stared at him, but the devil was watching me, and he didn't even attack me.


Hold still, just hold still to see me, I don't know if I have eyes in the back of the fog, but I feel like a gaze.

But in the meantime, the fog stretches out countless arms and tries to grab me.


Cut off that arm with a sword, I see the “devil” gap and walk away from Maki's fallen crack into the shadow of the rock.

I thought if I went into that crack, this “demon” would follow me too.


That feeling.

Black and opaque, but as far as I'm concerned, I got a familiar feeling from the Devil.

In short, it is still a spatial product.

The devil disappeared pretentiously about what he had in mind after a quiver.

"Anyway, it's Maki. He fell..."

Is it because of his power that he doesn't feel that the rush is so important (oh and oh) that Maki fell out of such a crack?


I came up with something.

Take out what you always offer in your chest pocket and stare.

Those are red Shizuku-shaped earrings.

"... indicate the location of those with the“ edge ”of these earrings"

I instructed the 3D magic team to show where the owner is, rather than the slightest magic left in these earrings.

It was also a little confirmation that if the earrings did belong to “Maki”...

The magic that remains in the earrings becomes information, and my spatial magic perceives those who are close to it.


The reaction was.

Just like I thought, out of this mountain.

However, if this reaction is Maki, Maki seems to be moving around the path in the mountains with considerable momentum, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm wondering how to make contact with her.

Maki's actions are just unpredictable.

It's just that she still seems safe and at ease.

"I have no choice. In the meantime, why don't you go inside?"

I made sure the "devil” had left completely, got out of the rocks, ran towards the cracks on the surface of the mountain, and jumped in without hesitation. Set the landing point while collecting the surrounding environment one by one.

I didn't feel like I had fallen that long, but nothing happened and landed on the rocky ground.


Red swinging flames appear ahead.

It was dark here, but the road seemed straight ahead.

We already know what's going on around us, even in the dark.

I checked Maki's reaction.

"... that, I'm staying"

Even though Maki's reaction was moving around until just now, he stayed far from here in the back.

I just appreciate you staying.

I just moved towards you.


Just followed Maki's reaction.

That's all, but what is this corpse load?

No, the Ouga are alive because they're sturdy, but they're turning their eyes.

I can't believe this is all Maki...

Drink saliva.

"They've got an intruder!

That's when I heard voices from the other side of my back.

I put my back on the side trail and wait until the Ouga soldiers are gone.

And when I checked my 3D magic formation, I noticed that Maki's reaction was slowly moving from where it had stayed earlier.

"Are you kidding me, he got caught...?

The fact that Maki was captured is not least a source of anxiety.

As I followed her reaction, it stayed in another room.

I marked it and went as far as I could not find it.


A place of purpose, it was precisely "among kings”.

There are so many soldiers lined up in front that I can't get close enough.

"There he is!!

As soon as I got this far to the boulder, I found it.

But I don't have a choice.

Involve soldiers with axes and swords, relentlessly. In my space.

"Whoa, whoa!!

"Enemy attack!! Enemy attack!!"

Screams fly from everywhere.

Soldiers can't move because of the strain of space like a little black hole built around me.

Walking between them, I just went for the king's throne door in front of me.

When I opened the door, I just stared at the “guy” in front of me in a straight line.

He seemed to know I was coming, with the screams of the soldiers outside, ready to attack and wait.

It's just that he's still “Rise".

Like Alice Leanne, she just looked at me and seemed to know I was the Black Demon King.

I couldn't help but stop putting my hands down that I was shaking up and scream myself.



Then, the soldiers glanced forward for a moment, bewildered, but obeyed orders and solved the plot of attack.

However, it seems that there was a soldier who accidentally released the arrow, and the arrow fluttered to me.

However, it never reached me and dust disappeared.

It was compressed and shattered by space distortion.

"Ku, Kuku, Black Demon King!! Forgive my disrespect!!

Rise turned to me. First, he said so, descending from the throne and bowing his head on his knees.

"I've been waiting for the Black Demon King to come back, but yeah, what the hell!! Out of order, out of order!! Pointing a bow at the Black Demon King, even shooting at his lashes, etc!!

"... Rise"

"Hey who, the big idiot who unleashed an arrow without permission!!

"Hey Rise!

Rise was about to scold a soldier, so I turned up the tone.

Now is not the time.

Rise replies out loud, "Ha," and lowers his head again.


As I approached him, I checked my surroundings.

Many soldiers, mainly the Ouga.

And there's one small cage next to the throne. There's one maki...

No, I don't know what to say, because I felt like a captured rare beast was more fitting than a captive princess.

Besides, he's a skewered carnivore. What is the situation?

"Long time no see, Rise"

Came all the way to the throne, and I called out to Rise again.

Rise does not lift his head.

"Dude, how much were you so awed to say you were the belly in my belly? Or do I look like a horrible ghost?"

"No. It's probably a rebirth.... I hope so!

"Oh, well, yeah"

Rise was dripping his big head, blurring and tears.

A fountain of tears is starting to form on the floor.

The way you squealed that face is compelling and different from when Alice Leanne was, but my chest gets hot when I think he was waiting for me again, too.

"Tor ~ Tor ~, let me out of here."


"Hey, hey, I can't help it anymore."

Because of this, I hate the voices that go from side to ear when they say it's a reunion that I even feel touched by.

Maki hates what you dare to ask me to do, even though he can get out of the cage.

I grab the cage and make it look gusty.

"... Rise. There will be a woman caught in that cage. Let him go."

"No way!! Were you the Black Demon King!!?

"So why does that happen. Always this guy too!!

Seriously freaking out and peeking Rise.

I said to the soldier on my side, "Free your lord!!" and orders.

But he looked at me somewhere disgruntled.

"But the Black Demon King has changed his taste..."


I don't know what you're showing me, but I'm also terribly mistaken.

"Ha... listen Rise. It's nothing like that. Travel buddies."

"Oh, my God. Excuse me. I'm not crying because you're traveling with me."

"... I don't remember crying"

Maki, coming out of the cage, looks great at you for eating meat until just now and stands next to me.

I look up to Rise and make sure he wins somehow.

"I know you regret putting your precious Black Demon King's, this important“ me ”, in such a filthy cage, and only giving him chicken, but, well, nothing like that can be undone in the future, right? Look, look, look, you wanted to get ready for the feast, didn't you? Delicious, you wanted to prepare it, didn't you?

"... hey maki"

"Can I get you some hot water? I'll get you a treasure."

"Hey Maki. You shut the fuck up already!

There were a lot of penetrations, but for now, when Maki pinched his mouth, he couldn't go on talking, so he opened storage space aside, took out the mysterious orange fruit he received from inside, and threw it backwards.

Then, in reaction, Maki went to get the fruit, so I thought the boulder was Mr. Maki, a bulimic who wouldn't betray his expectations.

"You were just thirsty."

And she seemed happy.

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