Our demon king is coming.

08: '5' Tor, consolidated status quo.

I set up a meeting place with Rise.

Meanwhile, Maki asked us to take our seats off, just each other.

"Really... that Alice Leanne"

Settling on a stone round table, Rise skews his face slightly.

"Oh. He said you were trying to control Utopia to help the demons being captured north. I don't know the details of the last 2000 years. I think there must have been some misery that only you people who lived long enough would understand. But it's hard for me to fight with my old pals."

"But the Black Demon King. That's not why I'm attacking that utopia. That Alice Lean“ Bubba ”once had a past when her own clan used us Ouga clans as decoys to escape when she took off the nascent Eyesmore. The Elves are highly magical, but they are not as combative as we are...... We, the people of Cardia, had a grudge at that time."

"... oh my god"

Hmm, roaring, it was sweat that flowed through my cheeks.

In addition to my thoughts, there seems to be a lot of trouble.

"But I don't want to blame it any more now. Because no one was desperate to survive that 1,000 years old hell. Without using what was available, we could not survive. Demonic clans are clan based. If you can't save all of Ishmore, I'll give priority to the clan. Alice Leanne was smart. So that's what you decided."


Two thousand years ago, I thought the great explosion of the western continent was the greatest tragedy of this Mayday, but how hell was the demon hunt a thousand years ago for the Demons.

I can only imagine, but now that I know how handsome General Blue is, all I get is bitter thoughts from me on the Devil's Side about how tragic it was.

"In the first place, I think this cardia and utopia should be one. Because the artifact of the Black Demon King has been parted by a pattern and a blade, two massive spaces have been created, and there is just an obscure“ bridge ”of the Black Plains and so on, and if the sword itself becomes one, the space becomes one stable thing," he said.

"Oh, you're thinking a lot about Rise."

"... because I've lived for over 2,000 years at a time!

Rise raised his voice.

Brain muscle and emotional, but Rise wasn't a bad guy.

That's where I know better.

That's the time.

It rocked a little during this meeting and the pebbles came down all over it.

Unexpectedly raise your face.

"Again, it's a shake."

Rise is a serious look.

"An earthquake? No, you're not, this is a vibration of space."

"Yes, Black Demon King...... I've been rocking regularly for the last twenty years or so. I see this as a collapse of space."


"Alice Leanne may have told you that my Cardia just attacked Utopia, over there, sending assassins every now and then to try to make me a deceased. The reason is, I want the blade of the artifact.... Like me, you think that once the artifact is one, the space will stabilize again. But we're not going to join forces with Cardia over there. Therefore, there is a continuing dispute."

"I see."

The Elves in particular are remarkable as it appears in the word "clan".

Aliceleen was a wise and excellent woman, but the Elves are also demons who have weighed their bloodlines and thus increased their magic.

Coming to Eyesmore, too, the Elves were slow.

There were demons in Utopia other than the Elves, but they were all very temperamental demons, and that's why Aliceleen is generally afraid that the country will be rough by uniting the Ouga and the powerful?

There are two kings standing in these two countries today, and a power struggle would be inevitable.

The fact that there was an absolute king of humans who did not belong to any clan, the Black Demon King, was probably in the best condition for the Demons...

"You have a headache. But there's only one thing I can't give away..."

"And say,"

"Restore the authority of the Space-Time King."


"Do you know what that means, Rise? Put these two together, the pattern in Utopia and the blade in Cardia, and bring them back to me. That way, the massive space created on this western continent will be completely wiped out."

"... well, that's"

"That would be troubling. Even I don't want to erase the demonic kingdom that you've worked so hard to protect... However, with the authority of the Space-Time King, I will be able to make you" Eyesmore ”again. In fact, there is already a small Eyesmore. I'm in charge, in space. But... you don't want to let go of your country easily... it's a difficult place."

"Yes, no, I hoped that once the Black Demon King appeared, I would entrust full powers to re-establish Ishmore! I will follow your instructions!!


Rise's expression was strong, but he knew exactly what he meant.

However, what we don't know by now is more about Alice Leanne.

Then I was taken by Rise and came between rocks stabbed by the “blade” of the authority of the space-time king that Maki had broken in, but the blade doesn't try to accept me, even though you know I'm the Lord.

Why, I don't answer the question.

The sword that you can't yield to with my power is what I said to the boulder.

Perhaps there is a procedure necessary to pull that out.

"Oh, you're done with the meeting?

When I opened the prepared bedroom door, for some reason Maki changed into a plain thin sleeping roll and was about to roll into bed free.

I don't think so, I look back at Rise in the back.

"No, I thought it would be better if we had the same room as you"


I'm just saying I got you so distracted, Doya face. I'm angry.

How long does this guy think Maki is my wife?

"The Ouga people are also said to be barbaric, but it's been a long time since I've seen a barbaric daughter who even outshines it. Nevertheless, it seems good to see you, and you seem to be in a healthy shape, so if you mean to be one of the Black Demon Kings, I don't know what else to say."

"I'm telling you a mess,"

Hold on, sigh.

Sort of good. Maki will have trouble going somewhere by herself again.

"But well... if you were looking at that girl, you would remember the“ Red Witch ”who once and again came to Eyesmore and fought with the Black Demon King. She was quite a violent woman, but she never became a Black Demon King, so I thought her daughter might not like it..."


"But the Red Witch was also a healthy guy. I want the Black Demon King to come and visit me again and again."

I whisper somewhere I miss it, Rise.

I just opened my eyes a little bit.

I have no memory of the Red Witch, but did the Black Witch King not have any special feelings for the Red Witch?

"Hey Tor, come on"

"... what the heck. I would have eaten a meal, had a bath, and was neat."

I was called by Maki and went into the room with another small sigh.

Rise says "take your time" and the door can be shut as it is.

"Have we finished our discussion?

"It's not over. It was all a problem, but well... I just have to think about it overnight."

"Hmm. Ah, Thor's share of rice, because it's prepared that way. It's a very wild meal. Round grilled meat, round grilled vegetables, that's it, like"


"But it's delicious. Well, it's better than Utopian rice."

"You and the Ouga are going to like each other."

A round roast of bird meat, which was prepared on a rock table, not sure what it was, and something that just baked vegetables, as Maki said, was served on a large plate.

In the meantime, I couldn't help but get hungry, so I got my hands on the cooking about the seats.

"... oh"

Probably roasted in a rock cauldron.

It's just that the dish is so delicious, the seasoning was just salt, but I thought that the maki would be satisfied with the good salt that the flavour of the ingredients brings out.

"Hey, isn't it delicious?

"... right"

Maki with a glimpse of his face from behind.

Red and black loose hair tells a simple white sleeping curl and flows down my shoulder.

Is it a sleeping roll with a wide open neck, or was it too big for her again... either way, the white skin around her clavicle, the fact that her chest is dewy and she drinks saliva while she cheeks the meat.

Don't give in, I want to say.

"Hey, hey, Thor, give me a little bit of that, too."

"... go ahead"

"Wow, boulder tall"

"How much are you eating today?"

In the end, Maki and I were supposed to have dinner for me.

For Maki, maybe I could call it a night meal.

The meat was held by Maki for about half.

"If you eat, go to bed. Not at all."

Eating more than colour.

Maki sounds like Maki, but the right place in the bed - sleeping face is unusual.

It's not so cold here, but I put him to sleep in the right place for once and futon him.


Second, I remembered what Rise said earlier.

The Black Demon King said he didn't take the Red Witch as his guest. The Red Witch said she was a healthy man.

It was a fact that I knew that the Red Witch was not the wife of the Black Demon King, etc., but when I was told again, I thought it was quite strange.

Even if I can't remember what the Red Witch looks like, I can remember immediately if I saw "Machia” in the sanctuary, and every now and then I go to see the space of my memory. I think the Red Witch looks similar. In short, she's a very beautiful daughter who attracts my heart just to look.

In doing so, it is still strange.

The Red Witch must have been beautiful, and even if I can't remember Machia, my love springs up not least from watching Machia, and for Tor once, Machia must have been important, I've already noticed.

Then why didn't the Black Demon King love the Red Witch? Didn't you make it your wife?

Wasn't the Red Witch a big deal to the Black Demon King at the time?

I think of my former wife.

Sieve or Helena... but the Red Witch won't come out.

"... maki"

Touch the sleeping maki's cheeks and stroke her forehead.

Then she fell asleep and unconsciously grabbed my sleeping roll.


I'll lay next to her again. I was tired and I want to sleep, but I don't feel comfortable sleeping when I look at Maki's sleeping face.

Try to go back and understand, my relationship with Maki.

I wonder how many times I've met her in times and worlds.

"... ha"

Long, exhaled.

I'll see her again tonight.

But sleeping next to “Maki" and going to see “Makia” doesn't mean I'm doing anything wrong, and I know I'm the same person, so why are you being attacked by strange guilt?

Is it because of the deeds of the previous life?

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