Our demon king is coming.

17: '5' Lena, that means you'll be more free.

My name is Lena.

In his previous life, he was supposedly named Helena and was the beloved wife of the Black Demon King.

In the morning, I wake up and wash my face.

Eyesmore is covered in snow and the air is cold.

But I guess it was a pleasant wake-up call because for me this air is something I miss so much.

Or maybe because of the incense Princess Shatoma taught me.

"Mr. Thor... I wonder if you slept well"

I wonder if the sleep incense I made worked properly for Mr. Thor as well.

That was made with the help of Princess Shatoma's, the name of the sleeping spirit Fifona.

Princess Shatoma said when I was in Frezier.

"Nothing, not all the power to fight. The power to support people can be anything other than guidance. Those who have the power of breaking called the Demon King Class, such as ours, can be said to be particularly remarkable, but even if they are capable of combat, they may not be able to manage any kind of self that ordinary human beings can. If you say so, you won't get sick or die where you're a little impotent."

"I see."

I listened seriously to Princess Shatoma, taking notes.

"Especially for a type of man like the Black Demon King, who is nervous and can take care of others but is neglectful of his own business, he needs“ healing ”. There's a lot of things I've been thinking about, and lately, I've been getting wrinkles between my eyebrows, haven't I? Not as good as a canon, though. Hey, Cannon... Cannon!


Princess Chatma told me exactly what happened to Mr. Thor, and even involved General Kanon in the story.

You were listening to our conversation a little farther or not, because General Kanon was creeping further between his eyebrows, Princess Shatoma said, "Huh? ♪ And to me.

"We have too many of the most troublesome mental ill-health factors: memory. There's nothing magic can do about this. That would be the same for Lena..."

"No, I... you know, like everyone else, I can't think of my memories from my past life as my own."

I strayed from Princess Shatoma's gaze and dropped.

"Even when I remembered, it was like after a scary dream, when I was very heartfelt, but gradually, it seemed like something far away. I did terrible things to the Black Demon King... Yeah, so this is how you get so thick, you want to get close to Mr. Thor. Because Machia is not here... and I want to support Mr. Thor..."


Princess Shatoma listened to me and then drank tea.

And put a cheek wand on it.

"You don't have to do that. How healthy it would be to split the previous life from the previous and the present life from the present. If you get caught too much in a previous life, you tend to lose sight of the future. You should live as you wish...... In that regard, the concubine recommends the Archbishop's way of life."

"... eh"

The Archbishop is about Mr. Esca.

Oh, that guy, hey...

"Ma, what the concubine wants to say, Lena... If you think of the Black Demon King, there is nothing else you can do. It is particularly forbidden to rush. When I try to do something I can't do, I get impotent. I'm sure it... erodes that."


"Let me start by teaching you how to make incense that will make you sleep better"

That said, she taught me how to make incense while I was busy.

I thought you said Princess Shatoma had no obstacle whatsoever, even with less sleep, thanks to the health care of this incense and General Kanon.

Eyesmore's castle has high ceilings.

Unlike Frezier's palace, I wonder if it's long.

A shape that really reverses the ice-column, with a number of pointed roof shapes.

I left my room and thought I'd go see Mr. Thor.

Are you awake already?

Just then I reached the corner on Mr. Thor's side of the room.

"Dear Lena,"

I was called out.

It's Mr. Rise, the head of the Ouga clan. He had created a demonic kingdom called Cardia, but the people of Cardia had already moved to Ishmore.

He doesn't know that I am the rebirth of Helena, who was the wife of the Black Demon King, and that Helena once killed the Black Demon King.

But I've known him for 2,000 years.

"Good morning, Mr. Rise"

"Good morning. You're early!

"Yes.... I wonder if Mr. Thor is awake already"

"Huh? Oh... the Black Demon King is about to... I'm going to ask too"

Yes, when we were going to ask him together.

Mr. Thor's room door made a rattling noise...

"Damn you, don't take people's futons all the time."

"Because it's cold in here. You're good at cold, aren't you?

"Still cold."

I heard that conversation.

Mr. Thor is leaving the room with someone.

"... ah"

It was a girl wearing red Thai sailor clothes, introduced the day before.

Same as me, from another world...

"The Black Demon King!

Mr. Rise went with a grand voice, but I couldn't get myself out of the corner.

No way, Mr. Thor... were you sleeping with that girl?

No way... my incense just helped me sleep with that girl...??

As I turned my eyes, I circled around the spot and looked out of the bend just somewhere gently to see what the girl looked like.

Big cat eyes, white, small but good proportions...

Even though it looks completely different, the impression is yes, very close to “Machia”.

He looks Japanese, but he's really cute.

Thor should have no memory of Machia, but after all, the shadow of Machia...

"Yes, yes, the Black Demon King. Earlier, Lena... Is that it?

Looking back as Mr. Rise remembered, he looked for me, but at that time, I was no longer there.

He escaped.

Because it was too confusing.

At the breakfast table, Mr. Thor and the girl named Maki and I were all there.

"Will General Cannon come..."

"Isn't that guy back here yet?

"You mean he's out there?

"Well, that's not good. Leave me alone."

On a long table, just three.

As soon as Mr. Maki got to his seat, he started eating his breakfast guzzled. To say so is very similar to Machia.

No, it feels more like you're on your own than Machia.

Machia was an aristocrat, so she said she was a little more elegant.

What do you mean, "Um..." outside ”?

"Oh... outside, it's about the real world. We were talking yesterday, weren't we? Maki found his way into and out of the real world on his own."

"... heh"

He said, "If you had, we would have had a meeting."

Mr. Maki eats a bite of the radish of the salad.

My eyes met with mine, but at that time he laughed at me casually.

"But this will allow us to come and go with Ishmore and the real world. I was talking to Rise, and I'm sending a survey team to the group of ruins in the example to start preparing for the move as soon as it's ready to be made up as a residence. If I tie the line, I'll be able to hide it from the Federation for a while. This space will be here in three days."


Mr. Thor seemed kind of happy.

What Maki did helped him.

"All you have to do is really talk about the Black Plains..."

"That's right. If you do, that artifact will disappear again with the space."

"Well yes. But the safety of the people is paramount. If the space breaks down, I can find it."

"Oh, my God, you can afford something."

"You can't afford it. But in a hurry, there's no choice."

Mr. Maki is eating yogurt with jams of dessert.

He looks very used to it, and he talks to Mr. Thor.

"Oh, um..."

Leave the untouched breakfast intact, I inquire.

"Um, when did Mr. Maki come to this Mayday?

"... when? Hmmm...... I wonder when. A year? No, before or after that..."

Think about it for some reason.

It's quite a mess. But you're later than me.

"You met Thor at Frezier's Oasis, didn't you?

"... there would have just been a time when you broke up with Lena and the others and infiltrated Chamberlain? That's when it happened."

"... ah"

I recall.

When I broke up with Mr. Thor on the border with Frezier.

It was only a few months ago.

After breakfast, Mr. Thor said he would go out to investigate with Mr. Rise and the others from the entrance and exit that Mr. Maki had found.

If we don't have a problem with the land, we have to connect it so that we can't come into contact with it from the outside.

"Maki... by my calculations, it's a space that will hold for at least three more days, but if anything happens while I'm gone, I asked for it then."

"Yeah, I'll look into the Black Plains."

But don't be impotent.

Mr Thor told Mr Maki, who will remain in Ismore, just so.

In a way I trust you very much.

"Oh, you know, Mr. Thor... take me outside, too. If there's anything I can do."


When I said that, Mr. Thor gave a very troubled look.

"I'm happy with your feelings, but the outside world is still underinvestigated. You're still safe here, stay here."

"... but"


He put on a gentle face, stroked Pong and my head, and then went with a serious face again.

"I'm just useless. She's a bad girl..."

Boo-hoo, looking at the snow scenery from the room, I squeaked.

Something makes me feel like I don't care anymore.

Savior? What is it?

You must be referring to someone like Mr. Maki.

I know. I know.

"Ha... no. I just don't like thinking about it."

Whether you are a good girl.

Whether you are an honorary student.

Whatever is perfect.

Don't spare any effort.

Never beat “the girl"...

Second, I remembered my mother's words.

My mother kept telling me not to lose to the child who was between my father's real wife because she was in a position to say she was a so-called mistress, and gave me a thorough education in brilliance.

It was, for one thing, my mother's love to keep me from feeling miserable...

Mother, how are you doing now?

I guess I'm sad I'm gone...

"No, you can't. I'm getting thin... Let's go outside and do some magic training."

My mother taught me how hard to work.

He said it was important to work hard.

I came to Mayday and learned white magic.

That's a force I didn't have when I was Helena.

There's still something I can do.

Walking out of the castle on white snow reminds me of the first time I came to Eyesmore.

Wrap around the long dress provided for Eyesmore and the thick coat, not the usual uniform.

I remember when I was Helena dressed like this.

Helena was a daughter dedicated to the Black Demon King in the place of a princess from a certain country.

But I didn't remember.

The Black Demon King taught me all sorts of things when I didn't know everything.

This world thing, this Ishmore thing.

Lots of love.

So Helena was happy, even if she had no memory. Because there was a kind Black Demon King, and there was this country.

But why didn't Helena remember?

Naturally, I don't know about Helena until now.

"... uh," Dark blue stag showing the ice of the Far North, lend me the power of his name... your name is "Shirley" "

When I cast the spell as in the textbook, a stag silhouette ran around from the consumed magic formation.

This is not a contract with the body, but the magic of borrowing a name and gaining power.

So all I see is a silhouette of Sherley.

Start the practice of manipulating the snow on the side and making ice objects out of it in the material.

"I don't know what to make... maybe even a statue of the Black Demon King. It's Eyesmore here."

Say that and make it serious...

So you really like me, the Black Demon King, around making it.

I could do it pretty well, but I get embarrassed and dissolve it with the help of the fever spirits "uberners.

Evidence is erased. All of it.

"Oh, I don't know what I'd be doing..."

I put my hand on my lit cheek and was disillusioned with myself for doing all the things that were unlikely to help me in any way.

What the hell am I doing at a time like this, really?


I can't breathe.

It should have been my precious Eyesmore, but it's very uncomfortable.

When I was Helena, I liked Eyesmore, and I couldn't wait to.

I couldn't wait to like the white snow groves around the castle.

I wonder if this is because of Mr. Thor's creation of Eyesmore.

The forest is artificial, cold as if you don't know anything about me.

"Helena was... more free. She was a free daughter. So I left the castle on my own or took a walk on my own, and the Black Demon King brought me back and scolded me. Especially when the Red Witch and the Black Demon King were out fighting, and the Black Demon King was worried and came right away."

Now, if I leave the castle on my own, no one will come and pick me up.

"... yes. Helena was more free to go. He was unknown, but bright and... he wasn't such a jerk. Even the Black Demon King told me he liked it."

I knew I was a very boring person right now.

Because Helena can seem like someone else, because she's completely different from herself right now.

But yeah. Helena was so bright, free and dangerous because she had no past.

Because I didn't remember.

"... maybe we should be free for a little while. Think easy."

With that in mind, I took the path of the woods I remember and went down the mountain.

The only range of Eyesmore is the castle and the groves of Momi trees that surround it.

Not all the once vast mountains were here, so the borders of the country were immediately visible.

"... ah"

But it's a black plain there. Black Plains.

Mr Thor said. There's a demon on the Black Plains, and we need to find out about it.

The plains are black, the sky is cloudy, and everything is in chaos.

I was watching from the top of the Eyesmore hill.

That's when.

Some big rays crossed the plain.


The plain, which was black, is once illuminated by a strong light, and the shadows of black are swept away.

I wonder what happened, and I explore the great yuan of that light, and there, there, is one girl standing on the Black Plains.

Yes, it's Mr. Maki.

She soaked her long reddish, loose dark hair and had a long spear in her hand.

And again, wave the spear and run fierce rays into the earth.

She drove down the path she had made.

"... what, that power"

That's when I realized.

I said I was a really helpless daughter.

Machia doesn't even reach her, who came to this world long after me.

"... Lena!?

I ran down the road Mr. Maki had made to her side.

Mr. Maki looked at me and was very surprised.

"Mr. Maki, let me help you with something too"

"Hey, no. You can't come here!

"Why not?

"I'm going to explore this black plain now. But it's very dangerous."

"Wow, I'm sure there's something I can do... why, even I would like to be of use to Mr. Thor"

"... Lena"

As troubled as Mr. Maki was, he told me to go back, but I was probably in a hurry.

He said he'd do something for Mr. Thor again.


A black shadow surrounded us and tried to swallow.

Mr. Maki notices it and waves the spear. The black shadow was torn into two pieces, but it went back to normal, and now bigger, and turned behind me.

"Lena!! Danger!!"

I heard Mr. Maki scream.

But I couldn't move because my legs were so dull.

Because the “devil” with the black shadow seemed to hate me so much that I had a deep fear.

I go from limbs to black shadows.


Mr. Maki's, there was a voice calling me.

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