Our demon king is coming.

18: '5' Tor, outside and inside.

I'm Thor.

He was once called the Black Demon King, and he is still called that by the Demons.

"This is... awesome..."

I learned that Ishmore was located in a group of rocky ruins in the westernmost part of the western continent, and went out there through the entrance and exit that Maki taught me.

The bumps and the rocks that soar like big cactuses in the desert are going to be dwellings if they crawl through the interior, and that's what the land surrounded by high rocky mountains is like a secret and perfect for a hiding place.

I created a 3D magic formation on the back of my hand and explored what was going on around me.

There is no confirmation of an enemy presence in this rocky mountain area.

But even though they are a long way from where the Confederates are staying, they can still find this country from the sky.

Soon, you'd better tie the line and hide this place.

I had ordered Rise to look for more of his surroundings.

Originally, it seems that people also lived in hiding places, and the dwellings of the rock holes existed countless times.

If there's a place where we can accommodate more people, we'll start moving tomorrow...


When I noticed, General Cannon stood behind me.

I felt like I really showed up all of a sudden, I was a little surprised.

"Oh, you... from where"

"... I don't care about that. Come here."

I can see that Maki had a reputation for this guy because he was fluffy.

I used to see this guy as an object of hatred, so I didn't think so for what I was aware of, but now I finally do.

General Cannon brought me here, in an underground palace, where I went down through a hidden door.

Desolate, but strong as space, above all vast.

There are traces of murals painted, but I can't seem to worship them anymore.

"You should use this place as your first place to live. For being underground, it's hard to find from the ground, and rainstorms snow. There are also places where groundwater springs. It's a long old legacy..."

"What a place. Sure, if it's this big, it won't be your first place."

Sexual as a space magician, but heartbreaking for these ancient buildings and spaces.

"And then there's where to build the system tower."

"... it would be good to have as high a place as possible"

"Well, this one was originally a highland."

General Cannon and I were considering where to build the system tower.


The earth felt a little shaken.

"Black Demon King, Black Demon King!!

He came for me a little bit like Rise panicked.

"What's up?"

"The Black Demon King, Ku, Ku, the Black Plains..."


"Alice Leanne reported it. A massive black plain is“ rampant ”!!



Rise's words were unexplained and I didn't know what they meant, but I thought something bad was happening.

General Cannon told me to narrow my eyes and go quickly.

Something pissed me off, but I don't even seem to have time to say it back.

I left the occasion to General Cannon, and I returned to Ishmore once with Rise.

"What, this"

Returning to Eyesmore, he rode Grimel's back to ascertain the Black Plains from the sky.

Alice Leanne rides Pegasus and comes this way.

"The Black Demon King!

"Alice Leanne, what's this all about?"

"That's what I don't know very well. During the transfer of the people of Utopia to Ishmore, I noticed. The black plains that were grown up all of a sudden..."

A black shadow waved down the plain as if it were a rough wave, and the space was terribly unstable.

This massive space, which I was supposed to keep for three more days, suddenly undermines my sense of stability, and I can see that this is unlikely to keep me for another day.

Eating teeth all the time, staring at the Black Plains, thinking.

"Alice Leanne. I won't keep this massive space like this. Hurry up and move the people of Utopia to Ishmore, and then work with Rise to get the people out."

"... well, that's"

"We don't have time. Good!"

Alice Leanne still seemed hesitant, but she didn't have time to get lost in this situation.

He nodded with a serious look and turned straight back to Eyesmore.

Again, I turn to the Black Plains.


A little far away, something glowed.

The light slashes the black shadow in a straight orbit and tells me where it is.

There was Maki.



Maki was desperate to capture something.

I don't know what it is.

"Thor, you stay there!!

"Ha!? You, no matter how much you are, you are impotent!! Come on, over here."

When I approached the shadow of the Black Plains and reached out, Maki saw the timing and tried to pull something out of the shadow, pushing it towards me.

"... Lena!?

It was Lena, covered in black shadows and lost her mind.

Maki was trying to help Lena.

I hacked and tried to pull up Maki, but the shadow that covers her is thick, huge, and I can't even get close.


"Thor, take that child with you because it is good!!

"But... eh"

"Because it's good!! Trust me!!

Maki instructed me in a strong tone and laughed at Ni as he was, he was drank by the shadows at great speed.


Moments, black shadows emit dull light and grow further, as if they had taken in some great power.

It was found that the stability of the space had further decreased.

What the hell.

What the hell happened?

I evacuated to the heights of the universe once to see how Lena was doing.

Lena is breathing, but she is terribly blue and her body is cold.

The black devil's evil temper has led to blunt-colored moles everywhere.

"... fuck"

I want to go help Maki quickly, but there's no reason to take Lena in this condition or leave her.

I had no other way back to Ishmore once.

It was unlikely that I could contain my impatient mind... but the power of Maki is unusual.

I just have to trust her.

She finally woke up when she went back to Ismore and put Lena to sleep in a safe place.

I'm terribly frightened and shaking my body.

"Are you okay, Lena?"

"... Mr. Thor... Mr. Thor, I... eh"

She burst into tears and snorted at me.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Thor, I, I... ahhh, I'm scared..." Dear “Black Demon King," Dear “Black Demon King"... Huh!

"Relax, Lena. It's okay, this is Eyesmore. Safe."

"Hey, what... that... that... scary, scary... Black Demon King... eh"

"... Lena?

Call me the Black Demon King, hold Lena's shoulder and forgive me.

She was terribly frightened, she felt a shitty fear, and she cried for a while.

What the hell happened?

I asked her when Lena cried for a moment and finally regained her composure.

"Lena... what the hell happened? I can't believe you're in the Black Plains..."

"... Mr. Thor, yes, Mr. Maki..."


Lena cared about Maki.

Look around you, anxiously putting your hands on your mouth.

"Maki was drunk by the demons of the Black Plains. After entrusting you to me."

"... eh"

"I'm glad you woke up. My body was so cold, I didn't feel alive... I'm going to look for Maki now. I'm telling Rise to get you out of here. You need to get out."

"So, escape? So, but... he said he'd keep this space for three more days."

"No, I'm not going to keep it anymore. The black plains are rough and the stability of the space is diminished. I have to do something."


In a low voice, I told her to tell herself, Lena wept again with these words.

While gripping the futon on the sleeping table.

"Sorry... sorry... eh"

"What's up, Lena? You have nothing to apologize for."

"No...... eh. If I hadn't gotten in Mr. Maki's way, this wouldn't have happened. Even Mr. Maki didn't get drunk on the Black Plains."


"I took the liberty... of leaving the Black Plains without any power..."

In her words, I understand the situation a little bit.

It's Lena, who said she wanted to do something, something to help.

Perhaps he followed Maki, who went out on his own to investigate the Black Plains.

"... Lena, leave it to me later. You have to go outside right away."

"Mr. Thor......"


I don't blame Lena. I can't.

That's all I said, I turned my back on her and left the room.

I misjudged Lena.

I thought she was a discerning daughter. Why, that's what I thought.

Helena wouldn't have.

No matter how many times I told you, you wouldn't listen to me, you would have been a free-flowing daughter who would flutter out on her own.

In such a dangerous place, the Black Demon King swung and wished he hadn't kept an eye out.

And when you realized it, you were obsessed.

Long ago, did you forget?

Just because Lena was a very nice girl, unlike Helena...

I hurried to the entrance and exit with the outside and widened the size of the entrance and exit.

Because it's better to expand the space to get the demons out here efficiently.

"I asked for the rest, Rise. This massive space will not hold for another day. Ishmore alone is an independent space, so there will be no death in analogy, but move the people as quickly as you can. You have to work with Alice Leanne."

"Black Demon King!! Will the Black Demon King be heading to the Black Plains again!?

Rise tried to pin me down on the Black Plains.

But I shake my head.

"Maki was drunk by the Black Plains. With so much power, we can keep an independent individual... but we need to hurry and help."

"... Black Demon King"

"I'm sorry. At a time like this, you're on your own."

"... no. That's right... the Black Demon King is the one who says so. To a beautiful woman, she's particularly vulnerable."

"Ha ha. So is that."

At a time like this, what Rise said can get in the bump.

Rise seems to know me well.

"I just rely on the Black Demon King, and I don't know what the hell this Rise is for that I've survived these two thousand years. Yes, I'll take care of this. Whatever it is, move the people to a safe place. No one left."

"A boulder. You're really reliable."

Rise seemed to succeed and dropped me off.

Leaving Eyesmore and staying on the Grimmel, I rise high and high, around the ultra-middle of this massive space, a dark black shadow... yes, looking down at the demons of the Black Plains.

I can see that its existence, which I never knew what it was and had no idea what it was, is now just a little bit under the control of something emotional.

An emotional “something" that seeped through anger, sadness, and hatred.


It reaches my chest and hurts.

"I'll reveal you now"

Release the grimmel as it is, I just fell.

I went to be drunk by the devil myself.

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