Our demon king is coming.

22: '5' Tor, finalisation of first name.

"Can you see," Machia ""

"... Yep"

That's right.

The girl, once called by many names, now without a name, accepted Machirie and admitted that she was Machia.

And he got his name in this world, “Machia," and he got red again.

Because while she wraps her usual sailor clothes, her hair is bright red as it burns.

"It's the western continent. And this will be my country. You break it, I make it."


Far and away, looking to the earth with nothing, we talked quietly.

"... eh"

Machia ties her lips all the way, leaves her red hair to the wind, and weeps again.

"Don't cry, Machia. You... surely would have burned this earth. But as a result, the Demons will have a real place for the Demons alone..."

As if, everything is destiny.

Like it was inevitable.

Mistakes can look righteous if they change their position, but who the hell could have guessed over the years that the Great Bang of the Western Continent would produce such consequences?

I remember everything.

The feeling of taking care of Machia and the despair of losing Machia are all vividly remembered, yet dressed in the crisp air of the morning, only certain hope is lit in my chest.

You have nothing to mourn or regret.

Because she's next to me now.

Towards the rising morning sun while standing in a high aerial floating field.

With no cloudy eyes of any kind, as if reborn, Machia was just staring at this continent.

The red Shizuku-shaped earrings with ears sparkle, clung to me with both arms.

"Well... if we're going to use this as a base for the Demon Nation, we have to build a line to protect ourselves from all foreign enemies."

"... the juncture?


I rolled it out with the authority of the Space-Time King.

"Magic Fortress…" Transparent Large Lid (Diamond Cage) ""

That's an imitation of Twilight's diamond basket, but its size and intensity are incomparable.

Fortress of transparency, refusing all intrusions from the sky, from land, from the sea.

Inspection from the outside world, contact is impossible and at first sight simulates a land that is no different than ever before.

Only for a moment, a band of light as pale as Aurora runs, covering a strip.

"Well... Beautiful"

"Hey, Machia..."


"You want to see the land of my demons?

"... well.... because you make it, right?

"Then will you be my queen of the land of the devil that I create?


"Ha ha."

Machia was decent at first. Probably didn't make sense.

But gradually, he blushes with a wobble and shows unspoken agitation.

He leaned down, looked up, but couldn't stare at my face and turned away again.

Open or close your mouth.

And I hid my face in both palms.

The rushing upset is so adorable, and I'm glad as far as I'm concerned.

I know.

It's a maiden tick desire that the Red Witch once secretly wanted.

She wanted to be on my side more than she wanted to be on my side.

I hugged Machia again.

The joy of her being on her side and her uncaring.

It was insanely loving.

"Welcome back... makia"


Makia had grown up in my arms for a while, but she turned her arms around her hips, buried her face in her chest and nodded.

"I'm home, Tor"

And let yourself go just a little bit.

He lifted Machia's jaw, which he could hardly lift up, staring at each other and mouthing softly.

Beautiful and quiet in horror, watched by this Mayday.

The world, this Mayday, would have recognized her as Machia.

I persevered in making my name conscious, following Machirie's thoughts, Machia's soul, and her information with Makiko's flesh, and eventually finalizing her name as "Machia”.

How did you figure that out, because Machia was able to read her own magic numbers?

It is to be feared that the figure was well over 3 million mg.

She is, indeed, a savior of heresy, appearing above the other worlds.

By the time Machia and I got down to the ground, the demons had already moved and remained in safe underground ruins.

The entrance to the massive space is already closed, and even me, I can't reach it anymore.

Even though that space has collapsed, it is difficult for the space to disappear completely, and distortions probably exist somewhere, but I don't even want to explore them.

That place can be a quiet darkness where no one breaks into it anymore.

Everyone was surprised by her red hair and finally understood that she was the Red Witch and Machia.

Rise, Alice Lene, and of course Lena couldn't hide their startled expressions.

From that day on, the keeper of memories imitating Machia, who was in my dreams, stopped showing up.

Machia's orders have been broken, so I can take it for granted.

Well, our nation-building started right away.

The top priority is building a system tower, but this is where my power will be tested.

You'll need a fairly complicated magical fortress.

We must start with the adjustment of the construction site and the design.

The increasing number of demons took the initiative in their hearts to work their joy, whose own country is present on this earth.

If I were to represent Ishmore, I would have treated Representative Cardia as Rise, Representative Utopia as Aliceleen, and General Canon of Frezier as a special guest with a competent third-party view.

It's a meeting to move what's left of Eyesmore and uproot our lives here in the future.

Fortunately, the sea is nearby, there are forests, and even though it is such a rocky place, the soil is fertile, a place where there would seem to be no better land without even the malignant Magi particles.

Originally the western continent was known for its fattening of land, but its mystery was deeper underground.

I was surprised because General Canon and Machia took me to say that there was a small tree planted there and that the branch of Vabilofos, the great tree of the sanctuary, was brought in.

And another surprise is that Fristo, a small battleship in Frezier, continues to measure the Magi particles in this closed space, but the figures continue to drop in traces, for example, the sacred trees underground and the purifying method that allowed the closed space.

If you are a Demon Nation or Demon King class, there is no harm in this Magi particle, but if you can keep purifying it smoothly, it can also be a place where ordinary people can step in.

Whatever it is, there is hope.

This earth will come back even after a long time.

When it comes to what we do, we're going to take everything to the right side while we help it.

Well, it's about building a foothold.

Maybe that's my big deal.

Would it have been two weeks since the Great Collapse?

"Anyway, you're a system tower. If only that could be done, it would be easier to provide supplies by connecting with both Frezier and Ruskia. The big, transparent lid can be deployed independently."

I shrugged alone as I designed the tower in my own room.

During the day, take command of the development of a country that is still a little confused and not likely to calm down, and at night design a demonic fortress for the tower.

Machia is still a free man who eats and sleeps in people's rooms, but asks me as he combs his proud redhead around Negrije.

"I was just wondering, the tower really looks like a big tree, doesn't it? Isn't that your big, transparent lid, like a green curtain? It must be more like a toy than that."


"I wonder if being a national symbol is such a tall and elongated thing"

I know what you casually said, but Machia's makes me have one hunch.

"Maybe the Mayday people are getting out of their dependence on the Great Tree..."


"No. This is true in any world, but the presence of the gods diminishes and becomes unnecessary when the technology of scientific doing is established. In this world, just because it was a magic science"

I heard that it was General Cannon of Frezier who discovered and developed the demon guidance circuit from the body of the Demon King class for use.

Maybe his purpose...

"Fair enough. Now is not the time. There are still a lot of things to do.... I don't know what to do with the name of the country or the name of the tower. It's really hard to name... it hurts when you try to dress up for a heta"

"I'm wearing a shiny title to the Magic Fortress just in case, you say."

"Oh... please don't. Don't follow me there."

Off the look of my distress and suffering, Machia looked up at the ceiling.

"... yes. Nothing's over. We have to help the Twilight people who are caught north."

"Oh. We also discussed that with General Cannon at noon. Apparently, the Twilight guys are trapped in a laboratory on the northern tip of this western continent and forced to do research on giant soldiers. Whatever it is, we have to set up a system here to rescue them and work out a plan."


"Do you want to go to bed now?

Machia in Negrije yawned, so insignificant.

But Machia looks at me with a serious eye.

"You sleep on the floor. Because I sleep in bed."

"Stay here. Wouldn't Mr. Machia sleep with me anymore... where did his honest adorability go when he was Machi"

"Because back then, you knew nothing. He was a harmless man. I didn't even remember, so I could do whatever I wanted.... but you have memories now, and something different than before. Something giddy. It's the Black Demon King. Harmful. Harmful."

"Oh, you'll tell me."

Machia looks so puffy and takes a twisted attitude.

Oh, even though I think this is Machia, I smile for what I know is a lightning up.

I had no memory of the Red Witch of the past, so she had no shame or reluctance towards me herself.

Right now, he can't wait to embarrass himself with complex emotions such as pride ahead of him for having “memories” of Machilier, Makiko, and Machia.

Is that what it is...

"Then you have your own room, so sleep in your own room."

"... I don't like that"


"Why... what are you, you're not cute anymore. It's like the Black Demon King."

"You loved the Black Demon King."

"Look, look, that's what I say!! Ha, ha, ha!

She held the cushion on the couch and buried her face in the cushion as it was, even if she bit the edge.


"It's the same as before. I won't do anything. I didn't even say hello to your palace."

"... what?

"That's right. When everything is over, let's go to the Kingdom of Luskia together. Let's go meet the Miyagi. I'm sure you'll be happy to cry."


Machia calmed down just a little, sat deep on the couch and nodded cocoonly.

Nostalgic Ruscia.

Nostalgic Delia Field.

She hasn't gotten down there yet.

I want to take her there.

Perhaps Machia alone, to a place where you get butted in.

"Hey...... hey Thor, shall we go to bed now?

"Am I on the floor?

"Yes, no. Nothing... you can sleep in bed."

With her mouth full, she gave me permission to sleep in bed.

"But you... if you do anything to get well, I'll bite, scratch, kick you out of bed... you know what I mean."

"I doubt it."

"Your lack of credibility around here is something you know."


Um, this, Machia.

I miss it. It doesn't feel like this glimmer.

But when I went to the next bedroom, she stood up in a hurry and followed me, so she was still Machia.

And so we fall asleep together.

With mercy for a relationship that doesn't change.

I still had a lot of unresolved issues, and I may have missed them.

But while I only take care of what I've got now.

In a long dream, paint a place of peace for the two of us.

From the moment I woke up, I didn't miss anything to get there.

Just now, calm down.

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