Our demon king is coming.

23: '+ α' Lena, chant.

"“ Moon ” Sun Snow

I came to a country called Ishmore today.

Because I'm so forgetful, the Black Demon King gave me a paper and a pen.

From today on, I am the queen of the Black Demon King. "

"“ Moon ” Sun Snow

The Black Demon King gave me a name that I forgot even my name.

The name Helena.

Nice. I'm going to be called by the Black Demon King by this name. '

"“ Moon ” Sun Snow

I was wondering where they said you shouldn't go to the Black Demon King.

I went out on my own and fell off a cliff.

Where I was caught up in the outing,

The Black Demon King has searched so hard to help us.

I cried and apologized to the Black Demon King.

The Black Demon King has kindly forgiven me.

I'm glad you're safe, you said. '

"“ Moon ” Snowstorm

I can't get out of the castle today.

If I was bored, the Black Demon King gave me a dress and shoes.

Very beautiful, water colored dress.

I danced with the Black Demon King.

For the first time that day, the Black Demon King told me he loved me. '

"“ Moon ” Sunny

A rare sunny day. I took a walk with the Black Demon King on the bright white snow.

I am very happy.

'Cause the Black Demon King is always there for me.'

"“ Moon ” Sun Cloudy

A brave man, the enemy of the Black Demon King, said he was after this Eyesmore.

That's what the Red Witch, who comes to fight the Black Demon King, said.

I wonder why everyone tries to destroy such a peaceful and beautiful ideal place.

There's some anxiety, but the Black Demon King won't lose. '

"“ Moon ” Sun Snow

A brave man attacked Ishmore.

Both the Black Demon King and the Demon Nation are all fighting.

I'm hiding in the back room with my servants and other queens.

But it's okay.

The Black Demon King is unbeatable.

Elas Aplay Psiuk

In case of trouble, I think someone told me to say it.

If you say this, hope will come. '

I'm Lena.

Something, I think I was dreaming.

I slept too long and my body was weak.


This is the western continent.

Underground ruins in rocky mountainous areas along the westernmost coast.

There is no doubt that this neighborhood will be a new demonic country. Eyesmore will be a country of the past.

"Are you okay, Lena..."

"Uh... Oh, uh, Mr. Thor!?

Soon, Mr. Thor was sitting in a chair by the bed.

I panic, get up.

I rub my eyes, stroke my hair, and later I get embarrassed and draw the duvet to cover my face.

"Shh, sorry, you look terrible sleeping..."

"Yes, no. I'm sorry I'm here. When I came to visit, it seemed like they were doing it, so I thought I was not feeling well."


I was being done.

What kind of dream were you having?

I can't remember, but I'm a little sad.

"Wow, I'm fine. The mole is thinning a little bit, and there's nothing wrong with it."

"Right.... If it hurts, I think it would be better to go back to Frezier..."

"Yes, no, eh. I'm fine. Not at all."

"... right"

Mr. Thor seems to have found time to come and pay my respects while he's busy.

Sometimes Mr. Thor and Machia come to see how things are because I am now much more adulterated in my own room for the treatment of moles borne on the Black Plains.

"Mr. Thor...... you know, what about Machia?

"Huh? Yeah, he was out exploring this place with the Rises just now. If we go through the rocks, there's a forest, but it looks like there's a lot of mud, and he came home muddy. I'm taking a bath in the basement right now."

"... Really? After all, Makia is amazing."


"It's good to have Machia back. After all, she's what this world needs."

Mr. Thor looked just a little troubled.

When it came to Machia's return, it made me feel comfortable talking to Mr. Thor.

Mr. Thor has been looking very good lately.

"Lena, tell me if you have any problems. You're too sick, so take it easy, all right? Don't be too impotent."

"... Yes, I'm sorry"

"Ha. Why are you apologizing?"

Mr. Thor laughed, so I smiled myself too.

He left the room and I was alone again.


I was looking at a mole borne on the Black Plains.

It's a little thinner, but not all of it has disappeared.

Actually, there are times when I nag terribly.

But I couldn't tell anyone about it. I didn't know who to tell.

"... Mr. Thor"

In bed, pounding and squeaking.

I always keep the handkerchief that Mr. Thor gave me on the side of the bed.

I took it and put it on my cheek.

Mr. Thor is very busy right now. I have a lot to do for my new country.

General Cannon is scared, and Machia...

"Machia, you were. That maki... if you ask me, I just think so. Though I thought it looked alike, I didn't think it was in person at all. I thought Machia was dead."

Now I look back at the strange situation in which Mr. Maki was Makia.

Redhead's back, she still doesn't care what you look at, Machia.


I felt it on the Black Plains, hatred or intent to kill.

It belonged to a former Red Witch.

But I get it. In it, a slight thought of jealousy towards Helena.

The Red Witch was jealous of Helena, who had been loved all the way by the Black Demon King.

But... that was 2,000 years ago.

Now, then, our relationship is a complete reversal.

I can't do anything more to Mr. Thor than pick Machia.

On the contrary... I have no escape route to be jealous of Machia. Because I'm Helena's rebirth.

Helena killed the Black Demon King, something that could not have been helped but hated by Mr. Thor here and now.

There is no place to go.

There is no escape.

I envy Machia...

"...... elas aplay psyuk......"

I murmured unconsciously the words that were in my heart.

It's also a word I taught you a while back, Noah, a Twilight clan.

I heard it was a cheerful and rough thing to tell the Twilight clan.

But the moment I uttered it, I was shocked like nothing else.

What... what is this...

Vision running behind his brain is like turning a thick notebook flat and tracking Helena's memory.

It reminds me. It reminds me of that “last night” thing.

Yes. These are the words Helena uttered two thousand years ago.

I don't know why I've ever forgotten it, but I did say it, and I wrote it down.

"I... you know, my last night in Ishmore... yes. I thought I'd heard this word somewhere.... Originally, it's a word I wrote in my diary in Eyesmore."

Helena had written down in her diary the days she had spent with the Black Demon King.

I couldn't remember until I met the Black Demon King, so I thought I'd remember the happy days I had in Eyesmore.

Elas Aplay Psiuk is the only word Helena herself remembered.

Words that were already in Helena before I met the Black Demon King.

The last night, in the deepest room of Eyesmore, attacked by a brave man, I wrote it down and wrote it down in my diary.

And I, for some reason, had to kill the Black Demon King... and a brave man picked me up...

How could I have ever forgotten?

"... eh"

Suddenly, the pain ran on my arm.

The glue and the mole around his arm have never been paralyzed before.

"Hey, what's this..."

Black misty things creep out of the flat of both hands that hurt when you scratch them.

The fog forms the shape of an elongated dagger.

My forehead, cold sweat dripped off.

This, this dagger, is something I know well too.

Only a bad feeling comes up from your fingertips to the ceiling of your head.

"Phew... Welcome back,“ Helenaia ""

When I was solidifying and just looking at the fog dagger that would fit flat in my hand, I heard voices from somewhere.

"So, who...?

The voice belongs to a young girl, very adorable, but it sounds cold.

It's not what you hear from anywhere.

It echoes from inside me.

'With that dagger, you can kill “them"... those who abandoned you, those who took it from you, those who threaten you... everyone, everyone'

The whisper is sweet, quiet and quiet, trying to awaken something in me.

I can't wait to be scared of it.

Who's there?

Who are you?

Who the hell am I?

I feel like the impulsive thing that boils is trying to turn me into something else, something I don't know.

I don't want to kill anyone, I don't want to erase anyone.

"... Lena?

Machia knocked on the room.


I tried to tell you not to come in, but I couldn't put it into words.

I don't know why.

Machia, as usual, comes in easily.

I have a big basin in both hands.

It's a basin full of fruit.

"Lena, how you doing? I just took this in the woods..."

When Machia called out concerned about how I was doing, I jumped out of bed against my own will and cut to Machia with that foggy dagger.

Machia shielded the basin of fruit, but you didn't think I would behave like this, the dagger rubbed his left arm a little, and he was bleeding.

Keep going, retreat to the hallway side.

Frowning, remaining the color of her surprise eyes, she looks at me.

"Lena...... you"

"Ma, makia... to, run... eh"

My body moved on its own and cut to Machia again.

Why? How could this happen?

If you don't kill her, what hurries me?

I'm scared. It's just like "then."

My hands are shaking, but I will never let go of my dagger.

But with this urge against my will, I finally recognised that Helena was me two thousand years ago.

That it was really Helena (me) who stabbed the Black Demon King.

Machia turned the ring into a spear and paid for my knife.

But I don't want to take my hand off the knife, either, so I turn myself in.

I didn't think I could make this move.

"Lena! You tell me to fight me!!

"Shit, no, Machia... I don't know. Sorry, it's just like when the Black Demon King... eh. This dagger tells me to kill you!!

"... what?

Machia opened her eyes once, and tightened her expression to turn the spear into a slender sword.

"I don't know... I don't know, I, why this... eh. Sorry, sorry."


Machia shouted her name and looked at me confused.

"Okay. Whatever it is about you, I'll take it from you. So come and kill me with that impulse..."

"No, no, Machia!! This dagger could have killed even the Black Demon King... oh, absolutely not normal."

With that said, I shake off my dagger

Machia said, taking it calmly.

"Still good. … In the first place, you will have one or two things to say to me."

"... hi, one or two? No, because I"

"No, Lena."


With a complicated look, Machia teaches me.

"No, don't accumulate. I'm sure I know you best."


"Come and kill me, for the sword will whisper. I definitely think it feels good."

"But, but Machia"

"You, too, must have liked Tor!

Machia assured me to dispel my strays and ambiguous words.

I get the shock of being pierced by that word, myself.

He worked harder with his dagger and moved brilliantly to pierce her.

"Look, your dagger is willing to kill me. What are you going to do if you get lost? So, you think you're okay? Thor chose me!!

"... eh"

Machia made it clear to me that I was bitter and regrettable.

Tears build up at the edge of my eyes.

"Well, it's about him, so I may drop other women or let them out a little before I know it..."


Machia's words flushed her gaze sideways and squealed.

Put that aside for now, my dagger will gather more mist scattered around you bigger.

Yet it was as light as it was made of cotton, and I could swing it at me like this.

"As much as Mr. Thor... chose Machia, I knew!

"You wouldn't be convinced that I knew. I don't care how much you're a good listener."

"I'm not such a good kid!!

At a time like this, it comes with all the words of denial.

I'm not a good girl.

I don't really want to kill Machia.

I wasn't expecting the Black Demon King to love me again...

But those aren't the words I've ever been able to say.

All the time, all the stuff I've been accumulating in my body.

"I knew it... 'Cause Mr. Thor, even if I lost my memory, what I was asking for about Machia...! What I've been watching while you were gone!! I had no idea."

"The Black Demon King loved Helena."

"I am not Helena!!

Clearly, I'll deny it again.

That was me and someone else. Such memories are the same as dreams.

It's the same as a dream.

"But even Machia died once. You left Mr. Thor... eh. Everyone grieved for your death. So I was hoping... that I could be expected as the Savior... to help everyone... Mr. Thor. Work hard, study a lot of white magic, practice!!


"I knew there was little I could do with such a tiny force, but if I could do something a little bit like a Savior... that's all I had in mind. Yet... you came back all of a sudden with great power. Besides, from different worlds. As the Savior. No... That's not really... eh. What should I do!!

I lost sight of that goal of what to do in this world.

I lost my way.

I don't even know who to rely on anymore.

I can't even talk to Mr. Thor anymore.

Just because I have a memory of Helena, she's alert, attentive, and no one comes to me across the line.

Nobody even tries to know the real "I".

"Lena...... Lina Hei (can you)!!

Machia suddenly said my real name.

It was so sudden that I was embarrassed. But only the body doesn't listen, and the sword that is swung up is lowered toward Machia.

Machia came into my nostalgia, grabbed it with her bare hands and took it.

Blood runs sloppily from her hands.

Hold still, just hold still. Machia stares at me. Like a stare.

But be merciful.

"Ping... Lina, you say. Your real name. Name on Earth."

"Hey, why? Why, Machia."

"I have something like this."

Machia dropped her own sword on the floor and removed a small folded piece of paper from her sailor's pocket.

"I thought I had to give it to you soon, but I couldn't get the timing right.... me, I got this on Earth. Maybe that was your mother."


Ba and that piece of paper that opened up vigorously as I cut the sky, Machia poked right in front of me.

It's like Billa looking for me when she's gone, with my name on it and a picture.

"Your mother. I was desperate to distribute this. It may have originally been, but I was very thin... and I was looking for information in a spicy voice."

"... Mother... but?

"That's right. I'm looking for you."

"... oh, hey..."

I, just remembering what your mother looked like, turned white in front of me.

My legs flutter as soon as possible and I crouch into the spot.

The urge to kill Machia shriveled like it was a lie.

The fog dagger also breaks shape, is sucked into the palm of his hand and disappears.

Has a moment's emotion made you do so?


Machia had a bloody arm and embraced me.

Much, much less.

"Lena, you're strong. Desperate, trying to hide that emotion, what I was trying to kill. Dirty, drooling things are not like the Red Witch (I) who still left them in this world. You mustn't be like me..."

"But Machia, Machia... I don't know. There's a voice in my heart that says I have to kill you. Me, I can't go against that...... eh. No, I don't want to kill Machia."


"It's not like I'm not jealous of you. I think I envy everything. But... I don't want to do this."

"I know, Lena."

"What shall I do? Me, keep it up. Then I might kill Mr. Thor again. I could kill Machia..."


"Help, help... Eh, help me, Machia................ Help me, Black Demon King"

He grabbed Machia's back clothes tightly and exhaled the anxiety now within.

Crying, twitching, like a little kid.

Girls from different worlds, black demon kings, mothers, makias... and unopposed intentions to kill.

I was confused by these and spat out everything that was painful.

I sought salvation.

"... that's one of the laws of the world"

That's when I heard a voice from the other side of the hallway.

Me and Machia knew each other whose footsteps were coming this way.

"General Cannon, what's that supposed to mean?

Machia looks up at him and asks.

It's General Cannon.

He pointed his sharp gaze at me and squealed.

"... are you finally awake"


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